Some comment will be appreciated

Discussion in 'Work in Process' started by I/O, Apr 3, 2017.

  1. I/O

    I/O Ultrasonic

    Apr 3, 2017
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    hi all,

    I hope it's the right place for my post....
    I'm absolutely not a pro and for this I'm here to ask some hints for this track.
    I think it needs some adjustment in mixing and maybe in the instruments choice but I'm stuck 'cause more I hear this and more I like it.... just because I created it ;)

    Last edited: May 15, 2017
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  3. Ziko

    Ziko Guest

    Hi newbie. As a newbie, let me tell you that this sounds like a masterpiece to me, i mean for real, it's very inspiring and pleasing to listen to.
    I really loved whatever instruments you used and the way you arranged them.
    Keep them tracks coming :wink:
  4. I/O

    I/O Ultrasonic

    Apr 3, 2017
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    OMG.. really thanks, You got a paid coffee if you come here :mates:
  5. Ziko

    Ziko Guest

    Oh.. that's really nice of you.
    I'll take a green mint tea if you don't mind :bow:
  6. Baali Soda

    Baali Soda Producer

    Mar 29, 2017
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    Vellore, Tamilnadu, India
    @I/O - I am no expert but I like what i am listening. Good job! :wink:
  7. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Hi dude & welcome 2 the forum. Hmmm for a persons first post it's a cool post. I admire that.

    Regarding the track I like it & at the same time I don't like it. Not 100 percent sure why.
    I think it's pretty well balanced & mixing\mastering sounds cool and think you have done a good job there so nice one :mates:
    Kick sounds nice to pretty cool to me and balanced. Possibly a touch of EQing needed but that could be that it just not quite to my personal liking. I like the patterns and they compliment each other nicely but the intro patterns go on a little to long for me.
    The patterns seem a little static & have no motion. For me they would benefit from maybe a little more delay, touch of reverb or some more time based FX and I would like them to mutate & vary a little more.
    For me personally your relying a little to much on just those two or so patterns and they seem to make up the whole song virtually.
    I like the little break with the Bass. Bass sounds good 4 me & I dig the pattern and how it fits nicely. Is a good contrast :yes:
    Towards the break at the end I like the formant filters or phasing as gives it some variation and is really cool.
    For me that break should come a lot earlier and rather than be part of the ending I'd like to see it much earlier and make it something that evolves into the next passage if you get me.
    Maybe a harmonisation on that pattern over the top with a few octaves etc would be cool and that harmony could be the passage line for the mutation :dunno:
    Would be cool to maybe double up say the pattern tempo at the break and let it fly into something else. I don't know.

    Think the track is good but it's just lacking something ethereal or some magical element that takes your mind to the next level and out of the room if you get me. These are also just simply my own personal ideas or areas where I think something might fit.

    All in all I think it's a really good balanced effort that is well mixed and sounds good.
    However for me personally it just needs that magical sparkle & a bit of work.
    Real promising track though & enjoyed listening :yes:

    Thanks for sharing dude & good job :mates::bow::bow:
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  8. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    My hint (as an electronic music producer) is to make other tracks. Leave this as it is, it sounds like a 2006 electro house anyway (so zero chance to be ever picked up by a dj or tastemaker, radios etc.), and make new ones. From my experience you will learn a whole lot more from making many tracks than from adjusting just a few.

    Edit: your work is not your child and a song is never "done". If you don't step out of this way of thinking, you're f***ed. And the only way to achieve this mindset is to have hundreds of tracks under your belt.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2017
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  9. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    This isn't the style of music that I would usually listen but I really enjoyed your track.
    Well done!
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  10. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    great job !! loved how you played with the classical chord structure ! do you need it mastered ?
  11. I/O

    I/O Ultrasonic

    Apr 3, 2017
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    Really Thanks to all!
    I am really delighted That the song is appreciated!
    Thank you Kloud for push me to find the magical sparkle on this !!
    Thanks for @jayxflash take me back on earth! I've not too much time for play with FL but I create a lot of track (any kind of genre) starting from simple riffs then, maybe after some day, I come back to the track trying to develop it .... and many time I find my self stuck like in this one (but not stuck from 2006 :no::bleh:, just some days).
    I have no pretensions that my songs can be published or to be successful .... for me it's a game, but I have a friend who manage disco and you given me an idea!
    @korte1975 thank you and..... mastered? :no:

    @Ziko green mint tea will be! Tea for all music lovers :wink: my friends :mates:
  12. Satai

    Satai Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2013
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    You don't need other muso's advice. Take your advice only from dancing, sweaty girls. Great sound, track is charming! Nothing's ever perfect and it doesn't have to be. Our aim is to be listenable, and to communicate hints of the divine (preferably in bulk, dozens and hundreds of tracks per year - that way at least one of them will hit on the mark for sure), not to be perfect. Quickly leave it the fuck alone and RUSH to make your next one!

