My New Track - Hard Work pays off.. Don't give up.

Discussion in 'Music' started by TruBlood, Apr 1, 2017.

  1. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    You have the right to your opinion. I won't press dislike as many people do, fk that. I will just tell you that i have been a recording artist since the late 80s and your assumption is insulting not only for me, but for a lot of people here who's work i was acquainted to, and they are nothing but fine and unique artists. You think you know everyone here? Keep it to your pants plz.
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  2. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Not that it has any bearing in this style of music but reading coments about how things should be or not to be.. cmon, get in touch with reality.. Like Mike Mars (Mötley Crue) once said.. I cant waste all talent writing only good melodies or riffs, once in a while i throw in some really bad stuff that makes the chorus shine even more..
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  3. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    To be honest think the production was quite good :yes:
    It ain't no masterpiece by a long way but it got real decent potential & pretty well made to my ears :dunno:
    I really don't give two shits as towards who people speculate the author as being as no offensive suggestion was implied.
    Only stupid statement imo was "Hard work Pays off" ???
    Come on dude unless totally genuine & innocent maybe a little condescending as though you have created some kind of musical masterpiece when in reality you clearly haven't succeeded :dunno: Also it's a bit like look at my shit now? Trust me your stuff is pretty decent but it ain't at the "Look at my shit" level by a long way :no::no:
    Apart from that slight blip lol, I thought the track itself was pretty good.
    However, I thought the drums were hugely boring & real sterile. Big disappointment as drums always the driving force behind the track in this scenario & really need some work.
    A bit more variation & rhythmical juxtaposing lol & breaks etc would add hugely. Maybe layer some beats and take your time to get them spot on. The drums were boring 4 me but also a little too much cutting through the mix for me. Sounded a bit like you just stuck Slates Bomber or mixrack on the kick & then forgotten about them. Drums an artform imo & you gotta spend loads of time on them. Think taking them down a notch with maybe some work with transients and less pump might help. Maybe layer them etc to make them interesting and possibly add some phasing but hey just experiment a little maybe.
    Quite liked the rises and drops but the ending was pretty shite like subGENRE stated & completely agree with his viewpoint in this scenario. You can do better than that I reckon. Ending is hugely important in any track and always bad when it just tails off. It can really ruin a decent track in some cases.
    For me personally some sort of spatial effects and maybe some patterned 3D modelling in that aspect would add hugely to the ambience where it is sadly lacking imo. There's no wow factor or anything much interesting going on for me personally :sad:
    Some vocals if only say samples would also add interest & intention for me as the track itself is lacking in focus, ideas & direction. If you got a mic maybe hook it up & do a few yourself? Is always real interesting even if they just bit-parts :dunno:

    Apart from a few bit's like that I thought it was pretty good and has a lot of potential and is pretty well mixed & mastered.

    Whoever you are, I couldn't give a shit but as for the track, nice effort & thanks for sharing as was pretty cool :yes: :mates:

    If u are that Faoki dude :) hope you cool & the house move went ok :yes:
    Title of your song implies you now prolly spinnin the decks hard with legends like Skrillex, Avicii
    Swedish House Mafia, Tiesto
    & the rest right :dunno::bow:
    You have to get a mixtape masterpiece in check, do a countdown & drop it on us after a 1000 day wait where u mount up hits on internet sites.
    Sure it will be cool :) & this effort is fairly decent & peoples stuff always cool to listen so thanks 4 sharing.

    On a side note, agree with everything Cav Emp says, & don't know why your ripping it to bits Foster as to be quite honest even though this not really my thing it's pretty much a proper track with direction that's actually finished :)
    It sort of has everything your tracks lack :yes:
    In that sense alone it's way ahead of your efforts which are sort of mainly re-hashed ideas that you seem to think you have created but in reality it's more like you have just discovered them and somehow branded them as your own master creations :dunno:
    Sorry dude but some of the biggest nonsense in all honesty :sad:
    Blah, Blah, Blah aimed at somehow stating that you're midi focused arcade jingles are somehow real powerful and convey huge importance.

    In reality most are not finished & sound more generic and stereotyped than you possibly can comprehend at this moment in time.
    B4 cutting down others with such unwarranted, hostile critique take the time to re-evalute your own 'music' and for sure make sure your own shit is 'in check' I guess :dunno:

    The drivel you're writing about genre's & all that is sort of some kind of distraction. It's also in the main part just convoluted 'bloatware' that holds 1 ounce of truth but is in the main part complete illogical rubbish imo :(

    Also there's no offence intended as I think some of your stuff is fairly cool and you're a cool bloke :mates::bow: with some decent ideas but when you start hollering nonsense at a random dude you gots expect some flack etc :):yes:
    Why not use this as a launching pad & go finish some of your arcade soundtracks & random melody stuff. Would be real cool to hear a proper track from yourself rather than random midi note patterns with a stupid questionnaire type thing asking people to select the best pattern.

