Paying a small monthly fee for access to legal software

Discussion in 'Software' started by Triple, Feb 28, 2017.

  1. oisinn

    oisinn Ultrasonic

    Jul 6, 2011
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    Wild West
    A small monthly fee is how the system milks its cattle. Just a small APR. A small monthly fee for your mortgage - A small monthly fee for your car insurance - A small monthly fee for your house and life insurance - A small monthly fee for your internet and television - A small monthly fee for your credit card balance - A small monthly fee for the neo liberal open society charities of your choice - A small monthly fee for Spotify - A small monthly fee for gas electricity and water - A small monthly fee towards your funeral costs. Its a grand life if you keep up the payments:like:
  2. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    This method of forcing users to rent software instead of own it is particularly easy to force on the public where the publisher/manufacturer has a monopoly or near-monopoly on a market like Adobe Photoshop does and like Pro Tools (most pro studios use pro tools) does.

    It is not only a wealth extraction method but also erects a barrier to entry for smaller companies and developers to enter the market area.
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  3. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    @oisinn got it :wink:
    "Rent your life" is the new model. At the end of your life, you never owned anything.
    And can't give anything to your children/familly...and they will live like you : always on the edge, on purpose.
    Because "FEAR of falling" is the key to control ppl. Like being forced to pay every month.
    You can't this month ? Bye bye...

    Ownership is for plutocracy only. That's how they own your a**.
    When you rent something, it is not yours. And never will.

    Licence transfert ? Forget about it.
    You paid "only" 30 bucks a month for one year ? 12x30 = 360 bucks. And not a single dime to resell.
    I let you do the math for several years...and more than 30 bucks.

    Some devs already stopped licence transfert, even with paid products. Or ask a terrible price to do it...witch make it useless (on purpose).
    Virtual plugins/softwares are getting more and more "virtual" = nothing else than a hole in the ground to put your money in.

    Where is your "investment" ?
    Worst "investments" are : new converters, new computer...and new plugins.
    Because this is not "investment" by any stretch of the mind.
    Like a brand new car : you turned the key...and it already lost 20% value.

    Side note : Bill Gates is the richest guy on earth. And is going to be the first human to reach fortune.
    To give you an idea, USA (world biggest) military budget is "only" 600.000.000.000.

    Virtual/rent is a model to kill Humanity, by killing ownership of your life.
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  4. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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