Microsoft Unveils The Latest Version Of Windows 10

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Catalyst, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Time for a new OS company, that will build on the legacy of Win 7.
    Win 10 is a failure in every aspect, that is what you get when you ignore or even work against the users.
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  2. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Win 10 has been nothing short of magnificent for me.. In what way has it failed you?
  3. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Come on! It's an advertisement platform. What else?
    Read here.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
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  4. usernone

    usernone Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Win 10 has been very nice to work on for me as well (especially my offline studio machine)
  5. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Hey :) I read your posts and you seem a logical person with good insight in more than a few things so this conclusion of yours is really a mystery to me... So:
    Windows 10 is violating human rights, privacy and more laws.MS uses it -not so secretly- to spy,record,read AND REPORT everything you do,say,write in the digital domain be it offline or online. It uses your paid bandwidth to distribute updates and display adverts to you AND ALL around you, violating the DNS protocol and (not so)"magically" ignoring any firewall rules. Other "magnificent" highlights include changing your system settings and drivers at their own will, having you serve them as a constant beta tester although you paid for a finished product which was never finished lol, they will upgrade it anytime they want and no SPs anymore, the bottom line in this last one is you are no longer the admin , MS is. The start menu is dead. Just a messy frame with 1000s of photos updating constantly, impossible to navigate if you have a good 50-100 programs installed (i have about 200 in my workstation). The fonts are terrible like back to win95, the GUI is square and ugly, the system has two different Control panels with totally different functionality, and finally Cortana sux and blows for the most part.
    And while its all the aforementioned and more which i hate to rant about once again, the most crucial part of all is it practically brings NO technological advancement in terms of speed and performance:
    Unless of course you think an advancement to deny Windows 7 and 8 users from updating their newly acquired systems of KabyLake and Ryzen platforms, just so they install win10 and join the herd of mindless bots posing as humans. Like they did not buy those OSes for fuck's sake lol:
    (Thanks to VirtualMark for pointing me to this, this is a new announcement excluding Skylake now)
    Of course MS do their thing and us, we will be expecting a "patch" if this last one stands to be real. And by patch i don't mean a Microsoft patch lol.
    A funny thing, slightly out of context, Office for Win10 mobile is the worse Office in any mobile platform. They really shot themselves in the leg on this one. Most Office users on the go, returned their Windows 10 mobiles and bought ... yes, iPhones instead lol, as MS Office for iPhone is at least 2 classes superior in terms of functions available and usability.
    Thanks for baring with me, have a nice day :)
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
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  6. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    So much nonsense in that article :no:

    M$ seemed to forget that by Jan. 2015 they're supposed to issue only security updates for Windows 7. Also they never issued device drivers updates. That's now the 2nd time they violated the EULA (first it was stacked updates for Win7, now it's refusing support for Win8.1 in its full cycle). Who shall take them to court?
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  7. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I don't deny what was already written about Win10 (spyware, forced updates and so on) which I agree completely from one side.

    But from my experience, Win10 x64 works flawlessly with my DAW so far and I have yet to see something weird at the OS level. Of course I didn't compare with Win 7 and it's still possible that this latest would work even better, performance wise.
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  8. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    If you want someone to make Win7 like OS, it'd be probably better idea to start new thread instead of bumping this 2 year-old one.
    Not sure why bump just to state the obvious..? :dunno:
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
  9. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    You know i did start writing it and then this one was recommended to me, i was actually lazy and used the easier route, lol.
  10. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Thanks, mate! :wink:

    As I said, Microsoft has been lying to us for so long, since MS-DOS but more obviously since XP. Just try installing it and read the propaganda and watch the pictures of smiling family members, it makes me LMAO but in the end I get diarrhoea. Windows 2000 was faster and better than XP at the time. They just made it slower with additional services and circus-like eye-candy, jumbled up the GUI so you didn't know where everything is, and added loads of bloat that made it 5x bigger to install. Sounds familiar? Same thing with Vista, W7, W8, and W10. For each and every one of them they did the same - only worse. With each Windows after Windows 2000 it took me more time to start using it because I just couldn't see the reason why to downgrade, while all the people around me would just install it and say things like "it works great, it is faster, it looks nicer" sounding like a Microsoft ad. I would just say "no it's not". People use heavily their Windows for years without any maintenance, then install a new system and of course it's going to *seem* faster! :winker:

    Of course Microsoft won't say "we made it slower by putting loads of bloat and rubbish in it, but please upgrade anyway just because we need money". :hahaha: What do you expect them to say? Just don't *believe* what they say. It's a funking ad ffs! they have to say those things. Doesn't mean they're true. Making a test by installing all the various Windows versions on your PC is the only way you can get to the bottom of things and see for yourself that it is not true what they claim.

    it is just not funny at all any more MS! I've lost the thread 4 years ago and installed Debian Linux. I've been using it since then without any problems, enjoying myself while reading horror stories on the net [Slashdot mostly] about Windows 10. It is much more fun, and good for health, being a spectator in this case. :winker: That is, I'm using Debian for the Internet and general usage.

    For audio, I'm still running XP for things it's supposed to run well - MIDI, SCSI, FireWire, audio hardware, mixing, and I'm running very "lite" W7 for software synths/samplers arranging/composing. W7 already funked up firewire drivers btw, but it can be tamed. I simply refuse to think about anything newer than W7 due to how my studio is assembled and working exceptionally fine. I'm not going to let any corporation and its OS use me, I'm going to use what is best for my studio, and for particular usage.

