My stupid questions never end! This time with long melody

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by foster911, Mar 29, 2017.

  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I think that he may as well try that... or maybe a huge dose of ex- lax !! :bleh:
  2. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    "How to do that?"

    You just do it. It's instinct. What feels right, or leads you in a new interesting direction, the beauty and art are always in the ears of the beholder. There is no right or wrong.

    It's something only you can work out for yourself. Having a hundred people tell you how they do it could very well end up meaning sod all to you.

    Sometimes, warts and all, one just has to settle for what can be achieved in the instant. A fresh approach after some time apart may or may not show song elements needing change.

    Don't sweat it. Just write a song, put it away and then go write another, and another, and another. :shalom:
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  3. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    This is my beef with digital music production.. just using a daw sequencer and piano roll .. ... without ever having struggled with a real instrument in their hands... how does someone understand, or even "make" music. Sure if you have some skills, and tools, and knowledge going in.. you can make something (maybe).

    I have said this to @foster911 in others of his threads, to find something that moves you, and if you aren't inspired by it..
    then try to copy a simple tune you like, learn some chords, put them together and see if it makes you "feel" anything..
    I don't see how you can be musical if you approach it from a nuts and bolts perspective like putting together a model car

    No doubt pop can be formulaic, but still it usually takes greedy jaded people
    that actually understand music to make that kind of crap nevertheless..

    hate to say again @foster911 if you ain't feelin' it.. you probably ain't gonna be dealin' it !!

    do something that moves you man...
    if you keep trying to do music in this stilted halting process, you will probably need heavy substances !

    edit: ok i actually listened to the "melody" ..and no I'm not giving you a "participation" trophy...
    it sounds like random, halting notes... it brings to mind songs that Syd Barrett was
    writing.. after he lost his mind... !

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2017
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  4. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    The random iii-IV drives me mad. Good job!
    Now I want to play the tonic and dominant and get on with my own track that I'm writing.

    Pick the bits you like and be done with it.
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  5. peterA

    peterA Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    I can't help thinking that @foster911 throws up these posts as a joke to see how many fall for his nonsense.
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  6. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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  7. GreatJobChamp

    GreatJobChamp Producer

    Dec 22, 2016
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    regarding title of thread... at least you're confident
  8. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    tbh it wouldnt surprise me if keith isnt able to repeat 2 phrases, there must be almost no memory left in his head
    well ummm yeah, i did it as well and look where it got........ah crap
  9. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Perhaps try some exercise in meditation like here ?
  10. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Thank you guys for your passionate care. I deeply appreciate all of you. I hope this stupidity ends so soon.:mates:
  11. peterA

    peterA Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    That is in your hands. Stop posting your strange little jingles.

    Mind you, you do have 444 likes so you obviously have a following so what do I know?
  12. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

  13. jvne

    jvne Kapellmeister

    Oct 3, 2012
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    Is it a way to stop you cryin' @foster911 ?

    Your posts were fun a time... but now I'm fearing for your way of life... Sure you have more interesting things to do than trying to capture some audience. Talk a lot for nothing I mean...
    Seems like a child always searching for some adult attention STOP DOING CLOWN ;)
  14. robbieeparker14

    robbieeparker14 Producer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    rhythm is just as much or more important to what a melody actually is then the melodic content [notes] themselves. That being said you cant have a melody of any kind without the rhythm figured out. You can play D E F over and over again anf have a million diffrent melodies by playing diffrent rhythms. My advice. Back to square one. Play your instrument dont work on music. Music is about play not work. Your melody will come
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  15. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    From 1.43 onwards is interesting.
  16. timer

    timer Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    I think people are looking for formulas how to write a melody because they have not yet realized how easy it actually is. Believing that writing a tune was hard they want to learn secrets that don't exist.

    My melody manual:
    Take this sentence: "If I only could write a melody I would write a song every day."
    Say it. Loud. Repeat.
    Play with it: Accentuate "I" or "write" or "melody", "write" or "song". Or all of them. Try speaking theatrically, or as if you are talking to friends, to your lover, to your worst enemy. Extend some syllables, shorten others.
    Most people unconsciously create some melody when talking. Utilize that, and try some variation. Try singing in the style of some pop star or cartoon character.
    By now you should have enough melodies for your next few songs. Discard the words for instrumental lines.

    IMO forming a melody is not harder than creating a sentence in your language.
    It may not all be a catchy line or unheard art, but most of our talk wouldn't pass as great poem either.

    Downside: You may realize that you have not achieved very much just by writing a melody and that you'll have to work hard on other aspects of your production.
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  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    watch the whole series all videos

    this particular video answers this question, but the whole video series will teach you the language of music.
  18. BibouLeNoob

    BibouLeNoob Kapellmeister

    Apr 11, 2015
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    It's not a melody.

    Of course you do.

    Please don't.

    Oh don't worry, there's no rhythm either.

    Also, make sure you don't ever post any new "musical" piece before attending heavy-duty musical course and daily-practicing for the next 5 years or so any instrument of your choice.[/B]
  19. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I don't say my melody is great, no not at all but I made the entire piece of it in just half an hour, of course without considering the rhythm (just selected a simple rhythm and said I could alter it later).

    I can start the song from the bass, melody, chord progression, rhythm, a simple sound or whatever. For me, song creation is not like expressing the musician's feelings because I can produce the whole idea of any song in just 5 minutes (believe it or not) without needing to be inspired by anything (maybe I've not learned how to convert my vague feelings to a song yet as @Herr Durr said).

    Please don't down rate me. I just told the truth. Probably I need to ponder hard for a moment about what the feeling means or let it happens inside me. :bleh:
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2017
  20. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    As a recover-ing/ed addict I can also testify to the risk of trapping the conscious mind.
    It's funny because I'm sober and can see the humor in your statement. If I was high, I'd probably reflect on it for days.
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