To be, or not to be

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Reza73, Mar 21, 2017.

  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    you could actually make a case for this to be true..with facts... you mean everyone should agree all cultures are equally enlightened? sounds like pc claptrap to me..
  2. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    I didn't say what Herr Durr suggests I did. I quoted somebody else....and Herr Durr has quoted me saying it - as if I had said it. Not true.

    Cultures are different but *not* more or less "evolved". To claim so is to falsely imply a (wrong) notion of the science of evolution applies to culture. Such claims are meant to vindicate prejudice. It's BS.

    Whether a culture is more or less "enlightened" than another is a different issue to whether it is more or less "evolved". But even then, who says being "enlightened" is the measure of a culture? That would depend on what "enlightenment" means, and how important "enlightenment" is considered to be --- a subjective matter. It certainly has nothing to do with how "evolved" a culture is.

    You can decide what "enlightenment" means, and claim it is important, and judge cultures against your subjective yardstick. But that has got *nothing* to do with evolution.

    Ants are 35m years old. Humans 250,000. Ants are "more evolved"? It's just a nonsense, and even more so when applying the concept to human culture in some hierarchical fashion. Folks can say they don't like XYZ culture, but they *cannot* claim evolution as the cause of their dislike - that is just an excuse to justify prejudice. Evolution is not a hierarchy with man at the top - evolution is not a hierarchy [why use a false concept of evolution and apply it to something about which it makes no sense?] Gee, white European culture at the top of an evolutionary hierarchy, huh? What a coincidence! What a lot of BS.

    Are cows "better" than sheep? Are they more evolved? Consider how you think about it? That should suffice to show why it is so dumb to apply the same question to human culture. Hint: evolution doesn't make value judgements - success is replication, the means immaterial.

    From Berkeley University - "Misconceptions about Evolution"
    PS - sorry to sully the thread with this stuff (I didn't start it).
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  3. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    yeah rocks have been around for about 3.5 billion... so... yeah they're more evolved :facepalm:
    ... so you can go on to the atomic, and subatomic now..

    doesn't sound like you are taking issue with the word there, but more the intent, which I think people pretty much get
    without splitting hairs down to quarks...

    actually Chinese have one of the highest average IQ of humans, and certainly have a prejudice that their "culture" is really the most "evolved" or "refined." Synonyms in English can have quite a wide range of meaning, as I feel sure you are well aware with the skillful verbal machinations you display. Any number of people could and do disagree with that..

    but anyway, does not seem you are making a case that all cultures are "equal", would be a stretch to say the least..
    unless you think something like chopping off hands, and throwing gays off building tops are the manifestation
    of a "refined" and "evolved" culture... it's hardly racist to be disgusted by such officially approved behavior in those "cultures"

    in any case, the man already posited that he could be wrong , racists rarely if ever
    doubt that they are wrong in proclaiming their race superior..

    throwing the racist card around is pretty nasty, especially when it's thoughtlessly applied
    from a kneejerk reaction
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2017
  4. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    @Herr Durr
    My friend, some of those "cultures" you seem to defend, accept pedophilia as a social phenomenon. A smart 10 yo can do a couple of clicks and watch any kind of perversion in the internet. Our western culture crumbles from corruption man, and it is obvious in all manifestations of everyday life. Surely throwing off gay people from a roof top is not sane, but the western civil has its own burden to bear. And be sure it is bigger and heavier. Because throwing gays off rooftops is just a matter of ignorance and fear of different. But the guys accepting and promoting pedophilia are well educated and privileged westerners and have NO FUCKING EXCUSE WHATSOEVER. Which of those two crimes is more hideous ? I asked earlier but got no reply. Which part of the culture ? The Beethoven or the Hitler ? And this is only an example, i could go on for days and not stop. These eastern people, where it applies that is, need our help NOT bombs. So i suggest to focus how we can change things where we are, instead of trying to impose our way of life to others as we are no better.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  5. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    whoa..? I was defending them? Check again... I said it's hardly "racist" to be disgusted by cultures that institutionalize human rights abuses. Taking issue with your friend @G String throwing out the "racist" card against @spacetime 's comment...


    My friend @taskforce , how you could twist my words to defending cultures
    that celebrate pedophilia is simply bizarre, well more like absurd

    go try and help them then.. but first you might want to SUBMIT to their ideology
    or you might find yourself in a dungeon, or a gallows ! Yours might end up the next
    blood in the fountain if you follow your own advice.

    go help them

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2017
  6. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    I'm one of those engineer musicians in Iran. :rofl: I compose my high level song for myself. In Iran Rock or Metal music isn't sold like other genres but I don't give up :metal:
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  7. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    It's wrong to use notions of "evolution" to claim cultural superiority (especially wrong notions of evolution!) Anyone can claim cultural superiority (whatever that might mean) but don't use spurious notions of "evolution" to justify such views. The exploitation of "evolution" to determine more or less developed cultures is spurious. People have used pseudo-science since before Darwin to justify racial prejudices and oppression, imperialism etc. That won't change unless it changes. So change?

