I have just been disgusted by Apple!!!!

Discussion in 'Software' started by Bunford, Mar 7, 2017.

  1. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    The thing is, why even trying to argue/discuss with somebody who is not even allowed to speak from his own mind freely? He works for Apple, so he has to represent it despite his personal beliefs. And whether your critisizm is reasonable or not doesn't really matter in this moment because he needs to hold his ground and defend Apple policies/strategies.

    As far as Android goes, I would just have smashed him by saying, "well at least I CAN rollback and do what ever the fuck I desire to do as far as ROMs and the usage if the internal disks are concerned" :D But I also don't see the point of using Apple Music on an Android device.
  2. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Old Europe
    what else did you expect guys ?
    Apple fanboys created the monster and now they're shocked about Apple taking them for granted.
    they've been ripping you off since the 80s and the bigger the scam the more their users praised the Macs in the creative world and so now it's a whole religious Cult including books and movies on their prophet Steve jobs, soon you will see pilgrimages to his grave like he was a technology messiah.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
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  3. RedThresh

    RedThresh Producer

    May 26, 2016
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    Man, dont try to educate ignorants. It just doesn't work on the internet. "Vast majority" haha, vast majority of nobrainers on Cubase (I like Cubase just an example) maybe, but there is also the lucid ones, who know everything is marketing and the main reason people in the music world mocked FL was because of the "Sound Engine" differences/weakness. Which is a pure marketing joke. ALL 32 FLOATING POINTS ENGINES are the same. Literrally. Only difference in renders is how you use the tool.

    It's been a very long time since FL upgraded from toy to serious DAW, only ignorant people doesnt know this in 2017. Especially when you know tool is the last thing that matters, and comparing FL to GarageBand perfectly shows what kind of people still consider this DAW as a "tool" : The ones who have no idea what they are talking about.

    PS : PT/Live/FL12 user with Avid 110 Grade on PT12 here, we can talk about objectivity any time.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
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  4. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Old Europe

    i just used FL 12 recently and the sound engine is probably snappier than other DAWs.
    but the whole GUI is still Toy and i cant understand why they keep it that way, for a diehard cubase user like me it's awful and illogic, FL12 is promising but the GUI is totally a deal breaker, everything is NOT where it's supposed to be, once they redesign the GUI from scratch we will talk about FL being a decent Daw.
  5. RedThresh

    RedThresh Producer

    May 26, 2016
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    Well that's your point. You're from Cubase so you're used to its workflow with straight lines and purely concrete rootings, channel linking... FL is not about that. It's about freedom. This is what upset other DAW users first. Either you get used to it and start using it as an advantage, or you just can't and that's okay, but you can't say things like "then we will talk about FL being a decent DAW'. IT IS. Maybe not for you. For anybody with a bit of intellectual honesty and open-mindness, it IS. It's just different. And it's completely, fully capable. Period. Try to spend more time using it and get out of your Cubase confort zone/workflow habits, it just doesn't work like your personnal DAW. Really. You can link PT-Cubase-Logic-Reaper as similar DAWs in the way they works, then there is FL-Reason-Bitwig etc, different DAWs, with very different vision and how things are done.

    Altought I have to agree the GUI need tons of tweaking and smarter conception, but it's like 95% of DAWs apart from Cubase/PT. FL needs to evolve again and keep getting better, but it is, in 2017, a 100% capable DAW, everyone arguing that definitely not tried it or didnt get the whole point/concept behind it, or (the worst one) don't know what they are talking about from A to Z and just repeat what other nobrainers told them, with an image of FL in his 3rd or 4th version or even 10/11th version (the most bashed ones).

    As someone daily using 3 Daws, industry leader included, with a grade on it, who tried pretty much every DAWs, used Cubase in the early days, I repeat, FL is a legit, capable, complete DAW that can deliver professionnal results. Actually in the Electronic Music domain it's even more capable than a regular PT/Cubase in the way how fast things can be done, and how it's tweaked to the bones for this big part of music.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
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  6. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    What i actually said was "I then highlighted to him that the majority of the music production community views FL Studio (and GarageBand for that matter) as toys and not 'real' DAWs".