    Speaking of usage, you won't be able to get tight MIDI to your hardware with any Windows beyond XP. It is not so bad with W7, either, but MIDI got worse too, and that's a fact. USB MIDI can suck balls to any MIDI from a PCI/PCIe card btw. I use both because my laptop hasn't got PCI slots and I can hear the difference, but USB MIDI is usable for automation, for instance.

    Changes are in the air. All kinds of changes. Some of them bad, some of them good. Let's hope everything will turn out fine and we'll still be here and talking about audio stuff and other things here in ten years from now. :winker:

    Cheers everybody! :headbang:
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  11. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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  12. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Still a fugly looking OS! ;)

    Too sad I will probably have to switch back to it in a couple of years.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
  13. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Hello, why don't you write a few words and enlighten us why exactly you press disagree on the given facts.
    Official reports are everywhere on the net on these subjects if you haven't experienced them yourself. But hey you wrote sometime ago :"It's not illegal to learn what your users use the most so you can focus on it." Says who ? you ? No data collection can be applied without the user's consent you know, that's the law last time i checked.
    Then you go and write they can't sell it. Sure they won't:rofl: They are the holy priests right?:like: Didn't they post reports of how many people use Edge, Cortana etc in public ? What's keeping them from passing everyone's info to any FBI,CIA,NSA, etc and anyone who are otherwise not involved. Who can justify they haven't done so already or won't anytime in the future? You ? Who can PROVE that companies like MS are truly bound by law? Evidence over the years, show they do not comply to any law unless they are obliged to do so, by a final supreme court order. In plain words they constantly do what they like until someone strong enough to maintain course, takes their butt to court.
    Dude, the aftermath is simple but perhaps you are unable to see it. They know for decades at least half the planet uses cracked Windows. Starting 2015, with updating everyone (even the cracked Windows users) to Win10 for free, MS is ready to cash in and get back some revenue too for all those years. Now go ahead and press dislike this time. No worries.
    Oh, and you can rest assured they won't sell your info. They will send you a lollipop too for choosing MS :winker:

    Well said mate :)
    Lemme just add, a significant part of the plugin world has either a bad or incomplete midi implementation for their products and some provide none. Like go figure it yourself in age 2017. Some respect to the more experienced or professional users wouldn't hurt, especially when its mainly them who will pay for their products.
  14. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Back in 2011 I wondered why Kontakt in general utilize just MIDI CCs and not SysEx extensions - I mean why settle with 256 levels per each CC when it's possible to have 65536? Is 256 really enough for pianissimo > fortissimo transitions? I would say it's not.
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  15. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    i found a windows xp 64bit a few years ago and have never looked back
  16. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Why does everyone (including Microsoft!) keep the taskbar at the bottom of the screen? On a 16:9 screen all the space is on the left and right, not the top/bottom. It's a stupid habit, and it irritates me. When I tell folks to try putting the taskbar on the side (so as to maximise vertical space) everyone, without exception, complains...."errr I don't like it!"


    Put the taskbar on the left or right and get back that mass of screenspace. Zis iz an Order!
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  17. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Is space really that much of an issue thesedays.. I have two 27" IPS monitors.. hell, ive got too much space if anything.

    We keep it on the bottom cos its what we prefer, its what our muscle memory for the last 20 years knows..

    As far as all this privacy stuff goes, i could really care less.. What i care is a rock solid OS.. and Win 10 is BY FAR the moist stable yet for my music production and my design work, Photoshop, Cinema 4D, Illustrator etc.

    pry it from my cold dead hands.
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  18. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    OMG one of Microsoft shrines where devout people gather and pat themselves on the back for keeping the illusion real. :wink:

    For me It doesn't matter how it looks. The only thing that matters is that it runs my shit efficiently and fast. I want low latency, no dropouts with firewire, and rock-solid MIDI. I can bet that's the first thing that passes through MS CEO minds: "we gotta give them tight MIDI and efficient low latency audio"! /s :winker:
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  19. sysex

    sysex Newbie

    Apr 25, 2013
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    Well deterministically the future should be something based on gnuLinux if the main goal here is efficiency - stability and not corporate profits and lobbying. Technically it can provide a more robust platform for real time dsp, it already does in many cases.
    Windoze X here are running fine for the most part, if one needs full vst, asio, all that proprietary steinborg shit plus driver support it's windoze or mac for the time being.
    A few days ago Steinberg announced full native vst support for gnuLinux, let's see how that goes.
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  20. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    It's getting the developers to bite which is and always will be the problem with Linux, Harrison consoles did with Ardour licensed with some very decent additional DSP going on to make mixing and summing sound and behave more like a decent console delivers, OvertoneDSP do Linux versions of their plugins, Loomer do also plus Bitwig decided to go for it which was encouraging. However that is about all I'm able to think of off the top of my Neanderthal/early man head.
    People simply will not switch without ASIO support for all the gear they have sunk plenty of shekels into, Support for their application(s) of choice due to years of workflow, comfort and again shekels sunk plus the third party plug-in's which are as important to workflow, comfort and the rest with likely even more shekels sunk into plug-in's than the host applications.

    That would be the only way and it'd be fantastic, Cutting out parasitic, full of crap BS operating system choice which is a bit like the options available in last year's American presidential election "options", Linux doesn't know what Allepo is unfortunately ¯\(°_o)/¯
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