Izotope purchase

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by samsome, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. samsome

    samsome Guest

    i need help

    i want to know how can this


    be offered at lower price than the official site


    and let me know if there is another smarter way to get the bundle for lower price...i see that there's options to upgrade from previous versions.. maybe i can buy something else first and use that....no idea,

    if anyone has experience with all this let me know how to get it for the cheapest option

    thank you
  3. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I don't know, I would be a little hesitant to buy any software bundles on ebay... call me old fashioned, but too much fraud, and while it may be legit, will be a pita if it isn't...
  4. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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  5. jay27

    jay27 Newbie

    Jan 6, 2016
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    You should be okay. The first thing I always look at is the sellers ratings...this guy has 100% with 1000's of reviews. Plus eBay has a pretty easy money back gurantee, so if anything were to go wrong you can always turn to that. But from what i see it looks to be fine. I've purchased software from eBay before, never had any problems and it's not uncommon to see software being sold cheaper than the actual retailer site through eBay, idk why lol but it happens often. Anyway, Goodluck! :wink:

    Edit: also i'll point out that he's already sold 80 copies of this..if it wasn't legit im sure one of those 80 people would've reported his account by now.
  6. suscriptor

    suscriptor Noisemaker

    Oct 23, 2015
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    It may or may not be a fraud. What if it is that you buy that same bundle plus two groove3 tutorials for 270 € in Plugin Boutique. Also on the official website was € 299.
  7. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Just a heads up in that this is possibly just a little bit expensive :)
    As an isotope customer I'm being offered the exact same upgrade at the moment from Izotope themselves at 399 dollars. I could have picked it up couple of days ago at 199 dollars.
    I don't need it as I have just about all their stuff but they still make you offers all the time which a bit dumb as they making me offers for stuff i all-ready own lol :dunno:
    However best option is sometimes pick up 1 cheap product on offer and upgrade.
    Is most probably perfectly legit and someone just reselling upgrades as a licensed re-seller etc at a mark up to make a bit of profit.
    Basically if he can make 100 dollars per bundle that's pretty good profit :dunno:
    Personally i'd never buy software of EBAY but like I mentioned is probably no problems at all.
    Sometimes the best thing you can do is buy a cheap product to get your foot in the door & you will then be offered upgrades at way low prices cheaper than this.
    Izotope make fabulous products & are permanently offering deals like this.
    I mean pickup trash trash & whatever for 20 dollars & then you will get these offers all the time.
    Another real good way is to buy like mentioned through noted third parties like Plugin Boutique.
    They resell izotope products again permanently at some amazing prices.
    Is all watertight PLUS you get real good cashback incentives & reward points that mount up pretty quick with which you can buy other software. They themselves have offered this exact same upgrade at a cheaper price than 499.
    That's the way i'd go personally but of course is up to you.
    Whatever you do Izotope products are offered all the time at Great prices & you always get a quality product.
    Make sure to shop around thoroughly before deciding.
    Best of luck :yes::bow:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2017
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