    Sorry dude as I don't understand you're hostility in this case unless you have good reason :dunno:

    I guess it's a bit like if u give out random shit that's not warranted then you sort of need to learn that people are gonna be like

    Like I said no offense intended as I think your cool & have some real good ideas & you deffo got potential.
    I mean the last song you never finished could have been real cool :yes: & weren't others kindly hoping to contribute?
    That would be really great indeed as that's what it's all about:dunno: :yes: :bow:

    Sorry, but don't understand the reasoning behind your hostile attack in this specific case when the track ain't that bad at all :dunno::mates::bow:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2017
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  4. Flow

    Flow Member

    Mar 21, 2017
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    I don't know what genre of music you like/compose, but I assume it's something 'classical' type. It is easier to make good sounding music with melodic instruments, where a basic ping-pong melody (2 notes, 3 tops) already sounds good. Then making something good sounding out of almost non-melodic "nonsense" sounds (something there is a wide variety of in this particular track) and turn them into a melodic masterpiece, now that requires real talent and skill.

    I understand what you mean by "What do you want to say with your works?". I have visual art background and it is very distinct to see when someone creates a beautiful piece of art which conveys a beautiful/deep message or an emotion compared to something which is basically only aesthetically and/or techically beautiful. But the latter one isn't really worse, because it is pleasing to the viewer's eyes and even that requires years of practice and imagination. Real masterpieces are born from our soul though.

    But just like 'cubism' and 'classicism' are two very distinct styles and the betternes of the other is in the eyes of a viewer, still both of them can send a message or convey an emotion within them, so in my opinion neither of them is worse than the other style to draw.. I think this particular genre of music is like art's 'cubism' where conveying an emotion or a deep message requires much deeper knowledge of music to make a "masterpiece".

    I mean, it is very easy to compose something which sounds good with a piano, or guitar, or violin but it gets way more harder when you try to accomplish same thing with dubstep wobbles 'n' stuff, and then try to convey something meaningful within the wobbles. But some artists succeed in what seems like a difficult task to me. Our hearts dont really cry within the wobbles n stuff range of emotional frequency but in a much more mellow piano sounding melody, which easily touches our hearts, making it easier for an artist to touch a person with a piano or violin melody rather than screeching and wobbling sounds.

    wobbles 'n' stuff reserved and copyrighted name for my future track, sorry everybody :(
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2017
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  5. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Mixing and mastering is a learned science. Talent is not. Well, Im sure you could be a talented engineer as well I suppose. But true artistic ability is something you are born with. If you got it there is no limit to how much you can learn and how far you can go with it. Its just finding out in what way you want to nurture and grow it. I find with my experience in the past that people with limited artistic ability or talent can only learn up to a certain point and then plateau out and never seem to get past that point. They hit the proverbial wall that we speak of. This is just my experience in the past with trying to teach others music. For those who have true natural ability there is no end or limit, just direction. Something else that I notice too is that most musicians can draw or have a good eye for art, and most artists/painters can carry a tune in key or noodle out a tune on a piano. Its like artistic ability is interconnected somehow.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2017
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  6. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    @subGENRE Sure talent may be most important. But there must be more but talent. Say the ability to focus, to set goals, to learn, being born in the right period in time etc.. I think a lot of people with a lot of talent never got to the point creating something (really) great. In any field. It's a combination of many things that make a genius.
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  7. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    So true.Learned this very fast when i was playing in bands.Some people just don have it, that connection with the force of life, internal drive, rhytm, mojo....
  8. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    There's not such thing in reality imo. Talent is an abstract word being invigorated by some people have gone some routes to some levels by experimentations, etc. just for parading their so-called wealthy knowledge as a suppression power. The quality of learning and strong inclination towards something are the keys to every prosperity and flying high.
  9. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Not sure i understand? Easy? Really? Unless you mean a single melody with each of thoose instruments.. Sure.. even a single piano note can be beautiful or sound good. But if its easy to put together with many notes and adding other instruments then i believe even you can say its not that easy. About "wobbles", well there is a reason that must be hard to get something meaningful out of it. Its a turd.. and a turd will always be a turd.. it can never be a diamond.. effectful in some places sure.. but i dont think you will get any girls around a campfire wobbling any classics with it ;)
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  10. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Sorry Foster personally I think your wrong on this one. Talent is a natural predisposition. It is the resultant effect of a radically suited genotype with a suitable qualified phenotype imprinted & intwined in such a manner that the resultant subject is a hugely suited individual with all the necessary characteristics in that particular field. Sure it is the result of many suited and complimentary characteristics but as some certain aspect is a suitable Genotype then in short it means that if you are not born with those characteristic traits then other individuals will be at a natural advantage in certain areas.

