Will we ever see Bitwig 2.0 floating around here?

Discussion in 'BitWig' started by rural876, Mar 17, 2017.

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  1. ehrwaldt kunzlich

    ehrwaldt kunzlich Rock Star

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Utop, IA
    unverified sources tell me it's gonna be released on:

    april 1st
  2. rural876

    rural876 Noisemaker

    Mar 16, 2017
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    man, why are you so angry geez!
  3. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    In the same way this comment needs to exist, probably.
  4. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Hey does somebody know when gonna AVENGER to be released or Cubase 9.....What a stupid questions! Ask yourself what are you making with music....
    As soon i can like i said i will buy them with pleasure to support developers because they deserve it it is hard work and dedication they are not like we are just looking for FREE presets\ samples ,DAW they actualy make this presets and they are here to make us happy or who didnt go in school to learn about sound creation.Look this way ,Maybe they are cracked but for example R2R or AU is already done with that,but they just about to release Cubase 9.0513345759999 and current version is 9.1 people gonna again begging for that and for that is because 9.1 verssion have a colored mixing fades shinier ,and they didnt even try to make by them self in APEARENCE area,so most of them are ungrateful....Like i said it is generaly speaking.I have never posted some kind of request on any warez sites but for some reuploading old stuff but like i said you must use your brain cells to make something.So like i said i haved every sinlge release for BFD was released it was hard to find them,and it was really though strugle to find all of the CD but once i got them i didnt istal them EVER,and some days ago i deleted allmost all from my PC,i was crazy about DL not making music! Face it reality is way diferent,today is all about ELECTRONIC SOUND and somebody who wants a good drums he have a good song which leads us to he will rather pay for drum recording in studio,because he is serious with music and at end like in real world a Baker is not selling or cut meat but butcher.So to be honest musicians are wanishing because of that.Hyperproduction in my land is whohoho BIG i am one of them,but i you have good funds for selling song you MUS and is DEMAND from FINAL USER\singer to take REAL DRUMS and that is STANDARD for quality, i guess.maybe this all is of topic and i can write all day long.Best regards to all :)
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