Positive Grid BIAS Presets pack

Discussion in 'Presets, Patches' started by Rhodes, Jan 14, 2017.

  1. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Hello everyone.

    Could someone please upload some BIAS amp/fx/pedals presets.

    I am asking `cause I hate Tone Cloud and I find much more practical to install them by hand ...if You understand what I mean.

    Interested mainly in Rock, Blues, Jazz, Cleans, Low Gain tones.

    (I hope that asking for presets doesn`t infringe the site rules ?!? ...if it does, please delete the thread, and accept my apologies)
  3. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    more practical to install by hand?man installing preset on the tone cloud its just one click and done.
  4. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I understand what you mean, and havent been able to find any out there in the wwwild. I do notice that the latest release has more available with it than the previous releases
  5. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    let see...
    Installing by hand:
    download bulk of presets --> ctrl+a --> ctrl+c --> ctrl+v ...done

    Installing by tonecloud:
    have to connect windows to the internet?!? that is enough ...No Way!
    alternative: install bias on virtualbox and download the stuff ... doable, but not very practical ?!?

    If I were not paranoid about connecting my win os to the Internet, maybe You would be right, but in my case, that is not an option.

    You must be a Mac user, right ? :)

    Anyway, less talk, more links guys! :rofl:
  6. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    No one? I have the same problem. Downloading every preset by hand takes ages.

    If any one has downloaded presets please share the "users\...\document\bias fx\"
    It contains all the presets
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2017
  7. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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    I've heard that importing presets by copy/paste method does not work. Presets won't show. It actually must be downloaded from ToneCloud. Who can confirm?
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  8. undy23

    undy23 Ultrasonic

    Apr 26, 2016
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    I have managed it. I have a free BIAS FX LE from focusrite, and i installed that one on my laptop (which i rarely use) And the "lesser legit" one on my main PC. with the hosts file and all blocked etc...

    Basically i hunt down tones by "name", "searching bands-matches", or that i've seen on forums/youtube. Here's my Step by step approach

    * Use my free version on laptop
    * Make A new Bank (on my free one)
    * Download all new(er) tones to that newly created bank.
    * Go to: -> C:\Users\<YOUR NAME>\Documents\BIAS_FX\Presets
    -> there you will see folders with awkward names like: "A51F97FD-CC50-02FC-4EDE-5EB9CF00A87A"
    (So there's where i used some improvisation with trial & error)
    do basically the same... I Open BiasFX -> Create a new bank -> Unzip my laptop archive in some temp folder (the long & strange folder name that contains it all will suffice as a temp-folder.)
    Navigate to: -> C:\Users\<YOUR NAME>\Documents\BIAS_FX\Presets
    Again arrange folderview to "DETAILS" , and add the creation date tab/header , and just take ALL the contents from your free version folder, and copy it to the other newest created folder

    Just ADDING your unzipped folder in there, even with the same IN-APP Bank name, simply DOES NOT work!. Each folder contains a file "preset.json" of which i suspect is a Unique application layout / signature - type kind of java coding..

    Afterwards if you have added everything in this manner, you will be able to move your presets around bewtween banks inside the application without any problems. Chances are with some presets you might encounter the error that some expansion pack isn't installed for extra (metal) amps or whatnot. Then just delete those needing the add-on I have 341 presets without the factory ones, so it appears that there are plenty enough floating around there that do not require the add-on.

    Well I hope i have helped in some way, or that you at least kinda understand how i did it. i tried to explain it as good as possible, but as english isn't my native language. it's a long tekst, i just wanted it to be detailed to the best of my abilities. Hoping everyone understands it :)

    Oddly enough, i didn't see that trick anywhere on any forum yet...I just tried it cause it seemed logic to me that there had to be (a not too difficult way) to get this going.
    I'd say, ...Spread the word ;)

    Good Luck and Rock on! \m/

    P.S.: If anyone tries it, let me know if it worked, and if some of the explanation is unclear or it wont work for some reason, feel free to PM me, we'll figure out where the problem lies together then :)

    Edit: Here are my Presets as they are untouched folders for BiasFX
    Presets BiasFX.zip

    Edit March 26: I've added a download attached to this post containing Bank.json & quicksnap.json
    Appearently Bank.json is required as well, or makes life easier. This goes in \Bias_FX\Presets\<"here"> (main presets forlder)
    And quicksnap.json is included aswell, but is probably not needed. So try without first.
    And i do advise to take a backup (or just ZIP your entire "\Bias_FX\Presets\" Folder aswell, just in case something goes wrong. :wink:

    Last edited: Mar 26, 2017
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  9. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Can you share your presets zip with us? That would be fvckin awesome if we can get it to work too!
  10. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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  11. undy23

    undy23 Ultrasonic

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Sure mate:
    Presets BiasFX.zip

    here they are, just zipped all my non - factory folders/banks just make sure if you use them that you use my method from above , so basically as i have 19 folders , you will have to create 19 banks in Bias first aswell. Afterwards when all is added you can sort and copy/move presets to trim down amount of banks
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  12. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Thank you very much my friend! I will test it out today.
  13. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Thanks mate!
    may the strings never rust on You :beg:
  14. undy23

    undy23 Ultrasonic

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Most welcome , i'm glad whenever i can help or contribute to someone who is the same team ^_^

