Neo-Soul Keys Studio Edition Sneak Peak

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Pink Woof, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    then why didn't he just say straight up.. " sorry, Maschine is not supported at this time... "
    seems like "Brian" should know that too if he is intimately involved with the project

    would have cleared it up for everyone.. or it's not on the list for the purpose
    of being purposely vague?


    oh and guess what.. the word "maschine" appears not to be mentioned at all on that page.....

    If I'm wrong.. post your quote where it makes any reference to maschine

    goes here.png
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2017
  2. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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    now that we see Jamal confirm it, Brian should have said the same. with that one comment he could put it to rest. yet I wonder, is there actually some guy using Machine and Neo-Soul, who managed to get it to work? or it just worked straight outta the box. regardless of which DAW, because if only Machine and Neo-Soul work together, if only this one is true, then it would mean it's Cubase fault. don't tell Von_Steinberg though. he'll be all over the place.

    if you was quick enough to read it before it was edited, then I'm sure you saw that Jamal strongly advised to fill support tickets for any complaints regarding Neo-Soul Keys Studio and not just leave comments in forum threads. have you actually tried the support help option before going to the forums and what did they tell you?

    why suspect someone of indecency and fraud when one tries not to rip you off and offers a refund? I would understand if he just took your money, gave you a shitty product, cut and run. but he does not cut and run! now I know a few people Steve Slate ripped off and cut and run, but that's another story and I'm not going there, no.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2017
  3. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Again, I'm not upset that the plugin is not working in Maschine. Nor was I accusing them of being deceptive or expecting them to fix the issues I was having in 5 days. That is generalizing. My concern is in how they handled the situation.

    I also had problems in Cubase, which is on their list of supported daws, just like TinTin did. The problems I had were not as easy to replicate in Cubase as they were in Maschine, but still occurred. Despite this, Brian stated "With no other Cubase or Machine users having issues and with us being able to run perfectly, we have no basis". Yet we've already established in this thread that its not just me who is having issues with the plugin in both Cubase or Maschine.

    I asked for help answering some simple questions. I even offered to help in order to verify if in fact I was the only person having issues with the plugin by extending an invitation to have the facebook group I'm a part of, the majority of which are Maschine users, test a trial version of their plugin and provide their findings to them in order to expedite the testing process and hopefully help fix the issue.

    Instead I was replied to in a dismissive and condescending manner. I told Brian if they couldn't provide answers to my questions, I would turn to public forums and social media groups to find the answers I was looking for. GM didn't provide any answers or so much as a hint of concern for my issue. But somehow its ok for them to ask me not to look for help elsewhere? Wheres the contractual obligation that says I don't have the right to do that? Just as I took a risk purchasing their software, they take a risk having to deal with customers who are dissatisfied with the service they provide.

    We could argue semantics all day, but my point is (and thankfully I'm not alone when I say this), their support staff could have responded in a more professional manner. And as I've stated numerous times already, I think GM is good company and I enjoy using the several libraries Ive purchased from them very much. I even noted earlier in this thread what a phenomenal job they have done filling a space in the market for synth libraries that haven't been done to death (if at all), which I have a lot of respect for. I don't hold any ill will toward GM or Jamal. Do I think his support staff could improve the way they communicate with their users? Absolutely. As you stated earlier, you may not agree with me, but that's my point of view.

    I'm not sure there's anything more I can say past this point that hasn't been said already so I'll leave it at that.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2017
  4. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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    How come? You are or was upset. It's the reason why you started posting in the first place. You was frustrated with your instant buy, as you said, and that Maschine glitch was the exact reason of your disappointment. Your gripe was not how Brian handled you, because by that time you haven't spoken to him yet.

    Maybe Brian hasn't received a complaint of that user by the time he spoke to you. Again, hurrying and overstating.

    Wasn't exactly you asked, I'd say, more like you demanded them. And threatened, if not given answers you wanted to hear, go around public forums and tell stories about the product, the company support, and not exactly in a positive light too, I suspect.

    And by the time you'd finish, there would be no one left desiring to acquire Neo-Soul Keys Studio for their blood money, because you would tell everyone how laggy their product is and how bad is their company support. No, thank you very much. No staff member in their right mind would agree with such behavior of yours and give it a green light.

    It was apparent they could not and would not provide a trial version, so your idea with the fb community was not going to work. I've said it earlier, Brian did, maybe not said, as a couple of his phrases were indeed off, but did the best he could do for you at that particular point, when you kept busting his balls with the questions he had no answers to or was not going to answer to for whatever reason, legit or not. maybe wasn't even authorized to answer.

    You, sir, like it or not, are to blame for your own lack of patience, not just the staff member. the staff member didn't ignore you or mishandled you at first, he told you to wait and let him work on the issue and keep you updated, as all the other staff members in the world would do, but patience, sadly, seems to be a virtue with you too. you know, you could just simply listen to the guy and wait and get a fix in the end. but you couldn't. you wanted to have your way. well, Brian disagreed and gave an unhappy customer his rightly refund. end of story.