    The Tree of Life is **not** a hierarchy -- it is not a hierarchy with man at the top, the "most evolved". That's a wrong conception of "evolution" (and of "fitness"). Being more or less evolved is a spurious notion in biology and it's even more illegitimate when applied to culture.

    Is a supposedly "more evolved" culture supposed to suggest a better culture, or a worse one? (Is a sheep better than a cow?) And why doesn't the European culture of racism suggest European and Anglo culture is "poorly evolved"? (A poisonous frog species that was poisoned by its own poison probably wouldn't last very long as a species, right?) Pfft! Pseudo-science is a vehicle for prejudice.

    All I'm saying is, quit with the hate.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  8. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Simplistic as ever... evolution has nothing to with intelligence ? and intelligence has nothing to do with clinging to
    mindless violent ideologies...? be a smart tolerant guy.. then tell them how tolerant you are while they are killing you
    simply because you are not them
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2017
  9. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Hey man, let's not get lost in translation. "Seem to defend" DOES NOT mean defend. Just as a hint is not evidence. And yes, when you claim that its not racist that some cultures are superior, it seems like you are defending the very same cultures that brought hitler to the world and now almost accept pedophilia. You cannot separate the bad from the good in a specific culture, it's all there whether you like it or not. And only because culture plays a significant role in our world's history, you can only select to which part of it you may identify or agree with. Why is it so hard to understand. My long gone ancestors invented democracy but at the same time they kept slaves. I chose to keep for myself the good part of the democracy idea, but this does not mean there wasn't a bad side as well, nor that i identify with it, same as you (imho) shouldn't wholeheartedly accept a specific culture as superior because that very same culture may have its downsides, as i proposed earlier.
    And to sum it, perhaps 50% of our beloved Europe is eat, shit, consume, fornicate and die - repeat. Apart from a small minority, for anyone from any country to be able to name a modern poet,writer,sculptor,painter etc of their country,it will take Google to answer because nobody cares, and tell me i am wrong, i don't mind. Want more? Half the population here doesn't care if MS is spying on them, therefore willing to sacrifice/give up their fundamental right of privacy, just to run the latest OS from MS. ARE WE SO FUCKING SHALLOW? Do you see any real culture in all these manifestations of our everyday life ? Unless you think speaking endless hours about the new iphone etc will transcend us to eternity as philosophers.
    I am not by anyway supporting extremists or fanatics anywhere, in fact i am on the other side completely. And its quite obvious when i say "these people need our help" i am not talking about the suicide bombers and gay killers etc etc. These people have already made up their minds and taken sides. It is the people like the original poster who need our help, and he is not the only one.
    And finally, i do not mean to offend anyone, not you of course, i do apologize if some phrases have more than one explanations. I believe in equality for all people and a fair chance to a decent way of life for all and this is the message i am trying to get through.
    EDIT : I quoted funny in that last post of yours because it simply is ridiculous for someone sane enough to post this garbage as evidence. I 've never met anyone to put me through an IQ test here ever in the 50+ years i live, and i'm sure nor have any of the people i know. Yet someone there claims they know what our average IQ is. Really ? Is this like the 4th Reich coming to reign ? Seriously ? And what really is the IQ of the people believing they know other people's IQ based on who chose to take the test? Ahhh ... sigh... I rest my case. Say anything you like
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
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  10. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    These numbers came from a work carried out from 2002 to 2006 by Richard Lynn, a British Professor of Psychology, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish Professor of Political Science, who conducted IQ studies in more than 80 countries.

    yeah those are the guys ushering in ...

  11. Reza73

    Reza73 Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2016
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    I think I exaggerated(exaggerated it doesn't mean they aren't exist) on Iran problems. this problems are more related to musicians specific in the west genres

    and I cant suffer some one incorporate Iranians whit Isis it's a big lie I can claim there is no Iranian in Isis but from Europe is! and they are many! I don't now why but they join to Isis !
  12. Reza73

    Reza73 Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2016
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    the truth is this sentences is about all the people around world!
    you are German if I guessed correctly and one of your philosopher Schopenhauer said if all the world was Utopia the life was meaningless
    if there is no fool so there is no Wise too.and many more example
    the Opposites make this world
  13. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I am quite aware of what took place. Thank you. And for your info i have taken the original IQ test but under my own interest and after research as to who is eligible to pass me through it ( pre internet era). Never have i met someone to ask me if i want to pass an IQ test. Ever. The only reason i am not posting the results is you probably wouldn't believe me lol. As you may know anyway, during a person's life the IQ changes so it would be irrelevant. The webpage with these postings is not evidence of anything unless they put a significant portion of the population to those tests, and this never happened anywhere. So forensically and mathematically speaking, it proves nothing. Unless you think putting 100 or 1000 people to a test can fabricate an opinion for 10 million etc.

