DAWs: Why Do They Not Play Well With Win 10?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by superliquidsunshine, Oct 4, 2016.


Which do you use?

  1. Win 10

  2. Win 8

  3. Win 7

  4. Other

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  1. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    No. It is your opinion. That doesn't make it a fact.

    I use XP as well, but I see issues that you are not pointing to, for good reason. This OS isn't supported anymore, most actual software requires at least Win 7. Also, while the sentence "never change a working system" still is valid, some users don't just want something that works, but also new features. Windows 10 is young, Win XP needed 3 service packs before it was as stable as it is. I don't see why 10 won't be a good system in the future. There will be tools to shut off all those little processes that nobody but Microsoft needs and it will be just as reliable as XP was in its last years.
    Although this is my opinion, I won't say 'fact'.
  2. cooper

    cooper Member

    May 3, 2015
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    I've been using Windows 10 for almost a year, and haven't had any issues.

    No automatic updates.
    Start up time is far better than Win7.
    DAW is working great.
    Performance is great.
    Audio interface drivers that were not created for W10 are just fine (even better, now that I don't have to mess around with the device configuration if I open my DAW while listening to music) (Windows even downloaded them on it's own during setup, I couldn't believe it got it right --- same goes for my video card)
    The only thing that is not compatible is my motherboard's software to control the fans speeds, and I can live without it.

    If you're having any major issues I'd check if it is hardware related, or take a look between the computer and the chair........ (specially regarding automatic updates, the anniversary update changed that to make it even easier)

    You might find it more difficult to configure than Win7 was, but it doesn't mean it sucks or that you can't do it, it's just different.
  3. dv8r171

    dv8r171 Member

    Sep 24, 2016
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    Win10 - Running both Ableton 9.6 and FL Studio 12.3 without any problems. In fact, upgrading to 10 on the same box gave me better performance.
  4. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    My point exactly. I have some trouble with my DAW Cubase Pro 8.5 btw, but i have a LOT, and i mean a lot of trouble with my video programs especially when dealing with audio.

    I have thus decided to leave windows 10 for the time being and go back to win 7 which i should never have left in the first place. It worked perfectly. What was i thinking, for Christ sake !!!? :dunno:

    And i'm lucky to have a powerhouse, dual xenon 128 gb ram, GTX 1060 6gb, 512gb nvme SSD for boot, 1tb ssd for cache and 8 tb HD for librairies. So it's not that...
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
  5. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Win 7 x64 here, and if it were not for the memory limitation and plugins that are not supported, I would gladly use Xp

    Why? - because I don`t need nothing of the new things that win 8 or 10 offers.
    My "audio" pc is always offline, no wifi drivers, no lan drivers, no phone cable, completely stripped of everything, and It works perfectly.
    Cca. once every 2 Years I reinstall my OS when I have a few free days, and that`s it.

    For Internet I use Linux since Linux mint came first out many years ago... at the moment, I use Mate with a small installation of Win7 on virtualbox if I should need it, but actually I used it maybe just a few times to do some quick stuff in photoshop while on the internet.
    So practically, even that vbox thing is superfluous for me.

    I`ll stay with Win7 for as long as the plugins I use work on it, and for Linux I change every 4 Years (LTS releases)

    Happy Camper :chilling:
  6. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I've seen deadmau5 and other streamers repeatedly get trashed by Windows 10 updates and various other "useful info" from Microsoft in mid-stream. They probably haven't disabled most of the nagging "features", but why should you have to bother? Microsoft uses Windows like a platform to sell other products and services, an entire Microsoft ecosystem. Maybe if a legit company had such an ecosystem it'd actually be a great idea, but Microsoft's vision is like being a prisoner in a cubicle where you have to do things the way Microsoft wants instead of the way you want. Other than all that self-serving, counterproductive overhead Windows 10 is about 3% better than Windows 7 in performance. Mostly it's in ease of installation and more resilience rather than significant performance improvements. All that said, I would not upgrade to Windows 10 given a choice, we're basically being forced to because Microsoft, Intel, and AMD have plotted to stop supporting older versions with system drivers.
  7. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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  8. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    I worked on W7 then I move to W10 - no difference, after you correctly setup your system.
    Most people do next-next like installation process, but if you read carefully you have to turn off all suggested features like one-drive, sending expressions to Microsoft, and many more. I have regular update system turned on, no problems at all. Check when is your update scheduled in scheduler. You can setup your preferred time.
  9. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    You want to add yourself permissions to the folder, this is a NTFS problem and it's by design

