DAWs: Why Do They Not Play Well With Win 10?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by superliquidsunshine, Oct 4, 2016.


Which do you use?

  1. Win 10

  2. Win 8

  3. Win 7

  4. Other

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  1. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    I believe I covered the point in one of my earlier comments.
  2. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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  3. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    Why would it then point out the strange eula where it is mentioned that they will access, collect and preserve! your emails, communication and files. Just in case law enforcement needs a favor?

    That sounds almost like what google is doing, so they think its ok to push that "free" service

    Well whatever, you just cant get that vintage sound out of w10
  4. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Because they can not deny it ...it is there on the open and everyone can see it (and have seen it)
    So quoting it makes it seem a honest unbiased article without doing any more damage that has already been done.

    But Yes, You are right about that vintage sound... on Windows 98 it sounds even more vintage, especially if combined with Cubase VST32 :guru:

    Not to mention Win 95... 16bit makes wonders! Try it Yourself if You don`t believe it :winker:
  5. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    You stated "I can't see how's this better than Win7". I'm simply pointing out the main reason why its better, even if its a slight iteration of your earlier comment. To me performance enhancements and stability are the main reason I chose to upgrade.

    That article was written by Matt Ethan who is the editorial director of IDG UK, which publishes the pc advisor magazine and website. They are not associated with Microsoft... unless you know something that I don't. Regardless, I posted a link to the article specifically because it points out the reason why people are so worked up over privacy using Win10 and what steps you can take to protect it.

    Outside of this, I don't know what else I can say to reassure anyone that Win10 is worth the upgrade. The only way you'll know if its right for you is to take the time and evaluate it for yourself like I have, rather than listen to blanket statements or alarmist posts from people who haven't even taken the time to do so themselves.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2017
  6. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    if w10 had a regular upgrade strategy i would have bought it

    but with that rapey upgrade policy, it will always have something creepy about it

    also, this thread is only another circlejerk, there is no BETTER for audio production, its all in your head

    EDIT: Except windows 7, which is clearly, thee best
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  7. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Yeah, me too. But I was actually refferring to the formatted capacity of a hard disk. 1TB = 931GB in this case. I know why that is, and obviously you know too. :wink:

    Good post btw. Real life story about real life usage! :wink: XP can be made very efficient indeed. Absolutely the most efficient MS OS after W2000, especially if you "nLite" it. :winker: My nLited XP takes about 500MB installed. My [audio] programs take about 6.5GB. Yes, I use an 8GB partition for XP. No need for a bigger one.

    @taskforce I'm pretty sure I have a screenshot of my W2000 desktop somewhere, showing around 30 days of uptime... Today people consider great stability if the OS runs for a day, or just 8 hours, it seems. And I've been running audio apps on my W2000 workstation, too, during that month of uptime. In those times I would run a W2000 and later even XP without stopping it for weeks, unless I had to install some update that required restart. Nowadays, Debian Linux took over the daily tasks for me, and W7 is used only for audio, so I cannot say if it could endure such uptime or not. Possibly? It's also rather cut down, lite version. I'm not really fond of MS default installations. :mad:
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
  8. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Here we go, how to remove one of the best things that come with Windows 10! Just don't open it, done. Or stop using your pen&paper and keep lyrics, notes and stuff safe on your account, in sync with your phone

    More like "permamently get a shitton of malware"! Sign me up!

    This is overkill, all DAWs will force your system to go to maximum performance while they're open anyway. Also, this way you're slowing down everything in your system as it will focus on stuff like search indexing and defragmenting drives instead of the things you're doing. There's a reason for why it isn't set to background services by default.

    ...or how to make yourself an idiot by letting every pendrive people come with to your studio screw up your whole system and get admin permissions

    ...or let's allow every shitty plugin developer (Tone2, I'm looking at you) scan your system and spy on you by removing all protection against it!

    Three simple steps: how to wait 3 hours to search for the song you've been working on 3 weeks ago while people at the studio are trying to kill you for losing their tracks!

    Great idea! Everyone loves waiting for the system to boot instead of having instant load time!

    Yes! Let's remove battery saver, most used apps from the start menu, synchronizing passwords, wallpapers and other settings between your laptop and studio PC, disable automatic timezone setting (everybody loves fixing timezones manually, right?). Let's fix this shitty Windows 10 and remove everything!

    Windows Scheduler is responsible for cleaning up backups of your system after updates (about 30GB of disk space is eaten up by a copy of the system before upgrade in case something wrong). If you disable it, you won't be able to delete it yourself and 30 gigs of your HDD are stuck.

    Processor Scheduling allows you to set custom priorities for your apps (so you can give your DAW maximum priority and your email client minimal priority). If you disable it, everything is considered to be equally important.

    Great way to pay more for your bills and have your laptop run for no more than a hour on a charge!

