Speaker/Monitor noise

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by lampwiikk, Mar 21, 2017.

  1. lampwiikk

    lampwiikk Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    ok, I feel like I'm about to lose my shit... moved into a new place in December, totally stoked because it has substantial studio space (yay!). However, when I get everything hooked up I notice a TON of noise coming out of my monitors and PA... like a hiss. I chalk it up to dirty power, though mind you this is with everything (preamp, compressor, interface, computer, monitors, etc.) plugged into a Furman rack mount power strip...

    I've tried unplugging everything but one monitor, with no audio cable hooked up, just power, and tried it on normal wall outlet power, a direct line coming straight out of the electrical sub-panel in the studio, and connected to the Furman power strip; all 3, no real change in the hiss. These are KRK Rokit 6 Gen 2s btw. So now I'm pulling my hair out, but I'm still sure dirty power is the issue. So I pony up some $ for this bad boy: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000...&pf_rd_p=cc000f63-21ee-4dc4-b9b6-9082ebacae63

    I'm thinking ok, this HAS to fix it? But no! Just as bad maybe worse??!!!! WTF!?! So I'm wondering can somebody please tell me if their KRKs make a fair amount of self-noise/hiss? Or please help me think of some other explanation? Much appreciated, please excuse the dramatic tone, but it's driving me NUTS! I don't feel like I had anywhere near these problems at my last place...?
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  3. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    The hiss is present even with volume knob all the way down?
  4. lampwiikk

    lampwiikk Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Yes, the volume knob has no effect on the volume of the hiss...
  5. Remmah

    Remmah Member

    Oct 31, 2016
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  6. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I was reading somewhere that with certain versions of KRK's, the power amps have some noise. But if they were quiet at one place, and loudly noisy at the new place, there must be a difference in power quality or possible reversed polarity at the outlet. I would think the Furman would tell you that in some way. I see you are in CA. I would:

    1.) Test the outlet wiring using something like this:
    This is primarily for safety. Every live musician should carry one of these to every gig. I've been shocked by bad power/reversed grounds before. If you have a multimeter, I'd measure the AC Line voltage at that outlet as well.
    2.) Plug the monitor directly into the outlet and see if there is still noise with nothing else hooked into it.
    This is just a sanity check to see if the problem isn't the Furman or anything else that's wired to it.
    3.) If there's still noise, try a ground lift. That will tell you if it's coming from a bad earth ground. Fixed a few noise issues this way. You may decide to get that fixed, or just live with it knowing that your equipment isn't properly grounded, but it's quiet.

    Things to also check, unplug appliances or cut breakers just to test and see if you can make the noise go away. Sometimes, a leaky start capacitor on eg. a refrigerator can cause noise from the motor to come back into the house wiring.

    That's for starters.
  7. sparkles

    sparkles Guest

    It's all right Pall, i v' been the same. I have KRK 6W and the noise was anoying,i searched for the solution in every corner with no lack.At the same day i went to a local shop to buy XLR(wearing before RCA )cables for my new KRK and i asked them why i have this sound coming from my new speakers ,the answer was simple as a dummy in electronics, change the socket of the 2 speakers in a deferent place, also the socket of my mac
  8. lampwiikk

    lampwiikk Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Hey Sparkle, so by socket you mean the power outlet on the wall? That is my next step, to carry my speakers around the house and try different power receptacles...

    In the meantime thank you all so much for the replies, it means a lot to have a great forum like this as a resource
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