    I have used and do occasionally use FL Studio as I like how quickly you can get basic ideas down. I have also always defended people's use of whatever DAW they choose that facilitates them in getting from A to B in the quickest route and stimulates their creativity. However, rightly or wrongly, I am not living in a cave and realise the software does have a certain perceived status in the music production community, which is what I pointed out.
  7. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Apple should be humbler - but what can one expect from the people who brought us Apple Music (which is a rip-off for musicians) and iTunes (I'm still waiting for their justification for taking 40% of download sales).
  8. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    Apple should be this, apple should be that

    Why dont you make something better or buy something else.

    Let me tell you a secret, they dont give a dam about you or me, they care about making money.

    There is no ideal or perfect anything, BUT their stuff is pretty good. Also their support is among the best.
    I have my own problems with apple products im using and i also have problems from other manufacturers stuff.

    Not saying i like their arrogance, they act like some cult. Uh im an apple employee look at meee

    The way i see it, being upset towards a customer service employee will not change the way things are handled

    You got a problem, sue them, buy something else OR complain on the official apple forums where they have employees reading their shit.

    I simply press no everyday when iOS asks me to upgrade, been doing this for over a year and everything works fine. Tried programming my router to block updates but apparently i suck at that
  9. rickbarratt

    rickbarratt Producer

    Dec 27, 2013
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    if you pay for an apple music sub it's not just for your android..

    it's for your itunes, mac, iphone, ipad etc etc etc

    If you don't use it on any of these products why be bothered about apple music? use spotify? tidal etc etc
  10. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Are you paying something else than a Apple Music subscription? I'm asking this just to find out if you had other interactions with Apple support - which I had and the experience was nowhere near what you describe here.

    I definitely don't agree with how Apple's customer support allegedly treated you. I have my reserve that the story is true and I'll tell you why: besides Apple being the God of marketing, every customer is important and the calls are recorded (the standard in customer support).
    Apple saw with their own eyes that changing and then neglecting Final Cut Pro X led to movie studios switching to Adobe products. They know that they rely on paying customers ffs.

    Either the employee was high, either it was his last day at Apple - no customer support management would tolerate such behaviour. Second, customer support is all about your actual problem, discussing daws, operating systems, strategies and other non-related subjects are not at all something a support will do due to the limited time available.
    What you presented sounds more like a beer talk with a techy friend, not a customer suppor talk, especially Apple's.

    And now, in all honesty, a google search on your issue revealed nothing to sugest that Apple Music is not working on any Android 7 flagships - so I think is rahter your problem than Apple's.

    But anyway, as I've said, I think this story is to be taken with a grain of salt.

    PS: I don't know if you ever purchased a Mac, but they don't simply hand it to you if you tell them it's your first and never used one. They show you some basics (file browsing, icloud integration, multitouch gestures, multi screens) to make sure you're not ending frustrated during the first hours of use as macOS is slightly different than Windows OS. They want our money but they know they must deliver something in return and most of the times they do.
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  11. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Spotify is the worst for ripping off musicians in terms of royalty payments. Not tried Tidal though so I might get onto that.

    However, true they use it on them, but they also advertiseit as available on Android via their app, so they should be willing to follow through on that statement.
  12. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I did have an iPad previously. Bought an extra 2 year Apple Care when a local HMV music store was closing down. Lucky I did because my iPad developed a fault in that time beyond normal warranty. However, eve thought I'd registered the extra care serial code on my Apple ID, they tried to claim because I didn't have the original as proof the extra care wasn't valid on my iPad. I had some faff, and ended up going to an Apple Store, with the Apple Care product that I had found, and after creating a fuss in store about them not fulfilling extra care services they finally sorted it. I then gave them the benefit of doubt. Foolishly it seems.

    A grain of salt? I have the emailed transcript as proof and screenshots of Android reporting Apple Music's error logging multiple times per day! :rofl:

    Here is the error log screen shot from earlier today. Apple Music is the ONLY app crashing out of about 72 apps on my device, yet it's apparently not the app!!!! This is not a true account of the errors in last 7 days though cos I auto clear the error logs regularly. If my app had crashed 10 times in the space of 19 hours for a paying customer and was the only app crashing on their device I'd want to investigate it further, not be an arrogant prick about it!


