Kontakt 5.5 libraries disapear - SOLVED!

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by evilfart, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. evilfart

    evilfart Newbie

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Hi Guys, sorry if this has been posted before but recently I have a trange problem with my KOntakt 5.5
    When I open Kontakt and add a new library everything is fine. but when I close and reopen Kontakt, the new added library is gone and I have to redo the adding. Anyone knows a solution?


  3. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Yes, I have solution!
    Probably your system is Windows 10, am I right?
    First thing you should do is:
    - Go to your explorer and find folder c:/program files/common files/Native Instruments/Service center
    - Right click on Service center folder and go to properties -> security tab
    - Under security items choose Users and go to Edit then apply "Full control" for users over this folder
    After this try to append library again...
    If this not help at all, then you will see temp.sc3 file (or something like that) on desktop.
    Open this file with editor, and copy name from name xml node, for example "Infinity" (for Sample logic infinity) then rename this file to:
    - temp.sc3 => infinity.xml
    and put this file in folder above (Service center).
    After that you are ready to rock!
  4. segglyuk

    segglyuk Kapellmeister

    Sep 30, 2015
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    [Quote = "nikon, post: 249.612, tag: 5108"] Igen, van megoldás!
    Valószínűleg az Ön rendszere Windows 10, igazam van?
    Az első dolog, amit meg kell tennie:
    - Menj a felfedező, és megtalálja a mappa C: / program files / common files / Native Instruments / Szolgáltatási központ
    - Jobb klikk a szolgáltató központ mappát, és menj a tulajdonságok -> biztonsági fül
    - A biztonsági elemeket választani felhasználók és a Szerkesztés, majd alkalmazni "Teljes vezérlés" a felhasználók több mint ebben a mappában
    Ezt követően próbálja hozzáfűzni könyvtár újra ...
    Ha ez nem segít egyáltalán, akkor látni fogja temp.sc3 fájlt (vagy valami ilyesmi) az asztalon.
    Nyissa meg a fájlt szerkesztő, és másolja nevét név XML-csomópont, például "Infinity" (Minta logikai végtelen), akkor nevezd át a fájlt:
    - Temp.sc3 => infinity.xml
    és ezt a fájlt mappa felett (Service center).
    Ezután készen áll a rock! [/ Quote]

    Hi! The same problem (win7). I followed your instructions, but it still does not work (Apollo cinematic GTR)
    Rename the file SC3 was not clear to me (google translator) .. you describe more precisely, to see if this is the problem .... thanks
  5. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    - try to run standalone Kontakt with Administrative rights (right click Run as Administrator)
    - temp.sc3 (open file with text editor) and you should see something like

    <Name>Apollo Cinematic GTR</Name>

    Just copy "Apollo Cinematic GTR" and rename temp file to Apollo Cinematic GTR.xml and then copy this file manually to Service Center folder.
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  6. Zikkk

    Zikkk Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Between A and B♭
    I had a similar problem when I installed Komplete Kontrol. Almost all cracked Kontakt libraries with SNPID numbers beginning with 0 and 8 (for example 048, 843) disappeared. I never understood why it occurred with those particular numbers, but it seems that Komplete Kontrol has a database with default original numbers and if your nicnt contains a different one, it does not get authorized. The result was that neither KK nor Kontakt recognized those libraries any more.
    I had to give new numbers to all those libraries beginning with a letter (for example b52, c21). I used Notepad++ to both the nicnt file and the xml file (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center). All libraries appeared again in KK and Kontakt 5.5.0 with no need to import them again. And stayed there!
    There were some minor exceptions. Of course, that damn Morphestra 2, which is the only one that you can do nothing about. Period. A few other libraries did not work with numbers other than the default ones, but fortunately were recognized anyway.

    There is another reason for disappearing libraries: SNPID number conflict. You may have given the same number to more than one library. In this case, a very useful tool is NI SNPIDlocator, which scans your Service Center folder and shows which xmls contain the same number. A small editing of both the xml and the nicnt of the offending library returns it permanently into your Kontakt database and tabs list.

