Do you think it's worth to invest in a synth or stay with plugins?

Discussion in 'Instruments' started by Maduka, Mar 4, 2017.

  1. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Old Europe
    OK, but i've several pre-made FX chains so it takes 2-3 clicks for me to get my Omni sound good.
    Of course it will never please everybody as it's designed to be a generic all-purpose synth, even if it's obviously targeting cheesy film-music composers rather than people doing hard stuff.

    lack of character ? i hear Omni sounds in almost any hollywood movie.
    Diva is also on many hollywood movies, and Hans Zimmer use it along with Zebra in all his scores.

    what's embarassing is people raving about those damn Moogs in 2017, it's a shame.
    go buy a Moog and after careful testing come back after a few months and tell us if it was really worth the price.

    the Masters play even with a 30$ flute or a 50$ guitar .. let it go.

    name a huge hit song made with just plugs ? basically 90% of the electronic music hits, and anything else is mixed on protools anyway so it's still half digital .. the only true luddist i can remember is the former producer of Nirvana who's stuck on analog and reel-to-reels.
  2. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Old Europe
    because you're not an engineer, simple as that.
    we see nothing wrong in staring at screens and all, to each his own.

    as for the Fetish factor, there's nothing i can do about it, analogs now are seen as a fashion accessory and good luck telling you guys otherwise.
  3. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    I taught that musicians were people that make music ?!?

    Seems that the world has changed a lot in the past 3-4 decades :guru:
    I will consider to avoid Ibiza on my tours during summer :yes:

    What does the astronaut do nowadays ?
  4. hoffy

    hoffy Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Depends on the type of music you make and the sort of sounds you want.

    Plugin emulations of the Roland SH 101/ Juno 106 don't sound as good to me, but that doesn't mean the plug-ins sound bad. Also, the hardware synths are way more fun to play with than looking at a computer screen.

    If you have the money to invest in a synth make sure you buy a good one as it's going to retain it's value a lot longer. And try it out first if you can.
  5. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    what makes you think non of the peeps here dont know any of it?

    as if thats any indicator about how good the music is gonna be
    but i have a feeling that no matter what any of us says, you mererly think of us as using a rice spoon to play ping pong :)
  6. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    [QUOTE="Avenel, post: 252084, member: 2994

    Lack of character means it can blend anywhere and can sound anything. If you identify Omni in an ost ,is mostly because some guy got paid to use a ready made preset lol. And HZ got where he is and still maintains not with Diva, that is quite your assumption. If you 've seen his studio, he has more modular analog than JMJ lol. And his OSTs are played by the finest orchestras and not programmed. Only his demos are. JMJ is a master and i ve seen him live a few years back. He and his colleagues play the epitome of analog gear live on stage. Vangelis plays a kind custom made Korg gear for himself when he doesn't play his old analogs. New Floyd keyb. players play with analog and virtual analog as well. Even fkin Genesis tribute bands play with analog. Prodigy play with 2 W-30 and SH101,Moog Prodigy (sic lol),Sp1200,all Trs on a fkn SSL Duality. Chemical Bros play with Moog modular and System100,various Syntons ,Trs and Crs ,many others and if i recall 3 SSL consoles lol. Massive Attack play with analog and a couple of samplers. I saw Red Hot Chilli Peppers and they had an addon keyboardist and he played a Moog phatty. Maroon 5 keyboardists play fkn B-3, Rhodes,Wurly,Clavinet ,Motif, MicroKorg and Nord lead. Jamiroquai play with Nord, Moog Source, Clavinet ,Rhodes etc. 2016-17 Duran Duran tour with 2 JD-XAs among others. Leftfield play Juno 106,Tr808,SpaceEcho re-201,DS Tempest. Royksopp play Juno 106, MS-20, VP-330,Korg Sb100. Stereo Mcs play a couple of samplers, SH101 and TR808. Kaskade play MicorKorg,Juno106,VirusTi. Swedish House Mafia play TE Op-1 and VirusTI2 on a fkn SSL 9080 console. Afrojack plays Moog Little Fatty and a VirusTi. Undeworld play TR-909,CR-78,ARP2600,OSCar,Virus Ti,Tr-909 on a fkn TL Audio all tube console. Orbital play a Doepfer A-100 modular,MacBeth M5N modular,Arp2600,Jupiter6,Sh-09,System100,Wasp,DS Tempest. Hardwell uses Manley,Thermionix,CraneSong gear,VirusTis and Jd-Xa. Avicii plays a Moog sub37 and a OP1 on a fkn SSL console.DaftPunk play all Trs,Linns,their custom Punktron Modular which spans 2 walls,Prophet5.Juino106,Jupiter6,CS-80,OB-8,SE Omega8,ARP odyssey,MoogVoyager,MS-20 Korg,TB303 ona fkn Neve88R. Aphex Twin plays TR808,ElectronRthm8,TR626,System700,MS50.FSOL play Moog ModelD,JX3p. Moby plays Juno 106,Jupiter 8, All TR range. Basement Jaxx play Moog Voyager, Jupiter 8. Justice play CP70 Yamaha,Fender Rhodes,MoogVoyager,Juno106,ARP Odyssey,Mellotron,Hammond B3 on a vintage Neve console. Breakbot plays Roland SH3,Juno60,Memorymoog,Nord Stage. Calvin Harris plays Linn drum machines,MoogSource,DS Prophet 08 and 5, Moog Voyager, SH201, MS20, Juno 106,ARP Odyssey,Rhodes on an API console. Armin Van Buuren plays Andromeda,Voyager,JD800,Prophet12 on a Toft Audio console. StevAoki plays a VirusTi,NorlLead, and a fkn Telecaster lol.DadaLife play MoogVoyager,VirusTI2,TB303. Disclosure play Korg Monotron, Moog LittlePhatty, Anromeda,Juno106,Ms-20. Mr.Oizo plays Sh09,Ms20.

