KONTAKT libraries limit and order in tabs

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by jagged, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. michaelv

    michaelv Noisemaker

    Dec 30, 2013
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    OK, so I finally found time to follow your advice, because I'm willing to try pretty much anything to get this to work. It didn't work. I'm not a Terminal expert. I've no interest in stuff like this ; I hate stuff like this. But I followed your very brief instructions to the letter. It didn't strike me as brain surgery to enter the command you provided into the command line.

    Into the command line I typed ( and even copied and pasted ) your text , EXACTLY as you presented it, and pressed return. Obviously, I replaced the x's with my name , and your library, Koto, with a library of my own. On pressing Return, I got a new line , requesting "Password : " . Quite what password it's referring to I don't know ; I'm guessing my admin. But it didn't matter anyway . Any attempt to type anything after this request failed . Basically it wouldn't let me enter any characters after "Password:" If I then quit Terminal , I got this window message : " Closing this window will terminate the running processes: sudo. " Great. Lovely.

    So, either this came up, or I got a different error message , stating no such directory existed ! Now, I know with absolute certainty , the directory I entered was 100% correct , so why would it tell me otherwise ?? It's all completely baffling. You have to understand, I'm just a simple composer.

    Generally, I don't think I'm stupid, but this is making feel stupid. I dislike feeling stupid. Believe me, if I could get this Terminal command to work, I would laboriously go through the whole library and lock the goddam lot .

    Respectfully, I'm lead to two conclusions. Either I'm not using the Terminal correctly, or your instructions are inaccurate. Does anyone have any thoughts on any of this please, before I go and jump off the nearest bridge ?

    In advance, many thanks for making feel even more stupid if I've missed something childishly obvious… :)
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2016
  2. spencer26

    spencer26 Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Byron Bay Australia
    Sorry you got into trouble. No you are not stupid. In the terminal when you type your system administrator password, you dont see it being typed. Just type it in and hit return.
    What I do then is type in sudo chflags uchg then I drag the file you are trying to lock onto the terminal. this will then put in the path to the file. Any more problems email me at [email protected]
  3. michaelv

    michaelv Noisemaker

    Dec 30, 2013
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    Firstly, thank you., Spencer26. It makes much more sense to drag and drop the file. I tried it. It works : I can see the padlock. Actually this is simple. Many thanks for your kind advice. Now I hope I can configure my libraries without the horrible randomness i've been experiencing.

    One final question. When numbering the files should the library you want as the first be numbered 1 or 0 in the user index of plistEdit ?
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2016
  4. michaelv

    michaelv Noisemaker

    Dec 30, 2013
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    OK, I think I'm getting the hang of this now. Once you've typed the password in once, it's not required the second time. Then I think one can simply keep adding to the Terminal command list without closing and reopening, yes? Even better.

    Sorry for appearing to hijack this thread, but I think it's all related. We're all trying help each other with this particular issue.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2016
  5. GeminiCount

    GeminiCount Member

    Jun 14, 2013
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    Running into the same problem - libraries disappearing after adding them. I delete both the preference files and the xml, and I make sure there are no nicnt conflicts. Still no joy.

    Has anyone come up with a solution or at least confirmed that there is a limit to the number of library tabs and once that limit is passed then all hell breaks loose?

    Any help greatly appreciated.
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  6. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Not sure about a limit with number of libraries you can add :unsure:

    As stated 350 libraries is a HUGE number of libraries.

    Is it a necessity to ADD all these libraries or are you adding home-made etc.
    Are they all player, encrypted etc :dunno:
    If not the simple solution is to keep all your non player etc separate and simply don't add them unless you have too :no:

    That way you can run a huge number with no theoretical limit thru quickload etc as the database unaffected etc.

    Only add libraries if is a necessity :yes:

    Another possible solution is to run side by side instances.
    In theory for example run 5.6.1 side by side with etc and it perfectly feasible to run both or more.
    You could run several instances legit, unlocked etc.
    You will have to remove libraries from and then re-add with 5.6.1.

    This way on theory I guess you could run more :yes:

    Registry conflicts, K2library number etc could be a problem but in theory it's perfectly possible to run several instances and be extremely methodical with your Hex snpid code etc.

    Is an option to mess around with at least and could.

    I must add I'm on PC and know next to zero about OSX :no:

    My own advice is simply don't add libraries or make homemade library tabs etc unless you really must and you will never come up against this problem alongside the registry problems and conflicts it creates.

    350 libraries added to tab is an obscene amount and always gonna create problems every time you open Kontakt
    i.e database will be huge etc and kontakt will be soon real slow. You could always try and optimize database etc top speed things up as that's possibly what's slowing it down etc.

    Not sure 350 player / encrypted libraries exist :unsure:

    Good luck :bow:
  7. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I can´t be right with the creator of this thread. I have 1800 libraries on my Kontakt tab and, except one impossible to handle, all of them work perfectly. Under PC running Windows 7 x64. And I am not a magician of Kontakt. Don´t make miracles. Simply I know what I need to know thanks to my own work and the help of other users who know more than me about this.