    This only launches if you opened a Metro app and protects you from apps trying to access your private data, but go ahead and save these precious 3 MBs of RAM

    Do I even need to say that running the whole system as administrator is fucked up? Are you nuts?

    Yeah, screwing up the whole system isn't an easy thing to do, but we can see there are still some people who think they're smarter until they realize nothing works and stuff crashes all the time because they turned everything off
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  9. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    I think that bluerover was referring to a offline system, and in that case most of the "tips" are pretty valid IMO ?!?
    ... I mean, I`ve done more or less the same on my Win7 system without any problems.
    It saves some sys resources and gives the feeling of a snappier and faster OS ...
  10. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Okay. Let me explain you the concept from the viewpoint of a software developer. Do you want every single program to waste space on the CD by including Adobe Reader because the system can't view PDF files? It used to be that way, but now Windows can read PDFs. Do you want every single game to waste space by including NVIDIA and AMD drivers for all the graphics cards that the game will run on? No, we added that to the system because it's a pain in the butt and a waste.

    Most of the size of Windows is not the OS itself. The OS is fairly straightforward, though things like making your Dropbox seen as a physical drive in your computer, disk encryption, ZIP file support, had to be added. Because you expect the system to do it, so the dicking around part of setting up is kept to a minimum. The biggest part of the OS is the libraries. Let me explain.

    Back in the DOS days, every piece of software had to be coded for specific hardware. This means the developer had to create 6-8 versions of the same program, and before you could run anything you had to set your graphics card, resolution, soundcard, what port these are in, how much memory you have, etc. All by hand. And the developer had to learn ALL the hardware, even if it's weird. Then Windows came in and added things called libraries. These are like English, basically "I don't care who you are, you're supposed to speak English", just for graphics cards. Now a developer has to only make one simple version of the app and it just works. It will work for all other apps and you won't have to set up stuff for every single piece of software. Then came another things. Network support libraries (so you wouldn't have to set up your network card likewise), so on, so on. Things like .NET Framework - these are all libraries. These are huge now, they allow you to make entire apps with them, connect to websites, access data, all that jazz.

    Now. The reason these are popular and included with Windows isn't because Microsoft wanted to force us to do it. It's because it's handy, and it speeds up the work. It allows developers to skip the fundamentals and go to the meat of the software. In terms of audio - the sound. We don't want to waste too much time on supporting graphics cards, to write our own system to check for updates to our plugins... don't even mention having to add Adobe Reader to our plugins "in case somebody didn't install it". That's why the libraries and apps are there, in the OS.

    Yes, the OS needs constant updates. If something is wrong with the software - and believe me, for software this big, there always be something that slips through testing (even DAWs have bugs, so Windows is even more likely to get some) - you NEED constant updates. Back in the day, you would just buy Windows. Then after a year you'd realize it crashes in a very specific situation. Now you'd be screwed and forced to buy a newer version because they're done with the current version you have - hey, you just said updates suck and shouldn't exist, so give us the money!

    Also, Microsoft aren't the only ones looking closely at their software. Hackers do this, too - as soon as it's released. Sometimes the day a new version of Windows is released they already have a security flaw that allows them to crash your system remotely. Or make a virus get admin rights without you having to allow it. If they didn't update your system, you'd be in deep shit for the next 5-7 years until you buy the next version.

    They're not the only ones doing this. Actually, even plugin developers do this. Most of the free mobile games do this. They show ads which gets small developers money to pay their bills. They want to know if they'll be able to survive, so they add tracking code to their apps. So they know how many people play their games, for how long, what is their favorite character, do they play in multiplayer... this is all valuable info. Why focus on a game that nobody's playing? Same applies for Windows, it makes sense to work on stuff that people use the most. People put such code on websites as well. Youtube counts how many views every video has, what country are the views from... Facebook does this too. It helps the business and allows you to work on the most important stuff. It's something really simple but really powerful and you have the real data - not some survey that most people won't fill up.

    There are many laws about privacy. They're not allowed to sell the data (and since I just said how useful it is, let's just say it's worth some big money). I think they also are forced to show you what data they have about you if you request from them, at least in the EU. The companies I know do this because they have to or they'll get sued. Facebook allows you to download all the data you gave them, photos, messages, your birth date, all that stuff. It's all legal, but it's a tight spot so they are very limited in what they can do with the data. Moreover, they practically need to collect that data and they're pretty much assumed to do so, since when the police comes in to search for a terrorist and asks Facebook to give them all the people from France who've been talking about bombs in the last week in the area of 50km around Paris because somebody has just killed 250 people, they need to be able to help or they can get sued for making the police's job harder and willingly blocking the investigation. It's not above any government, the government actually rules the whole thing (hello, NSA!)
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  11. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Still, allowing every single program on your system run as administrator without you knowing and keeping the whole thing run at max power (let's kill the battery performance of all laptops!) is quite a shitty idea, isn't it?
  12. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Windows 10 is still Windows 8, just as iPhone 7 is still iPhone 6. We're not stupid. I regret updating both; waste of time.
  13. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Thanks for the time You took to respond. A very good post :bow:

    Yes, because I use my OS only for making music.
    If I need something extra (like ie. pdf reader) I prefer to install the version i want myself and use it.