    But you could still wait, you know.

    Fair enough, Herr Durr. Fair enough. if Jamal says it is not officially supported, then he must have mentioned it in "Not Compatible" list on their web page. That's truth. They probably didn't do enough testing and they didn't know for themselves it doesn't actually work with Maschine. I guess, they had no idea of what to say, even. They just didn't know. Maybe Brian was not authorized to give answers on his behalf and waited for the instructions.

    All in all, more patience was required from both sides, I think. for Brian not to make personal remarks and just keep strongly advising aymat to wait for the fix, as he actually told him they are working on it and promised to keep him posted, which was sufficient enough answer at that point. Brian could not give him ETA of the fix and aymat was being persuasive. For aymat to actually listen to the advice and wait and not to be so persuasive about the issue. It all came down to communication breakdown, as usual. Oh, I think, I need to listen to that one once more... or maybe not really... ah, fuck it!

    As I said, patience is a real virtue these days. overall, it's probably just better to wait for a few early fixes before buying any software to avoid the drama.

    Enough said indeed. Now lets listen to some good music, it's the reason we are here to begin with, let us not forget.

    Last edited: Mar 15, 2017
  5. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    @blacknblue I think at this point you're reading into things more and reaching than you need to you. I'd go as far as to say even making a bigger deal about this than I am. Herr Durr, blaqmatic, TinTin, and Xyenz Fyxion get it. Heck, even Jamal chimed in to apologize, so he gets it too. I'm not sure what else I can say to make things more understandable for you.

    I've already said what Ive had to say and I'm not going to continue to do so ad nauseam. People can read through the thread and take what they want from it, even if they disagree with my point of view or find it difficult to understand.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2017
  6. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    it looks like blacknblue dont even have bought this Neo-Soul Keys Studio and or many other Products from them . i can also see your many "i think , i guess , maybe" ... dont think people can not read behind the lines , what your answere means .

    blacknblue , i also read before the gm answere was edited , that it was not intensively tested on maschine , after you stated that it is not written on their site gm edited and said that it is not on the supported list . and basically an vst should work with every host and not only with a few . still all those questions before remains , and again HISE framework for exporting use or needs also Steinberg vst sdk , which also means it should work with other daws and or other Hosts .
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2017
  7. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    First and foremost...Cubase is on their list. Secondly, customer service is everything...Companies live and die by that and it was the "way" a customer was responded to, that was also so wrong. But for you jaded and programmed folks that now believe faulty software with bugs should be the main course I disagree. I never accept it when the customer support about fixing issues is poor. Point blank, life is to short to spend hours trying to figure their issues out. If a piece of software isn't stable enough for me to get to work, I just drop the company. No matter how great someone thinks the software could or would be in the future. Sell it to me then. Those who accept those things more power to ya! It just won't be me. I am not Programmed.

    P.S. I believe it is also the acceptance of those that "Let the issues slide", as to why the software companies do care less and make you live with the bugs until enough folks complain. The squeaky wheel always gets the Grease.
  8. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    just in general said , an very good customer service are very important if you would needs them . also communicate with customers and answere questions are very important too , if you as company like that customers are happy and buying other or future products from you , the market are also overblown these days . all those things makes an company very special to customer to take them happy etc .

    basically you guys knows what i tried to say .
  9. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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    No need for your pathos and heroic speeches. What you say would be understandable if this was an old abandoned software, the developer showed no intention of fixing whatsoever. But it's not the case. Jamal does not cut and run. On the contrary, he wants to work on it, he wants to improve things. Programmed you are or not, it's a brand new software as a standalone version and Jamal asked people for patience and to let Brian fix the issues. aymat was being too persuasive and lacked required patience. as did Brian at times. it was a communication breakdown and both persons are to blame. you may not be programmed, but you definitely lack a common sense.

    You've reached the point when you don't have any more arguments against. Does it make you points valid? To the contrary. Not at all. It makes them weak.

    Funnily enough, it's the same for me. I don't know what else I can say to make things more understandable for you. I'm sure I made myself clear enough. I'd go as far as saying I'm sure you see my points too, just won't admit it out of... whatever it is that makes it difficult for you to comprehend or admit fair points without any more arguing.

    oh, don't blow it, my answers are pretty clear, if only you wish to read and comprehend. also, did I buy it or not, doesn't make any difference in this case. I just see a bunch of people who can't prove their points and just go around whining and bitching about nothing really, without having a sufficient enough reason for such behavior. for fuck's sake, this company Gospel Musicians did not commit crimes against you, they did not offend you, just made a couple off remarks and even that was done more in a friendly way, I'd say, not in a nasty way, and told you to grow a bit of patience and let them work on the issues, which is what they do right now and will keep doing, as Jamal did confirm yesterday. is this too hard to comprehend for all of you people? I see. it is. well...

