AMD RyZEN benchmarks (leaked) and prices

Discussion in 'PC' started by Von_Steyr, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    Didn't notice any problems with fx series. For about ummm 4 years. And since i never had any problems with vista, win 8, win 8.1, win 10, i can make a conclusion that I'M GOD BLESSED GUY. So i'm pretty sure i will not have any single problem with ryzen. Cheers.
  2. GODSanAI

    GODSanAI Kapellmeister

    Dec 6, 2015
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  3. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Guys i can agree with you all on alot of aspects of using AMD... ive used both intel and AMD for many years and untill last week my computer's at my studio are both intel >>> with a 4770k in one and a 5820k in my main recording setup... ive been really busy this week but with this current build Ryzen 800x is giving me between 30 and 40% better performance than either of my intel setups... but yes i know Ryzen has more cores and its DDR4 memory... give me some time ill do more tests with diferent DAW's Cause right Now Sonar is killin it with Ryzen Vs my 5820k and Sonar is my Main DAW so thats a good thing for me ;) .... and @Von_Steyr with Cubase my second choice for DAW not so much a performance jump with Ryzen vs my 5820 k .... i need to do more testing of Cubase and thanks to Audioz ill do them with other DAW's aswell haha... But for the Record ive had no issues so far with Ryzen and its Kickin Ass with Sonar over my intel so im impressed with its ability over intel specially sence im a big time nebula user an i put a heavy load on a cpu in a hurry trust me lol \m/ Edit i just wana add depending on what DAW you use will yeild better or worse performance between AMD and Intel... this is true Right now Sonar handles cores so much better than Protools and Cubase... Sonar even beats Reaper on my machine with Ryzen on project load time memory usage and most of all CPU Hit ;) just a thought
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2017
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  4. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Thanks for the update.
    That is what is worrying me the most, because cubase handles multi cores very badly, worse than Sonar and Reaper.
    I know because when i went from an i5 to an i7 the difference on a heavy project was very minimal(asio meter).
    I even had to disable HT, what a joke.
    Steinberg needs to address this issue more seriously.
    I am glad for your Ryzen and Sonar though.:cheers:
  5. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Man i understand what you talkin >>>and if you are Cubase user for main DAW my suggestion is stay with what you have till Cubase updates its Multicore engine cause>>> its in my belief as a Cubase 8.5 owner Steinburg is workin on their multi processing engine as we speak...>>> cause CPU's and cores are the staple in todays work ethic rather that be video or just Audio or just the comon cpu user in general yano??? ;) multitasking is the way of the Now and the future an Steinburg will be right there in due time im sure of it \m/
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  6. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Dam great news @Jaymz
    I mostly work on Sonar too. The last versions have the best multi-core performance and i have tried almost all other DAWs (i own Cubase 9 too). If they put out any serious motherboards my next build is definetely Ryzen. I am also very excited to see the enthusiast and server platforms @x390 and x399, because i think that's where i 'll be aiming at :
    @Von_Steyr : fuckrs @ Steinberg haven't even put multi touch support on Cubase9 and have worse multi-core performance too. They seriously need to up their game imho. Sonar does all these out of the box , plus great integration with Melodyne which i use a lot too. I got a 2nd hand Dell 24 multitouch display from a friend, and my Tascam 4800 eats dust when i m on Sonar. I don't "mouse mix" much, i got my Tascam config'd to control 5-6 different daws. Can't complain though for an 11 yo mixer it's still relevant.
    Tell me why did you have to disable HT ?
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  7. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Because the performance was worse with HT enabled.
    Sonar is going places these days, i can only salute them for the hard work and for listening to their users.
    Could be the embeded protection code that is inhibiting the advancement of Cubase in this certain direction.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2017
  8. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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  9. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    The reason i asked is, i have tried HT off on my 6700k, HT on yielded better performance (more plugs, more audio ch on the same Cubase projects). There is always an equation of different sub-systems, both software and hardware to be taken upon inspection when you deal with such problems. I am sure of course you know all this. For what it's worth i understand your frustration, people spend money for newer systems only to find out they still have to compromise their work flow by being forced to render/export to audio and freeze ch. etc,etc.
    Having being a Cubase user/owner since the Atari days i can truly admit that long gone are the days where Cubase ruled, and to me, this is not because of other DAWs doing their R'n'D' better in a way, it is because of Steinberg's indolence and lack of communication with their user base. Through the years, in my personal estimation, i have found the Steinberg "technicians" constantly chasing after Pro Tools users and trying to match their feats to satisfy potential buyers coming from crossgrades or platform changes, which i find more or less irrelevant as the two programs are targeted towards different kinds of users. The other "battle" they had going on with Logic, sort of ended when Apple bought Emagic 10 years ago making it a strictly MacOS app (and Apple telling 75000 registered pc users including yours truly, to go buy a Mac hahah). Cubase's performance still needs a lot of tweaks, and its sad to see the inventors of Asio and VST protocols being beaten in their own game by DAWs like Sonar which i can recall NOT so long ago (for youngsters it may seem like an eternity) it didn't even have VST support. We'll see what the future brings, hope dies last :)
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  10. magentaappearance

