Will we ever see Bitwig 2.0 floating around here?

Discussion in 'BitWig' started by rural876, Mar 17, 2017.

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  1. rural876

    rural876 Noisemaker

    Mar 16, 2017
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    Love the software but cannot afford it sadly and I can't seem to find a payment plan anywhere, will we ever see it on here? or is it full proof like propellerhead reason at this point. I thought I would have seen it already but maybe I'm rushing it a bit :D
  3. wuzzle

    wuzzle Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)
    It's not dongled.

    Likely, they're just waiting for the next point revision as that will have post-release bug fixes. Or they don't care. Or no one is interested or available to do it. Or it's only an internal release for whatever group has worked on it. *shrug* As with all things, it's a wait and see. I'm sure it'll eventually appear.
  4. rural876

    rural876 Noisemaker

    Mar 16, 2017
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    Thanks man! I shrug at the internal release part as well because that would suck.
  5. michaelbrac

    michaelbrac Guest

    i would like to see it too
    really like bitwig and the workflow there
  6. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    There's a reason that various teams kept things internal. Just saying. Does a thread like this really need to exist?
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  7. rural876

    rural876 Noisemaker

    Mar 16, 2017
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    well not many people may have the knowledge you obviously have about these things (I certainly don't) hence that's why I ask, so if you're willing to share some info please do but you should never turn up your nose at someone because they don't know something you thought they should have known, I did the most basic thing people do when they want to find out something...I ASKED
  8. theblaqmann

    theblaqmann Newbie

    Aug 29, 2015
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    Understand your point rural876 (not dissin' u).... But, it's like walking up to a cop asking will we ever see the weed man floating around here? Somethings you just don't ask, you just wait.
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  9. rural876

    rural876 Noisemaker

    Mar 16, 2017
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    LOL, and I got your point now as well.
  10. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Since there's no dongle involved, I wouldn't be surprised if that was already the case.
  11. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Didn't it already get released? I know I grabbed a downlaod of something but not installed or tried it yet....
  12. TW

    TW Guest

    Be happy with the shit you get for free. If i were a group i would get so mad by such threads.
    Maybe it get released maybe not. You can for sure live without it.
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  13. michaelbrac

    michaelbrac Guest

    The waldorf collection, special he largo is awesome release.
    really happy about the largo 1.7 ver release
  14. wuzzle

    wuzzle Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)
    A fake release, just some user who wanted free money for unworking software.
  15. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Bitwig 2 gonna make you a good musician?This requests are realy stupid and nonsense! Be thakful for what you allready have stop stupid request!
  16. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Will we ever see these pointless threads end around here 2.0?
    All they do is aggregate the search engines and bring the devs and dmca requests here.
    Also pisses off the groups
  17. rural876

