New features in Fabfilter Pro-Q2. (All FabFilter Pro plug-ins updated)

Discussion in 'Software News' started by 53Y35, Mar 13, 2017.

  1. 53Y35

    53Y35 Member

    May 26, 2014
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    March 2017
    New features in FabFilter Pro-Q 2
    We have improved Pro-Q 2's EQ Match feature so you can save the input spectrum as a reference spectrum. When opening EQ Match, you now have various choices to use as the reference: a previously saved reference spectrum, the main plug-in input or the side chain input. This makes it much easier to set up and use EQ Match.

    Another cool new feature is the Permanent Spectrum Grab mode: click and hold in the spectrum area until the spectrum freezes and turns blue. You can now grab multiple peaks in the frozen spectrum, unlike the regular Spectrum Grab mode which only allows you to grab and adjust a single peak. Just click once on the background to exit Permanent Spectrum Grab mode.

    Last but not least, the frequency scale at the bottom of the interface now displays the frequency under the mouse cursor if you hover over the display or move the mouse slowly. If the piano display is enabled, the key under the mouse cursor is highlighted and its note number is shown. You can turn this on or off by clicking Show Frequency On Hover in the Help menu.

    Bug-fixes and improvements for all FabFilter Pro plug-ins
    • Pro-Q 2, Pro-R: Added a workaround for a bug in Ableton Live on Mac that could cause the Q parameter for a band to be reset to its minimum value when dragging it around in the AU plug-in version of Pro-Q 2.
    • Pro-C 2, Pro-DS, Pro-G, Pro-MB, Pro-Q 2: Added a workaround for a bug in Ableton Live that caused latency compensation to work incorrectly when loading a session that sets the parameters such that the plug-in doesn't have latency, in combination with a default preset that does introduce latency. This only occurred with the VST plugin format and caused Live to use the latency from the default preset.
    • Pro-C 2, Pro-DS, Pro-G, Pro-L: Fixed a bug that caused the plug-in interface to use more memory than needed if the display was not enabled.
    • Pro-C 2: Updated the AAX plug-in to enable the dynamics display on the Avid S6 console.
    • Improved Avid S6 page tables mappings in the AAX plug-ins, now more closely following Avid's conventions for a better workflow.
    This update is free for existing users, and we recommend everyone to upgrade to the latest plug-in versions.

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  3. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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  4. 53Y35

    53Y35 Member

    May 26, 2014
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    ops! Sorry
    Before posting I used the search engine, and it did not appear...
  5. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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    yeah, frankly, search engine is to be improved, it takes a few tries before one could see the proper results.
  6. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    yeah baby! my most used plugin of all time! on master fader everyday every project i use it like a reg meter so fine!( i dont use the eq part for that though haha)other times i uses it for reg eq too!
  7. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I did a lot of a/b/c ing between ozone7/ozone6 and proq2 eq matching. I found that I got the best results with ozone 7s eq for this task. I just wish they would have kept the ability to save reference snapshots like ozone 6. With ozone 7 you have to recapture it everytime.