    Feeeewww. You were saying something about 90% of the electronic music hits? Like you know which they are, right? I will not continue. Believe me i can. Dude, i suggest you study this list, though i doubt you will. I wish you well, really. Stay happy and clueless.

    EDIT: Taskforce plays Ms20,MS2000,SH101,JD800,JD990,JV1080,MV8000 for loop triggering/samples,VP330 and 880,Studiologic and Novation controllers and a TR-909 on a Tascam DM4800. LOL
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
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  7. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    lol..People got angry with me, when I said mixing and mastering sounds much better using manley massive passive eq, SSL X racks and other dedicated hardware gear than in the box stuff like Ozone, and T-racks

    Let me pour some fire on the flame. Don't use any hardware unless it's an actual acoustic instrument. Electronic synths are cheating. Johnny Cash, Al Green, Sam Cooke, and Janis Joplin didn't have a Juno-60 or Korg poly 800. Damn cheaters... :bleh:
  8. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    Feeeewww. You were saying something about 90% of the electronic music hits? Like you know which they are, right? I will not continue. Believe me i can. Dude, i suggest you study this list, though i doubt you will. I wish you well, really. Stay happy and clueless.

    EDIT: Taskforce plays Ms20,MS2000,SH101,JD800,JD990,JV1080,MV8000 for loop triggering/samples,VP330 and 880,Studiologic and Novation controllers and a TR-909 on a Tascam DM4800. LOL