    PS: If you want to send me the track as .FLAC with nothing on the master bus, I'll send you back my attempt at a little analog polish and sweetening, so maybe your friend's disco will be playing this sooner than you think.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
  13. samsome

    samsome Guest


    what did u use for mastering? and mixing? what plugins

  14. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    I like it, it has some old school feeli i guess from the instrumentation, and it does sounds awesome.
    Really nothing to be done on the mix/master side.
    Have you tried leaving the bassline totally dry? you might not need the reverb as it isn't heard in the mix
    and in that solo section it could sound cool without it.

    What i totally love is that you don't sound like the youtube edm tutorials or tracks from the dance charts.
    If you're producing for a short time now, i'm sure you will totally rock after you've found 'your' sound
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  15. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    I rarely listen to this type of music and then!!!....till the end. Good job, easy on ear. pleasant to listen, lighthearted composition.
    However, I agree with what @Kloud has said. There is indeed something daring missing, perhaps some polished ideas on the top ... but don't worry, you will evolve and grasp many things from the given suggestions and by the passage of time as you gain experience and more ears. But to grow, you will have to push yourself and try other genres as well.
    Send your track to the people kindly lending their hands for mastering. It will definitely shine with their expertise.
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  16. strangeranium

    strangeranium Ultrasonic

    Jun 24, 2014
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    I love that nod to Bladerunner in the bass at 0.15 seconds.
    I have been playing along with on gutar and bass synth, and I am impressed with the subtle complexity in there.
    You may not be a pro, but you obviously have a good grasp of music theory and also a decent undersatnding of sound design and mixing.
    You maybe a newbie here, but obviously not new to music creation. There is just far too much well balanced complexity goin on here, from the arrangement and chord progression, to melody bassline and harmony, to the processing and mixing for me to believe this is a 'first track' or the track of someone who downloaded a crack of FLS two months ago, or has never played an instrument before.
    [However, if I am wrong about this, I apologise, you are obviously a genius and I am incredibly pleased for you to have such amazing talent..]
    I did not like the song at first. It all felt too obvious and normal. And I do not listen to music like this normally, only ever in passing. However, it has a very catching nature, and I found it stuck in my head after one listen.
    Before I knew it, when I was playing guitar on the verandah this morning I realised I had started to play along with it in my head...
    That is when I went back inside and started to jam along with it .
    In many ways it reminds me of what could be a title track for a television show.
    It reminds me of a soundtrack for a scifi aimed at young teenagers in the late 90's early 00's.. My kids will love it when i play it to them later on today...
    In some ways it has a retro 80s synth vibe, yet it does not try to be that. It does not have the 80s snare for instance, and has more contemporary sounding effects processing.
    I like the use of effects, but also like that you have resisted the urge to go wet on all of them. Some sounds, like the bass for example almost sound too dry at first, yet I now feel they are actually perfectly balanced.
    I think you have done a superb job and I do not think there is a need to add anything more on top. I actually appreciate that you resisted the urge to go with giant synth strings or an out of this world sample over the top, as there already is enough going on.
    Likewise with the arrangement itself, I think it evolves smoothly with just enough movement to keepo it interesting. If the arrangement was any fancier it could detract from what is going on...
    To me it is not dance music, it is more cerebral.
    And it is more cinematic, without actually trying to be..

    I would love to have this song in my car for a nice long drive. A longer driving mix perhaps...
    You should think about creating a bandcamp for the people who would like to download this.
    It would save me using a soundcloud downloader!!!
    I love it when you find you like something you are not usually into.. Thanks for sharing..

    EDIT... not quite sure how I turned the italics on... It is all my comment, it is not a quote!!

    Last edited: Apr 5, 2017
  17. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    Not my genre either, but I found this pleasant to listen to.
  18. I/O

    I/O Ultrasonic

    Apr 3, 2017
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    and again OMG... thank you very much to all!

    @strangeranium... thank you for your words! I'm not a genius.... just love music. I have been studied but more playing with piano and guitar and I worked as DJ in disco and radio in my youth (end of '80, that's why this retro taste in the track).

    Thanks to God for my ears that do the rest :)

    ps: link to mp3 download
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2017
  19. stoiximan

    stoiximan Platinum Record

    Dec 8, 2013
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    If you are a newbie and managed to do this wonderful track i wonder what kind of musical miracle you will do when you are a pro.Great job man
  20. Resonator

    Resonator Kapellmeister

    Nov 3, 2015
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