    I haven´t read all the posts from this thread, but the first thing I would never do is adding libraries with KLM3. Not good for registry to add manually. There are methods enough in this forum for create your own nicnt files and check if the SNPID is yet registered. Forget the key k2libxxxx. There is when problems begin. We make personalized wallpapers for ALL new libraries appearing on the sister site thanks to the master @NYCGRIFF and also show little tutorials about how to create the nicnt files and know how to check if SNPID is free. From this point, all libraries work.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
  8. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Sorry I had forgotten. Limit libraries can be calculated with the present way to register via SNPID, but you shouldn´t trouble about that. First of all, you should arrive to this number of 1800 I have. There are more than 5000 libraries at the moment and, in theory, all of them can be registered and added to the tab. Appart from this a problem would be the time of loading for the sampler, it´s not quick, but I think is better Kontakt will be slower loading the GUI than libraries begin to disappear. And, if you open Kontakt from your DAWs, the opening is almost instantanely. At least from the DAW I work with, Samplitude.
  9. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    That's great that you can add so many wallpapers but how many of those libraries are actually tagged with metadata that adds info to the database?
    Many I'm guessing will just be untagged 3rd party with no meta.
    There a big difference between adding a wallpaper and snpid and adding metadata? Any player library or encrypted libraries that add to the database are going to have a cumulative effect.
    For example 1800 player libraries all tagged with metadata contributing to the database is going to make kontakt real slow to browse surely.
    I'm guessing that's where the OP'S problems possibly arrise with slow browsing etc.
    Every time you browse the database will go wild.
    That's great that you can add all those wallpapers and their some real cool looking ones.:yes: :bow:
  10. GeminiCount

    GeminiCount Member

    Jun 14, 2013
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    None of the libraries I've added are custom and yet I'm still running into problems with libraries disappearing (Mac).
  11. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I don´t know why you reduce all to the wallpapers. Is you problem, obviouslly. Mine are all working. Powered by Kontakt and 3rd party libs. And don´t be wrong. I don´t have a shower while Kontakt loads in standalone mode. And it loads in 5 seconds inside Samplitude. I don´t know what do you use or how many libraries do you have, but yes I know you have a problem and me not. :wink:

    My libraries don´t disappear. I look for some of them aleatory when open Kontakt. Every one is in its place and alphabetically ordered. Custom libs? Maybe 1000 or more. Including 50 multiformats from Zero-G converted only to Kontakt format. And at least 100 from Big Fish Audio. But I´m not user of Mac. And with Kontakt 5.5.2 R2R version, not Tracer. And not 5.6.1 version.
  12. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Hey we've all got problems dude but can assure you I have absolutely no problems with regards to that.
    Was simply wondering about the database and how you organised it and if it affected loading and browsing.
    Real glad it's all working cool and that's great.
    Nice one :yes:

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    At one time, I had more than 400 libraries (Windows 7 x64). As a side job, I build custom PC's, so my rig had lots of storage, CPU power, memory, etc. Surprisingly, "sluggishness" was never a problem for me. However, I eventually removed more than 200 libraries because I realized that many were just sitting there; rusting from lack of use. It took me a while, but I realized that, like a wealthy person who has 20 or more cars, you can only drive one at a time. <lol> The bulk of my collection now resides on an external Seagate 8TB drive.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
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  14. Ellin

    Ellin Kapellmeister

    Sep 20, 2015
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    And what will you do with the libraries (which have already begun to appear) that only work with 5.6.1? It's possibile installed on the same PC two different versions of Kontakt?
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  15. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Is an interesting point you raise there Ellin :yes:

    5.6 update was such an huge update.
    Apart from the increased GUI capabilities it introduced a massive update with regards to complex mathematics.
    Introduced a complete new variable type for real numbers that will totally change KSP.
    Was almost like a Kontakt 6 with regards to design capacity.
    I imagine most designers will now almost all use 5.6.0 and above for semi complex needs libraries.

    It's perfectly possible to run side by side installations wrt both legit and unlocked. In fact u could run several.
    Personally I don't use any unlocked versions any more as I have no need so am not familiar with R2R Keygen etc.
    I imagine u can still run several side by side instances though and the basic principles will be the same.
    Registry problems and conflicts are always going to be problematical there I guess.

    Other users can probably help more there. Ones that run many, many libraries with no problems etc :yes:
    Personally I only run the libraries from komplete 11 and a few other select libraries. Approximately 10 to 20.
    Works better that way for myself as I can get to know the libraries inside out and find what I want straight away
    Any more would be counter productive for myself but others will have their own ways.

    Interesting point though :yes: :like:
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  16. jagged

    jagged Newbie

    Nov 7, 2014
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    thanks all to your valid comments. When i started this thread i wanted to offer my work around to a problem even though it has its limitations. However maybe i haven't made enough of a point that the limit of 200 libraries or so are mostly encrypted libraries. I guess they have some metadata or something but to cut a long story short i'm talking of libraries like Q , Morphestra , Abbey road drummer etc... I'm not talking about big fish audio or zero G libraries which in reality most of which don't need to be added to a library. Some libraries have to be added in order to run and the reason isn't to have a tab but because of their encryption . This is where the limit problem lies. Anyhow i'll be changing to 5.6 asap as I've updated to Yosemite only recently due to certain restrictions ,but i'm pretty sure it will not solve the problem. I will keep you updated. hopefully i'll find time in between productions. One last thing i noticed is that most of you are on PC . I'm on Mac so maybe these problems don't happen with PC ;-)

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    Well, you hit the nail squarely on its head. Everyone has to get to understand the limitations of their personal set ups. What may be ideal for Joe, may not be for Harry. Of course, there are also hardware and OS considerations that ultimately figure into the mix. The Mac vs PC conundrum will always create different scenarios and results. However, I like your idea of getting very familiar with just a modicum of libraries at a time, rather than just skimming the surface of dozens & dozens at any given session.
  18. mail22

    mail22 Ultrasonic

    Dec 14, 2014
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    After you added libraries you may combine any libraries into folders you like. In example you may cut and paste all pianos into a folder called "Piano". Create inside it a new wallpaper and nicnt file, then remove all piano tabs inside Kontakt and add new "Piano" tab.