    rural876 Noisemaker

    Mar 16, 2017
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    Since you wanna jump to a conclusion here's my reason for asking for Bitwig 2. My 19" monitor broke and a friend of mine so happen to be changing his apple 30" monitor for one of the newer ones and he gave it to me for a small price, however when using bitwig I find the editing very hard because of how small it appears on there, so I want it not for all the perks it offers which is great but for the simple fact that you can stretch the track view maybe thats not a valid enough reason but thats mine.
  18. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Ok! At some point i understand you but fact is that i think Bitwig 2 was out maybe month or two ago,and i think like as many others it is little unthankful to make that kind of request, and i am talking in general.i saw thread yesterday about R2R where someone is asking are they "DEAD" bcuz they are not releasing nothing for idk maybe 10days.Cmon guys i have collected about 550gb of VST (with samples like BFD TOONTRACK XLN AUDIO etc.) and it is stupid if i say ohhh without RAPID synth i cant make music it is so essential.You can look my profile i am officialy memmber from last year but i am on audioZ since of its begining and i never maked some king od request i am satified with what i have ,even i use Cubase elements 8 or 9 for 64bit production sometimes when i need that x64 workflow ,but every production i make is finishing with Cubase 5 Air.when i make money i will buy CB9 and AVENGER ,they are HIGH priority now and just because they are complete and only x64 platform and C5 cracked is not x64. Then sylenth, and spire because they really HAVE my BIG REPECT ,kontakt and FL STUDIO which is good additon to Cubase and that is my essential.I have Kontakt libraries i think all commercial but do you know how much of libraries i am using from 5TB of samples i am using basic libraries for my music that they are in size of 2gb aprox and HalionOne form CB5 and to be honest i am not better with that tools. i find myself more creative when i am chalenged and have just few tools,and that is beauty of this job like HalionSonicSE and Cubase Elements 8 ,yeah it is true.I was in situation when that was all i have and best ideas came up just with those tools ! I know a lot people ,like my one good friend he is alot successful and now he is a becoming big head in music industry in my land ,do you know what is he using? Nexus and CB5 with some custom made cheap Kontakt libraries and nothing is not scalable and he is making serious money ,about 10000 -20000e a month.YES a month! You have FL Studio 12 it is vectorized if you want some fancy solutions .My point is clear i am not talking about you i am talking in general.DAW is essential for music making but good IDEAs are first! For my prefrences nothing compares CB5 and FL studio and in c9 are similar possibilities like in C5 but nobody reads books how to use some prog and i am using Cubase as my main daw for 8 years and i am still learning about features.I tried S One,Bitwig,Harisson,Ableton,reason all DAWS and i find myself spoiled like most other here so i at end work with best possible tools . No hard feelings that is my point of view,and that is all refering to your threads name
    "Will we ever see Bitwig 2.0 floating around here?"

    my answer : Yes! In some near future but till then enjoy power of creating music !

    Cheers :)
  19. rural876

    rural876 Noisemaker

    Mar 16, 2017
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    I understand you clearly and I guess because I am a newbie I didn't take that into consideration. Didn't realize people were acting so entitled for stuff
  20. T2000

    T2000 Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2015
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    I dont see the reason for negative remarks.
    Musing about the prospects of a future release isnt ungrateful or demanding. If it has been released internally, most cannot know that. Nobody is demanding it or anything silly like that
  21. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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    pfft, who's talking?! what a hypocrite. man, you're not to accuse others of entitlement at the time when you make a thread, entitled to an answer that was never ever given to any leecher! did you really expect to get an answer to this? you might as well be insane. sure, you are a total noob here. you have no clue whatsoever. GTFO.

    man, mods here are just non-existent! just yesterday there was another thread made by another beggar, crying if teams were still alive and why don't they release stuff, bla bla bla, and by the way, a dumb question like that was allowed on the forum at the time when they still keep releasing and seem just fine too! it was totally uncalled for!

    now comes another beggar, asking if he's ever gonna get Bitwig, as if any team that ever existed has ever answered to a question like this, lol. never! you're never gonna get an answer to such a dumb question, mostly because it's a dumb question that only can be asked by a dumb person, not to ever be graced with an answer in the first place. period. you might as well make this sentence the best answer and make it sticky too, just so any other noob, who'd like to fool around here a bit and make a thread like this in the future, knows he's totally dumb.

    it just makes me wonder, what are these mods thinking? do they even care to begin with? if I was a mod, threads like this would be flushed down the toilet the very moment they showed up on the site. and flushed altogether with the OP too. a person, who considers himself good at moderating, shall not stay ignorant to threads like this, thus encouraging beggars to keep whining and begging until the end of days. or why would you, mods, just tell me?!

    this place used to be good. not anymore. there's rarely a good, fruitful conversation. now it's mostly filled with trolls, beggars, liars, entitled idiots, mostly of "millenial" age, and to add insult to injury, with ignorant, lazy mods on top of the cake. might as well leave this shitter for good. this place is simply disgusting these days.

    you can ban me if you like, see if I care. I don't care for this place anymore. and I don't say these words with joy. it's sad what this place has become.
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