    magentaappearance Noisemaker

    Oct 6, 2016
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    What benchmark test would be the most obvious to a DAW?
  11. Unirorm

    Unirorm Producer

    Jan 22, 2016
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    check here:
  12. magentaappearance

    magentaappearance Noisemaker

    Oct 6, 2016
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  13. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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  14. Unirorm

    Unirorm Producer

    Jan 22, 2016
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    Ok so after a throughout research and some help from @taskforce i 've just ordered my build.
    Here is the list:

    Case: Fractal Design Define R5 White-Edition
    CPU : Ryzen 7 1800x
    PSU : Corsair RM750x
    MOBO: ASRock X370 TAICHI
    RAM : G.Skill Fortis 32GB DDR4 16GBX2 2400
    COOLING: Enermax Liqmax II 240 AM4-Version
    STORAGE: Samsung SSD 960 Evo M.2
    Toshiba X300 High-Performance 6TB

    "Why this part, dude?"

    Explainging my build:

    Fractal Design Define R5 White-Edition is a silent case with a lot of options to modify the cages inside, very good cable managment, acoustic foam all over and ability to remove some parts for the shake of ventilation.

    Ryzen 1800x - Althought the tests shows that 1700 OC performs equally, i would like to go for the best shot this time, this is a build i am planning to keep for some time and since this is a totally new architecture i hope to see future improvements as the microcode, OC capability grows from AMD.

    PSU: Corsair RM750x. Not much to say here, Corsair PSU is top notch stuff. This one is fully Modular with 80gold certification plus you cant even hear it. 750w is overkill for this build but is always good to have a bit more. This will be my fourth Corsair PSU and i only have good things to say until now, hope this will continue, i am fanboy of QUALITY so there are no strings attached with any brand.

    Mobo: Taichi x370 - This one was out of my radar until @taskforce brought it in. It's an incredible piece of 10 sata ports for future updates (i need only 8 for now) and has the least problems until now than any other mobo available, of course has also the least owners too, since is very hard to find one available. On the plus side are 2.4-5ghz Wifi included, the second m.2 port (for the cost on the pie5 slot, not gonna use it anyway) , the very good amount and quality updates Bios from ASrock, 16 Power phases (for more than plenty and i hope stable) OC, USB C, plenty USB3.1 etc..

    RAM: G.Skill Fortis 32GB DDR4 16GBX2 2400 - Well that was one of the very few good timings/bandwidth tested RAMs in the Taichi compatibility list @ 32GB. Gskill just released this Fortis series (along with FlareX) suppposed to be AMD compatible. Samsung B-Die chip i guess? This chip seems to be in favour of Ryzen builds for now. Not many tests around, so time will tell...

    Cooling: Enermax Liqmax II 240 AM4-Version. Normally i would go for Noctula DH15, good price,performance and very good noise levels etc.
    The un-availability of AM4 version though, made it very hard to follow.
    So after a lot of research i end up to LiqMax. The performance is great the ability to change the RPM range in fans is also an amazing feature and the pump is almost inaudible. Pump is also shielded with heatshnicks (because yea, pumps produce heat also!) in any case if i see that is too loud or anything i can jump in to a Noctua DH15 AM4 anytime when it's available.