    And here are snippets of the conversation with personal information etc blacked out:



    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
  13. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    what? 1 million plays on spotify will pay you 7000 usd, and that's a number of plays you can get as an indie artist. And such a high number of plays will reflect on your whole catalogue's stats, so it is definitely possible to generate a serious income from spotify.
    2016 was the first profitable year in a decade for the music industry and that is thanks to streaming, which generated around a third of the revenue.
    What you say was true five years ago, but it is not valid anymore for 2017.
    We've arrived in a streaming economy, and in a profitable way, and your promotion and publishing must adopt to that or you're doomed.
    But I have a feeling I somehow broke this topic adrift, sorry about that :)
  14. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Maybe it's changed now then?! I remember a few years ago there was a pretty famous artist who released their income invoice from Spotify to show how badly they were being screwed. Maybe that instigated change?! I switched off from Spotify then and never gone back since.
  15. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    I had 2 MacBooks, 5 iPhones and 2 iPads until now. Never had a problem with Apple support or the Apple Care warranty.

    As for Apple Music app crashing: did you tried a full factory reset without restoring from a backup? Pretty annoying but sometimes even Apple asks for this on their own hardware.

    And regarding emails (I don't deny the Apple Music app can be faulty, I have a concern with the actual content of the emails - no sane support will talk chit-chat over support emails), I have no idea who are you talking to but the only way customer support will refer to non-apple products will be "3rd party apps/manufacturers". You should get a specific name (software/hardware names) only when it is absolutely necessary and relevant to the conversation. So maybe the Apple support in your country is special. Are you sure is Apple's and not some local 3rd party Apple sub-contractor?

    Edit: I've read the email transcripts. Your sole issue was Apple Music not working on a specific hardware/OS combination. I see no discussion on that matter. I see no troubleshooting advice, just random talk. How's that possible? How a customer support after solving or not solving your problem, is still chatting stuff?
    I can see Apple with an attitude like "According to our tests Apple music works on the latest Android version, please contact your os support for debugging the issue. Thank you for chosing Apple Music." or "At this point Apple Music is compatible with Android versions 5.x until 7.x. We are working to update the app as soon as possible for compatibility with Android 8" and that's it. They will never get back to you on the same issue after this answer.

    Edit 2: And no, not eevry macOS update is breaking compatibility. The biggest issue with Apple OS update was from Mavericks to Yosemite. At that point the platform changed a lot, so incompatible apps and drivers and kernel extensions were everywhere. But subsequently El Capitan and Sierra were just minor updates with minor issues. To make an idea, when Sierra was launched, brainworx were the first to send emails advising against update and guess what? All brainworx products were functioning normally under Sierra. Same for daws and apps & sh!t.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2017
  16. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    It was via the Get Support link at the bottom of this page: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/music.

    And I did try a reset. Even the Android upgrade was installed as a fresh factory reset install too without restoring anything except contacts and messages, so shouldn't even need to try a factory reset.
  17. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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    Portishead's Geoff Barrow it was, as I remember. Lets search it. Yeah, and not five years ago too. In 2015 he claimed to have earned just 2500$ from 34 million streams, which is 0.000007 cents per stream. What is this if not a total ripoff?

    And if they can screw Portishead, they will definitely screw you.

    Even highly popular cutie Taylor Swift all your neighbor housewives adore earned less than 500 grand a year. Fortune for you maybe, but not for these guys. And definitely not 2500$ for Portishead member. That's just straight-out shitty deal.
  18. Batoumba

    Batoumba Producer

    Oct 7, 2014
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    at least Apple devices they have good battery ;p 4-5 days ,even months without use.The no sound line-out is a trouble for another dimension :/
  19. NeeboObeen

    NeeboObeen Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Many places
    All major DAW's, small apps, and large app companies are given plenty of time to flush their software out with sys upgrades. I've seen their resistance many times and ultimately it's on them, not Mac or Microsoft. They wouldn't have businesses at all if it were not for operating systems to run on. My big issue is when the sys makers seemingly intentionally mess with each other and hurt us in the process.

    Did Android break the code? Apple not upgrade? Not unusual from all sides here.

    Does Google want Macs or Microsofts software to not work well on on their devise thus forcing you to use theirs? Not always, as that would anger too many people, but rest assured, a few 'glitches' once and a while I feel are strategically implemented.

    It's a battle we'll be in between as long as we have competing apps, os's, and companies vying for our money.
  20. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    My upgrade strategy is never ever be an early adopter, but 7 months in and they still haven't made it compatible with the latest OS? Sorta sounds like he was trolling you a bit. This would affect a large base of customers, so I find it hard to believe one company or the other would not have at least attempted to resolve this. I'd spin the roulette wheel and try to contact another support agent. Or keep the transcript and find out how to call the complaint department. Seems it usually falls to the software developer to update their software to keep it compatible with the latest OS if they are interested in maintaining that customer base.