    I'll tell you what your real problem is, guys. you are just a bunch of millenials with known problems and complexes. you are always entitled to everything, you want everything right here and right now, period. you won't wait for nothing. hello there! a reality check! I have news for you, boys. this world doesn't resolve around you. grow a pair already and stop acting like drama queens and whiny pussies.

    I very much hope I crapped on your ego, dear millenials. I could hardly miss, though, as your ego is always big :)
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2017
  10. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    hahaha blacknblue , congratulations to say something without owning the products itselves , and you speak as Brian and or Jamal your best buddy and you have buy any of their products . and you repeat just this what you have reading somewhere .

    no one has said that they commit crimes to customer , its maybe in your "i think , i guess , maybe" fantasy .

    also no one has said that the product or the company are bad ´, it was said that its not working correct and i personal dont like the own Standalone Product and leave some legit questions .

    Jamal didnt confirmed much or answered remains question , just a couple times edited answere .

    hahaha again for this , for sure you know what the reality are .

    which ego ?

    i dont see ego , i just see people which are well experienced or have some knowledge and owning the products .
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2017
  11. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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    TinTin learn proper English before you open your mouth, bubba. I'm not even gonna speak to somebody, whose English is that bad. you are a disgrace to yourself. I'm not even a native English speaker, yet it hurts to see an uneducated yokel rape what is a damn fine language. just shut your mouth already, say no more, it stinks.

    I'll make it easier to comprehend for any other uneducated bubbas concerned. I'll let Kurt Russell do the talking. being American and native English speaker, he still managed to provide a quite simple line, understandable even to the simpletons like you. Much love yo bubbas!

  12. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    omg , on your first answeres you could not read it ? why you have answered in this topic if its so , when you have no idea whats written ?

    i see you are out of arguments and everyone else can see it now that you are completly wrong on this topic .
  13. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    @blacknblue Man, dont do that. The second you start insulting people, you lose. We all understood TinTin perfectly fine, there's no need for that kind of condescending attitude.

    Everyone here is on the same page except you. Just accept it and move on. Take your own advice, go listen to music and chill.
  14. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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    aymat tintin you can both go fuck yourself, as far as I'm concerned. reading your comments in this thread, you both come off to me as liars and idiots again and again. I will happily add you to my user ignore list. good riddance!
  15. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    liar ? where ? show me please .

    tbh the only idiot i see in this thread are yourselves . if people gets out of true arguments , they starting post youtube videos or cat pictures and something like this . also you are showing your real face now .

    congratulations again to you that people can see how you real behavior are .

    ignore list . ok , and now ?
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • List
  16. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Yeah, I kinda figured you'd take it there... although I have a feeling you're not actually going to follow through with your convictions to ignore any of us or move on.

    No one here is losing their cool because they disagree with something posted on the internet, except you. You're playing yourself behaving this way and every one sees it, except you. You are literally the common denominator in this thread. You're the guy that has an opinion about everything even if the situation has absolutely nothing to do with you. You're not interested in what other people have to say, you just want to have the last word, even if it means insulting others. That pretty much sums you up.
  17. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    So I just got an email from GM. Here's the list of bug fixes for Ne-Soul Keys v1.0.1:
    • Fixed the ability to ask for Sample Folder
    • Fixed GarageBand issues with Sandboxing
    • Fixed issue with TurboActivate activation with special characters
    • Added MIDI CC#7 in master volume chain
    • Added the ability for offline activation
    • Fixed issue with audio device initialization
    • Adding Support for Partial Sample Load
    • Adding Sustain Pedal Message Remapping
    • Fixed Transpose Value Not Being Stored Correctly
    • Added support for 441 Sample Buffer Size
    • Improved Error Messaging

    I went to their site to see if they had updated the non-compatibility list to include Maschine, but I'm getting an "Access Denied" error:

    What I find interesting is that these are some pretty significant bug fixes which I assume at some point customers would have notified them about. That negates their support staff's statement of "With no other Cubase or Machine users having issues and with us being able to run perfectly". Even though I dont own NKS any longer, I'm curious to see if these new bug fixes resolve the existing issues.
  18. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    aymat, best bet is to ignore an ignorant person such as blacknblue is proving to be. Just the fact that he has to cuss at you (which should be enough to get him banned) because he is frustrated is enough reason to understand that he has issues. I am wondering if he does work for them now though...:dunno:

    At this point they don't even include Maschine on the list at all, which they should even if they don't support it, because some might buy the plug in on the fact they don't know whether or not it does work. Especially if they haven't seen these issues. Obviously they want it that way.

    But you hold fast...information that points out these issues are beneficial to a lot of folks. Like myself. :wink:

    P.S. I have added blacknblue to my ignore list, I suggest you do the same!
  19. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Thanks man. Although the thought did cross my mind, I don't think he actually works for them since he registered on the site before this whole GM thread happened. Also:

    Basically he's just your everyday garden variety troll. I'm not losing sleep over it :wink:
  20. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Divided States of America
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