    P.S.: Rhodes, you made me laugh out loud, that quote "may the strings never rust on You " is just awesome :rofl:
  15. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Would you please share your bank.json file too ? Because without that i should edit bank.json for each of your folders manually
  16. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    I did that by hand. If someone need it backup yours and replace this :


    Edit: I was fucked up and remade my whole preset.json for bank 1 and bank 2 because mikey presets didn't have preset.json for this 2 bank
    and strangely bias doesn't support banks with lots of preset like 60. So I divided folders.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2017
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  17. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    I've got licenses for all the Positive Grid plugins (BIAS Amp, Effects, Pedal, The EQ and Compressors, So all their Windows stuff last time I checked) and even with that I am also completely against the cloud shit for downloading, uploading and sharing patches/presets. I simply won't hook up my audio machine to the internet, It is simply asking for it as I won't install (let alone run) any anti-virus muck which even turned on or not will run a load of shit in the background (Windows 7 in my case, Prior to that I'd been using XP for almost as long as I can remember, I have a 64-bit version too but eventually caved to Win 7 stripped out and whilst it isn't perfect it does whatever I require of it, Installing certain stuff was becoming just a headache on XP which was what finally made me give in). As you no doubt agree, Likely have the same or similar reasons for not installing anything that isn't for audio use, My reasoning is and will always be that it just makes all the sense to have as little garbage installed on a dedicated audio machine in order to get the best performance from it and anything that compromises that is unacceptable. I have this laptop to demo stuff, So I am pretty sure that whatever goes on the audio machine is going to fit in with what I already use. I know some people are not of the same strict mind set and in some cases have to have an internet connection for some stuff that is either post-production or A/V related and/or graphic software, I know a good few people that have to do such and some are far from happy about it.

    Anyway that aside yeah I do not understand why Positive Grid don't simply include say an archive of all cloud patches and update it say monthly, It wouldn't take much effort and then I'd have no reason to complain. I just get really bent out of shape when a company doesn't offer options and force a one way method, It's bullshit

    I won't rant anymore and apologize for doing so to begin with, I like their software sound wise and a few options for non-cloud users is all it takes, It isn't unreasonable to ask is it?

    All the best your way and to all as always, Cheers :wink:

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  18. undy23

    undy23 Ultrasonic

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Offcourse i can, my apologies, i know a thing or two about computers, but not about programming; opr how applications are mounted/build. I really just discovered that while fiddling around. By reading this request i tried to remember my steps as good as possible, must've forgotten i copied anything from the main folder (OR maybe that is bypassed by the new folder creation "in the app itself, before copying the presets to the folder" ...No Idea, however, here is the Bank.json (also included the quicksnap file that was the in the main directory might not need it, but it's there in case ;)

    Ill Also Edit my original post adding the file.

    And Death Thash Doom:

    Agree 110% My Audio machine used to be my main-frame desktop, untill i got really "into" audio , i never use antivirus or anti malware, just in case i 'suspect' something (The human brain still is the best anti-Mal/Virus-ware in my opinion anyway) But then when music became serious, i purchased myself a mediocore / Budget desktop PC thats wired, win 10 and formatted audio pc, bought an SSD of 500 Gb as main disk, clean install...yess win SEVEN , just for my programs & recording process, and no external USB interfaces, no wireless dongles, nothing extra cept for my Interface, HDMI,Power & Keyboard/mouse (wired) And Boy! You wont believe the advantage of latency i have now compared to before, so YES , i totally agree in you being that strict.

    No worries, everyone is entitled to their own opinions right? ;)
    Plus, thats another thing i couldn't agree more with...Every basic tutorial/guide about reducing latency / humming issues tell people , no internet, as less as possible USB's connected, and keep your computed clean & dedicated. Every manufacterer should actually produce with that in mind...
    And yes Positive Grid is not so Positive with this cloud thing for the fact, even "WHEN" you're wired, you go browse for a tone, you donload it, and what do you get?
    "not supported, you need to download and purchase expansion pack X to be able to use this tone"
    Way to go! :dont:

    Anyhow, i hope everyone is able to use them correctly now, apologies for any inconvenience, but im just a dockworker, no computer-wizz :bleh:
    Rock on folks! :wink:
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  19. aledl;sfa

    aledl;sfa Newbie

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Thank you so much dude. I'm finally glad I could get this shit to work!
  20. undy23

    undy23 Ultrasonic

    Apr 26, 2016
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    I've updated my patches/presets with 194 additional tones for those interested,

    And yes it works with the latest Bias FX (1.5.7) Bias AMP (1.5.0) Bias Pedals (2.2.5) as i am currently running those.

    All additional information is included in the readme file, as well as credits where applicable,

    I left my banks like Metaller edited them, and just added some new ones
    (500'ish presets all together i think it contains)

    Have fun, and rock on amigos! \m/

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  21. Montgent

    Montgent Kapellmeister

    Jun 22, 2014
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    Make your own, like you would on your own amp. No 2 guitars sound the same, but nice thought anyways.
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