    And they mix everything down in Protools. lol And I know for a fact the top EDM producers all use vsti. Go to and see for yourself. Guys like Acicii, Martin Garrix, Ferry Corsten, Buuren, ATB, Nickey Romero, David Guetta, Skrillex, Diplo, Deadmau5, Zedd, Steve Aoki, Hardwell, Porter Robinson, AfroJack, Kygo, Kaskade, all use f*cking nexus and Hell even Daft Punk uses gross beat and Ohomicide...:rofl:
  9. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Theory partly. Electronics no.
    I don't, but the again I don't need to to. The same as I don't need a background in mechanics to drive any vehicle or any motorbike.
    I never said there was, but please do quote the bit where I did.
    Not to me it's not. To me it's sound generation. Now if your having trouble getting your head around that concept, you best go back and study.
    :rofl:You're seriously asking me if I know what a VCO is? Yes, and how it works, but I don't need to know the physics or the concept, to be able to use it, all I really need to know is what the result is, when I turn that dial.
    I don't need one, all I need to now is how the parameters effect the sound and how the signal chain is connected.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
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  10. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    I already know it's not hard.
    I didn't bring up vintage analog. Try reading what's posted.
    No it doesn't. How are you gonna learn what parameters do to the sound signal if you never touch the knobs, use the force?
  11. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Watch your language! There are rules about it.
  12. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    What did you expect. A lot of people here don't like hardware much, and remember you cannot mention the one that cannot be named (the one begins with A) :hahaha:Think where you are. Must admit I do like the look of the Manley stuff, Shame I don't like the look of the price so much. :rofl:
    Ah! The Holy Grail of who uses what.:lmao:
  13. I can see now that you are just trolling...later for you!
  14. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    Aside from maybe a couple tactile controllers, stay away from synth/sampler/keyboard hardware. It's a pointless, stupid trap. All your time goes to dusting off, finding space, sorting patches, buying memory cards, changing the battery so you don't lose your internals, replacing tact switches, replacing broken jacks, worrying about power surges, worrying about theft, and a slew of other hardware repair and maintenance worries.
    Don't fall into the trap unless you're unfortunately one of those "I can't stare at a screen and I need to touch it" kind of people. Seriously, it's a time, money, space, and effort sponge. That's why I don't understand why gear prices are skyrocketing. Is it because of hipsters? I thought prices would plummet now that ITB is so accepted. Maybe just a simple function of the ever decreasing availability of vintage and the skyrocketing population.
  15. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
    best thing to do is learn more about hardware synths and figure out what works best with your budget. Ill take my prophet 6 over 10 of the best synth plug ins but that's my personal taste. let your ears be your guide.
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  16. LHO

    LHO Ultrasonic

    May 15, 2016
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    So, after all these valuable insights, how's the OP feeling about hardware synths? Will you join the "noobish non-engineers" in analog-land or choose the route of "woke-af" digital-only peeps?

    Personally, I'd suggest getting something cheap (like a Volca, Minilogue, Minibrute, ...) and then seeing how or rather if it benefits your music/workflow. Basically what a lot of people suggested before me. On the other hand, I'm not really well-versed in electronics, so I'm probably not qualified to open my mouth...
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  17. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Man... This IS from EQUIPBOARD lol. Stop reading only the first page on every artist, get your facts straight please. If Daft Punk used Homicide by Ohmboys in one track 15 years ago this doesn't mean they are constant plugin users. Of course the same could be said for any hardware synth on their list. So where do we find the truth ? Daft Punk's last album which was Number 1 in about 70 countries was done completely on the analog domain from a to z. Do you have something to say about this maybe? And this whole debate was about whether artists focus ( and should they) on just plugs or they use hardware too.

    PS: Giorgio Moroder uses plugins too. JMJ as well. I do too. My wife does and she plays classical and baroque. Almost everybody does. This doesn't mean we rely solely on them for our sound. Thanks :)
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
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  18. Spirit

    Spirit Member

    Nov 1, 2016
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    I think the OP left the thread on page 1... (sensible lad!)
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  19. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Well... Take this as an example. When a dude comes up with 70 samples (TR808-Linn-SH101,whatever) the whole world has heard and used trillions of times, sits down and creates a script interface for Kontakt and has the nerve to put a price tag of 15 or 20$ on "his library", what would you do if you were a hardware synth manufacturer ? I mean as we are,imho it is really hard for anyone to come up with something really new in the hardware synth/sampler world. At the other end of the spectrum, half the sample libraries i hear are complete or partial ripoffs of earlier sample libraries. In many occasions i 've heard samples from commercial tracks i have on records, and the sample cd/dvds disclaimer sticker says they are completely right free and grants you a license for commercial usage. No wonder why youngsters have a hard time telling what is original and what's not. It is a whole mess really who is who and why imho.
  20. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Sometimes I wish I had an analog synth. There are so many times I come up with some quick 'n dirty sound design ideas that would go way quicker/easier if I could just twiddle a few knobs without having to click and drag or set up midi controls.
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