    Please don't go into all the bullshit that such a statement can invoke as it's simply not intended as such and I appreciate that we are all special in different areas :) I'm sure you do also Foster :)
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  11. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Funny thing is that foster is the living proof that his own statement is false
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  12. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I forgot something:
    Strong inclination towards a right path.:bleh:
  13. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    :):):) LOL seriously natural talent though is a strange thing for sure.

    Foster says it doesn't exist but i can tell you from experience that whatever you want to label it or just how the magic potion works I don't quite know but there is such a thing as natural talent.
    It might not quite be the thing we think it is but it does exists.
    I've had the privilege of working with some seriously naturally talented musos.
    It's just weird to watch them in action say as in my field as in watching them on the guitar. They just have a certain spark or something mysterious that set's them apart from the rest.
    You can say it's mislabelled which it quite possibly is but that phenomenon whatever it is exists for sure. I've worked with certain guitarists who just don't really need to practice.
    They hear a complex line & can instantly play it all over the fretboard in all modes and god damn manner of inversions and harmonies and come up with ideas that normal people don't. Maybe it's the way they see the fretboard or the way they think.
    Could be the ability to visualise and transpose and a perfect pitch ear. could be a combination of all.
    Funny thing is that most people say well if you can practise enough you can do this.
    Well that's true to some extent but the scary thing is that some of these guys DON'T really practise & can pick up and play by ear

    The stuff they pull is immense :woot: Examples of the freakishly, scary type naturally talented dudes lol -

    1.) Foster of course :bow: Goes without saying :mates::bow:

    2.) Closely followed by guys like this

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  14. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Scott Mishoe
    The best guitarist no ones ever heard of....

    Reminds me of Jennifer Battens tapping style another way underrated player
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  15. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    And you Are? Put your music up,and we'll all tell you if you're talented enough to make that comment.
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  16. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    I agree completely. This guy should have got way more exposure & attention.
    Apart from the monstrous tapping licks & extreme legato stuff like Alan holdsworth the guy is immense. He has a totally individual style.
    I've never seen a dude play slap on a guitar like he does lol He's immense and lol when I see him I just have to like laugh in amazement.

    Imagine this guy on a bass lol


    He was doing this stuff way back before it became like more popular as it is today.

    Immense dude indeed that deserves way more exposure than he got :thumbsup::bow::yes:
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  17. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    But how did steve(@TruBlood) get over 1k plays? Did you pay for them? Whats the secret. I need that
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  18. sumyungman

    sumyungman Newbie

    Apr 4, 2017
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    it sounds like pure presets and sample packs... dig deeper, im bored as fuck
  19. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    Sounds good to me. Music is subjective as it gets. If you gripe about critique from random strangers on the internet, you'll never grow. Don't entertain negativity, just keep practicing.:like:
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  20. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I told you to get off the computer didn't i ? You keep messing with all the wrong things my friend and in return putting yourself in trouble. Abstract word my ass. There is nothing abstract about it but on the contrary it is absolutely real. People with talent simply shine. There is a "cosmic" energy about them. An aura that simple/talentless people do not possess. And this energy of theirs is enough to captivate thousands of people. They can incite myriads of feelings and thoughts and they can start revolutions with nothing but their art as vehicle.
    Failing to acknowledge talent to those who have it, only proves you have no artistic "vain" on you, just a... what did you call it? "A strong inclination". Sorry but, your pseudo-technocratic posture has no place in the art of music. Music creation maybe interconnected with technology & acoustic science/engineering and tools that are very real and pragmatic but music itself will always be abstract and subjective. Each musical composition will always sound different to each others' ears no matter what is the extent of one's training. But musical creations made by talented people will always have something inexplicable and magical about them. A special kind of charm and a different sense of gravity,altitude,latitude even fkn magnitude if you like. And it is this charm that can make them stand the test of time and become classics (and presumably hits but not at all necessarily). Which is another "proof" of how spirit shines through the millenia while matter fades away.
    So, i humbly suggest for your sake...just StOp FkNg TrOLlInG man, i mean already.
    Ps: Heres an example of talent, see what do you can identify here:
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
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