    No i am not. If you read everything you would know where i am from but np really. I mentioned Europe just as an example of a whole sum of different nations and cultures who more or less exhibit a similar way of life, and because it is where i live too. And i will leave you with a few quotes from a philosopher who came from where i do too, born in 470 BC, his name was Socrates, and these quotes may (or may not) be an answer to your initial question as well :)
    "Worthless people live only to eat and drink; people of worth eat and drink only to live"
    "Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for"
    "He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature"
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  14. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Oh LOOK!! Nothing....
  15. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Oh, now we're into Richard Lynn and BS about IQ? lol

    That doesn't help your argument to ease off on the accusations of racism.

    From the SPLC:
    Crazy. Why swallow such shit?

    Someone can't mention they are Iranian without getting into shit like this. Disgraceful, no? Again, apologies to the OP.......
  16. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    how about that.. I can post quotes from websites too !! :yes:

    yeah you didn't start it... :rofl:

    I'm starting to suspect he is a Greek with self hating tendencies ...
    and by the way, weren't the ancient Greek philosophers sort of the pioneers of pederasty?
    we shouldn't take the words and legacy of evil people with any serious consideration now should we?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2017
  17. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Richard "I'm smart cause I'm white" Lynn?
    Richard "I'm smarter than you girl, cause I'm a man" Lynn?

    You might want to also quote this:
  18. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Surely i am Greek. But correct me if i am wrong, i was there first to tell you that all cultures have their good and bad sides and what matters is what you choose to take with you, yet you seem suspiciously forgetful of this. Right?
    And self hating ? Really? LOL. Because there are hints of some Greek philosophers to have been pederasts? Does it suit you this way? You really dare question the magnitude of the ancients by blackening their thousands of years fame dude ? You up for this challenge? If you grew up in Europe, your whole culture is based on them, language, politics, science and arts to name a few. It would take me years just to copy paste what the ancients of this small country achieved. In an nutshell blaming them it is you who is self hating, only shortsighted to see the bigger picture. You can rest assured the Greeks have an iq of 92 lol, which brings me to my next point.
    So you go and mention Richard Lynn who is clearly promoting racial superiority through his work without even a hint of shame. The only equivalent i can bring to my mind is Josef Mengele, only Lynn's work is a bit more subtle/clever because he doesn't get physical. Surely some people are smarter than others. But simply you cannot judge whole nations by a handful examined and twist the results to promote your ill will. And even if you could, it would prove nothing. Being smarter does not make you a better person per se. It should only "burden" you with a natural load to help or lead the other lesser smart people to a better path if you are any good, and to a worse if you are evil (and any shades of gray you like in between). And fighting evil with evil is not a solution, it will only bring more evil, as history, both past and modern, has proved. Continually feeding an endless cycle of violence and blood will result to annihilation of all sides involved , not to mention the size of collateral damages.
    So yes we have to stop the terror alright, but this doesn't mean giving in to the same methods they use, because then you are no better. And certainly not smarter, no matter what you may believe.
    Peace man
    PS: And to anyone who think they are superior to others, this is my final answer
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
  19. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I know you've got like a 500 IQ or something..and you want me to believe the irony of my comments was completely
    lost on you? Socrates and Plato look down and say TSK!

    Merely to point out the nonsensical-ness of pointing to Hitler.. as he defines the whole
    of German intelligence/character/whatever.. when most living Germans had
    absolutely nothing to do with his activities. yet they still need to feel shame and
    a responsibility to atone for the next 1 billion years or so of this habitable earth?

    to say that any great concentration of power could be used for good or evil,
    is pretty obvious, and doesn't really advance an argument either way

    the fact that the Greek philosophers reputedly had some questionable pastimes,
    thousands of years later, this apparently does nothing to diminish their contributions either...

    I'll quote this as well.. but I will leave it to others to expose Rindermann as just another

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2017
  20. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Defending what cannot be defended. Surely you want this to continue my friend ? The only irony here is i believe you are smarter than constantly referring to pointless "studies" of concealed racial superiority...
    Blah blah blah and concludes to "when nations invest in education this leads to increased well-being later on" . So this advances the argument right? and it is not blatantly common knowledge ? Like we waited all these years to finally have my fellow peer (born 1966) to reveal this magical secret. All i asked you in the very beginning was Beethoven or Hitler, implying everyone has a dark side and it's a matter of choice (and not wits or intelligence) what you do with it. And i never took myself out of this equation either.
    Yet you 're stuck proclaiming superiority in brain activity and culture over others, based on studies with no general acceptance nor strong foundation or even unanimously world wide established numerical proof, as they are on the brink of racism, therefore criticized by a strong part of various authorities all over the world. And you never, so far in this conversation, admitted to the wrongs of our European culture as a whole like you want to differentiate your state of being from the rest. If this isn't "treading on shark infested waters" for you i don't know what else can it be. Suit yourself my friend. I will still think of you as a fine musician no matter what, because you may not know, but i read your musical posts and really dig them. And to tell you a lil secret, i have been here much longer than you may think :winker:
    Take care