    Storage: Samsung SSD 960 Evo M.2. Ok we have a good build but we also need speed, so i went for Samsung new M.2 chips that are performing very good from what i see around and not overheat like the 950 series. Pro was on table but i see few times where Evo was performing better in here. Good lifespan too. For more about performance of 960 please read here.

    Toshiba X300 High-Performance 6TB was a solution from @taskforce for a good speed reliability ratio. wanted to go for 8TB version but was not available ATM. this will do the work for keeping a regular backups of the system just fine. 7200rpm/128mb cache. Very good price, if it's low noise too what else to ask... "to not crash i guess". From my current rig there will be also a Samsung 840 Pro - 840 Evo 250 and 500 - OCZ Vertex 3 etc.

    also from my current rig to serve the graphics.

    Sooo .. waiting for the parts to come and i will inform you if you are interesting how it performs.
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  15. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Yes brother lookin forward to hearing your results on this fine build \m/ I love mine an have no regrets so far \m/
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  16. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    It sounds like a very good build my friend. Yes you are right 'bout the Noctuas, they 're nowhere to be found for AM4. I just sold my 6core haswell-e base system, crammed my hds on my Skylake and now i 'm sitting on my ass waiting for Naples to be released.
    My latest build, after we talked, supposedly to be a behemoth was a disaster. Corsair 900D an almost 400eu case was crap. Yeah crap. The lower ports were opening with no force at all, the side window was badly cut and never fitted correctly and the H80i cooler had my Skylake reach 100 degrees Celcius in 10 secs. The 900d had also very flimsy plastics for their hd cages, unacceptable for such an expensive case. Both the 900D and the H80 were returned and refunded. For what it takes, the 900D although it is the most spacious case i ever built for anyone, it feels like a project never completed, like they rushed to release a huge case, it's been around for long now and they haven't done anything to fix it, like a v2 or something. Cheap plastics and rubber grommets that never fit exactly in their position inside the case, badly cut corners, and "misbehaving" side windows, are all a no no. I guess that is why CaseLabs' "cheap" tower comes with a 650 price tag lol. Because the dudes really mean business and are not out there to impress some youngsters. Btw, Caselabs cases are now available in Europe too. I will honor their cases once Naples is out hehehe.
    Cheers all :)
    PS: I 'd love to see the lil' beast when its done mate. If you need any help in setting up (not saying that you do of course), my small lab is at your disposal.
  17. Unirorm

    Unirorm Producer

    Jan 22, 2016
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    Maaaan, sorry to hear that. I know you were waiting for this beast. Kinda surprised though, they have it as a standard for huge builds... Didn't really expected that from corsair in their XL flagship.

    If you can wait until my parts are here and check the quality of R5 by yourself, you can maybe order DEFINE XL R2 It was the same price with R5 and same build material just bigger. I mean it's 90€ now on sale...
    I gave it a serious thought to go for it but was unnecessary big for my needs, maybe can fit yours.


    PS. Thanks always for the help dude,much appreciated.
  18. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I'm going to let other people be the beta testers, as always, and buy my Ryzen rig next year or so. :wink:

    I'm so glad to see that people can finally get the same power as high end Intel processors for half the price. Thank you AMD! :headbang:

    But I'm dreading assembling a new PC because it takes so much time to get to know it and install all my crap on it. :/ I always feel it's like such a waste of time. But on the other hand if one does it every 5 years or so it is alright. However, there is also a certain pleasure that you get from assembling a new PC. It's especially pleasurable when you finally finish all the testing and you're sure everything works properly. I always test and tweak memory, processor, hard disks, for quirks and errors, and to get to know their limits. No, I'm almost never overclocking, but rather underclocking, which is also complicated. I like my PCs really quiet. :winker:

  19. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Im still leaning towards a new pentium build, something like a 6850k or 6900k, but ryzen is still in the game, like you have said, lets wait a lil longer, although i have to salute all the brave people who already built a daw around ryzen.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2017
  20. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    So well said! :rofl:
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