  10. Resonator

    Resonator Kapellmeister

    Nov 3, 2015
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  11. Resonator

    Resonator Kapellmeister

    Nov 3, 2015
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    I use both 7 & 10, sometimes get problem with 10 occasionally with plugins not able to find their own files. Probably just me not being arsed to problem solve it when it's ready to go on another system.
  12. notremid

    notremid Producer

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I am running Windows 10 Enterprise edition on a literal potato (Almost a decade old PC with a still functioning floppy drive :guru:; Yes, its that old) and to be honest I have not faced too many problems using Windows 10. Enterprise edition feels lighter and user-friendly, tweak-able out of the box than other versions of Win 10 I believe. Performance actually depends a lot on the user too (besides the PC specs obviously), smart and experienced Windows users know what to do to keep the PC running as smooth as Microsoft allows. Windows 7 is still pretty solid and much-loved by many including myself having used it for a pretty long time. Having said that I need to upgrade and donate this PC to a museum :yes:
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  13. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Bought a probook with windows 10 installed and it had to go.....
    Perhaps if i had more patience with it, but it was just so slow and bloated compared to 7.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2017
  14. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I haven't read read all the thread but I can tell this:
    - With my old PC Windows 7 works fine (after running "Destroy Windows Spyware" and disabling updates)
    - Most people I know (trust-able) says that Win10 works just fine. But, you must also run an anti-ms-spyware tool and disable updates. Being much newer and green Win10, perhaps this is an issue. Also, you have to disable a lot more services than in Win7 to equal speed and RAM usage.

    My point is, even if you have Win7 or Win8 you get a lot of MsSpyware. Uninstall it, and disable Windows Update. If you need an update (typical case: Win7 Platform SDK if you want to run Studio One 3) install it manually or very carefully via Windows Update.

    There's an interesting tool for downloading Windows Updates and install them offline on another computer (www.wsusoffline.net/). Of course, you can do it on the same.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2017
  15. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    DAWs: Why Do They Not Play Well With Win 10?
    O, it's never that easy :)
    The people with more knwoledge about the OS tend to be more satified with it.
    It has always been a problem that windows, out of the box, was slow and bloated (services, autostart...). And this got worse with every edition. So Win 10 is top of the pops as a bloated and slow system. And Win10, out of the box, is so "secure" that it is almost unusable for demanding applications (Audio/Video/3D).
    But when I tweak it to the max (or have someone who does that for me) it is faster than Win7.
    That has always been this way and will be this way with Win20 as well.
    So, why do I update to a newer Version? It's because I am forced by the circumstances and the OS vendor. When I buy new hardware, there are no drivers for old versions, no updates for the OS... you name it.
    My personal way is to let my productive machines running on older versions at least one year and experiment with the new version on a new machine so that I get in touch with it. At the end (after 2 or 3 years) I am really forced to update. And it's better to do the update, when I know what I do.

    I don't know much about Mac OSX, but as I read about the problems apple users have with it, the situation is quite the same, when it comes to applications with high demands. The OS is getting more problematic with each iteration of the OS, so that users tend to not update it until they are forced (e.g. new hardware notsupported by older OS versions).

    All in all I think, the dummies, using a Mac or PC for surfing the web or writing with texts are satisfied with each of the OS out of the box.
    With more demanding apps the OS need more tweaking and from therefore more knowledge.

    So it is not a question, wich is the best OS version for me. The question is, wich OS version I am able to tweak the best.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2017
  16. akashaman

    akashaman Guest

    not to mention Win 10 is total spyware , why do you think they give it away for free & it self-installed on half the PCs in the country ?!
    only a thousand videos on YT on how Evil Win 10 is.
  17. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    @akashamanYou're right, OS-related spyware is part of the problem.
    But never say never :no:
    The day will come, you have to update - or refuse to use a PC at all.:yes:
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2017
  18. TW

    TW Guest

    win 10 here no problems at all. Win 10 on a desktop no internet, Musik optimized highend only Studio pc. Win 10 on my laptop. Which i use for musik making/recording and for standart pc work. I did not recognize any diffrence in stability or resource use to my earlier win 7 systems.
  19. Spacely

    Spacely Producer

    Jan 4, 2015
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    Everyday/Everything PC runs windows 10. Music Production PC runs Win 7. My Music production Mac runs 10.9.5. My everyday/Everything Mac runs whatever the latest OSX is at that time.
  20. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    if you want 10 i really recommend installing Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB version; Long Term Servicing Branch (LTSB) is similar to Windows 10 Enterprise but does not include Cortana, Windows Store, the Edge browser, Photo Viewer and the UWP version of Calculator (replaced by classic version), and will not receive any feature updates, gives companies more control over the update process. Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSB also lacks the same components absent in other N variants (see below), and it is the most stripped down edition of Windows 10 available
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