    Exactly my point... I don`t need all that stuff, As said, I need a clean OS - only OS! I`ll take care of all these other things if I need them.

    Yes, and now these developers are jobless... everything is done by MS the way they like it.

    That makes no sense to me ?!? "if software is wrong fix the OS ??? " come on !?!? - I don`t get this one :dunno:

    I never said that they are the only ones doing that, I am well aware of what are they doing.
    To avoid that I keep my PC offline, and that is sadly not very practical for me ... or I avoid using such software.
    The problem is that my OS is doing that shit (almost legally, since if I want to use it I had to agree to the eula with no other choice that I am aware of)
    If my OS would be clean, I would still be online, with all the benefits being online means, and I would just not use the software that is doing that data collecting.

    I will not comment the Facebook, Clouds and similar services, since I don`t use them, so they are totally out of my interest sphere.

    I haven`t seen no studio that works with laptops on battery ?!? ... anyway, that is too out of my interest area.

    All problems that You mentioned are there just because the OS is not an OS, but a mix between OS and Software, and that is exactly what I am against.

    Cheers, and thanks once more for the nice reply :thumbsup:
  14. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    Wow, that guy is ruthless, but yes, an offline desktop PC strictly for music production. :) I haven't looked into an nLite for Win 10 yet, but a slimmer Win image would be awesome!
  15. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Nope, they finally have the time to do awesome things and focus on the sound instead of learning how to make the stupid graphics card show you the knobs.

    Is the OS not software? If it's wrong they better fix the OS or you'll be in some deep shit for several years until the next version comes around (and you'd have to pay another $200 or so)

    Completely legally. It's not illegal to learn what your users use the most so you can focus on it. But that's why there are so many laws that forbid selling this data, require them to show you what they got about you if you tell them to etc.

    The thing is, everybody does this because it helps. Why focus on stuff nobody uses? These days, even Ubuntu (Linux) collects data about you so they know what people use. Firefox does this, too. It's not just Microsoft being the bad guys, it's not Google being the big brother. It simply helps, and gives an advantage - you don't waste money on doing stuff nobody will notice.

    Ever heard of people with mobile setups? They drive to the customer, often to record a live show, sometimes to record someone's album in their house because that's more comfortable for the band.

    Sure. That's what the OS is meant to do - give you the stuff you need to get the job done. You want the system to have some sort of web browser, even Internet Explorer, so you can download Chrome or Firefox. Imagine having to keep a CD with it because the system doesn't allow you to even use the internet without installing extra software. Imagine having to keep a CD with file explorer because you can't open folders without 3rd party software (hey, it is just an OS, not a mix of OS and software!). Imagine having to keep a CD with image viewer because you can't even open pictures without separate software. And some more software... CD burning, calculator, notepad, music player (because you can't even play your mix to the people in your studio without buying some music player software), scanning/printing, some sort of 3rd party software to change the resolution of your screen, its brightness... yay, count me in!
  16. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    no comment

    enjoy Your OS full of shit than :dunno:
  17. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Well the thread went the way i expected.:(

    In answer to the original question. I have live, reaper, studio one, bitwig, cubase 9 and the latest sonar all running ok on my machine with win 10 at the moment. I'm an ex computer tech/network administrator so that helps to get computers to do what i want but i've had no real problems on my studio machine so far.

    YMMV applies as always.
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  18. Zollblade

    Zollblade Noisemaker

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Thanks for this, ive been trying to decide this for myself. Linus Tech Tips have done performance benchmarking comparing windows 7, 8 and 10. The two best OS's are windows 10 and 7. there are some cases where windows 7 performs better than Windows 10 but there are other cases where windows 10 performs better although these performance differences are very small.

    I think just get yourself a decent 6th gen CPU, DDR4 RAM and a SSD and you should be fine

    heres the vid i mentioned earlier
  19. Zollblade

    Zollblade Noisemaker

    Mar 1, 2017
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    one thing to note is windows 10 wont have all the older drivers that windows 7 had. My Emu Xboard 25 isnt compatible with windows 10 so i dont have much of a choise but to use windows 7. just something to thing about. allways check that your drivers work before upgrading OS!
  20. Zollblade

    Zollblade Noisemaker

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Yeah windows updates suck!!!! at least with older versions you could disable updates easily. there is still a way to disable them. just search for "services" and disable the "windows update" service manually from the list