    Finally, a tip for all Komplete Kontrol users. Many NKS-compatible cracked Kontakt libraries cannot be loaded with KK and you see a message saying "Loading issue. Could not load plugin". Of course Kontakt loads them with no problem. I spent a lot of time trying to understand what causes this issue. It seems that KK searches for the specific version of Kontakt5.dll with which the nki files were created, and, when it encounters a different version, decides not to load them with it!!!
    I found the solution. The steps I followed are:
    1. Batch re-save (It worked for some libraries, especially the Soniccouture ones, but others, like Una Corda, could still not be loaded).
    2. In Kontakt I created copies of the nki files that KK could still not load.
    3. In KK I rescanned the libraries I had changed. KK loaded all the new nkis with no problem.
    4. The new patches cannot be loaded through the browser. I marked them as favorites and I load them from the favorites list.
    The only exception was, again, Morphestra 2.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2017
  7. evilfart

    evilfart Newbie

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Thank you all, i forgot to say that i am on OS 10.10. MAybe anyone with mac to help with the problem :)

  8. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I have the same problem exactly with that library and only that library. After doing all tests I know, the one conclussion I arrived is that one 8Dio Library (no idea about which) made disappear Apollo. Adding all libraries from Z to A, Apollo remained on tab until arrived to 8Dio. As I registered the 81from 8Dio in one time, don´t know which of them is the guilty.

    All the rest of libraries on my tab (2000) works fine, but Apollo registered, appear, and restarting Kontakt is disappeared. No solution for that, appart from I mentioned before. And if I have to choose between Apollo and 81 libraries from 8Dio, the election is evident.

    Would be so nice that somebody really expert will find a real solution for that case, not batch-resaves or SNPID changes in NI powered libraries??????? .....................
  9. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Now I'm a bit confused about your reply, and I found your reply can be interpreted in two ways.
    I would say like this. If you need real expert then I suggest to you to buy Kontakt and library and then you can have expert help from NI or Vir2 at any time. You have rights for appealing etc. I mean if you are not satisfied with help here.
    Our help is "free of charge" and is involved by existing experience with libraries and Kontakt (yes, I also had issues like this with other libraries). It's mostly based of our free will and free time to response on one of those Kontakt mystical issues (I you search for kontakt issue here you will find pile of threads).
    At the end, I don't think here will be final resolution "written/posted" for this case even if you successfully solve this problem, because people here just know to open issues and when they found solution it stays unresolved on forum. Like I don't care, I found a solution.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2017
  10. Xyenz Fyxion

    Xyenz Fyxion Producer

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Hi, guys. It was Apollo Cinematic Guitars and 8Dio Adagio Cellos. Cellos was 444557 for me. Apollo Cinematic Guitars was 557. They came like this.

    Now, in order to fix the problem, just edit the Adagio Cellos. In the nicnt (edited with TextEdit on MAC or NotePad++ on Win), change the Cellos SNPID to 444. That should do it. Then, I also recommend deleting the XML files, removing from Kontakt and adding them to Kontakt's Library pane, again.
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  11. segglyuk

    segglyuk Kapellmeister

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Thank you .. Really close to the Adagio cellos caught up in the Apollo val..Már all of them work ..
  12. Xyenz Fyxion

    Xyenz Fyxion Producer

    Feb 10, 2014
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    With 81 libraries (or 2,000, or 200 if that was a typo)... Why did you even install Apollo Cinematic Guitars?? Hahaha
    You could make a better library by tweaking the sounds you already have. :wink:
  13. Xyenz Fyxion

    Xyenz Fyxion Producer

    Feb 10, 2014
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    You're welcome, son. It was simple after all, but it took time to uncover the solution.
  14. evilfart

    evilfart Newbie

    Dec 9, 2016
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    It happens to all new libraies that I try to add. Its not the SNPID. can it be a problem with the database?
    I also had a look in the service center. For all the libraies that Kontakt add, but then they disapeared when I open Konakt again, all this libraries don`t have an .xml file. Could that cause the problem? How can I fix this?

    Thank you all again for your help!
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2017
  15. signalflow

    signalflow Rock Star

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Okay I found a simple solution. When adding the libabry, does it generate a sc3.tmp file on your desktop?

    I've been dealing with disappearing libraries for a week and what I did was when adding a 3rd party libabry Kontakt will generate a sc3.tmp file to the desktop. Basically the sc3 file is a temporary xml file. All I did was change the name of the sc3 file to the libabry name you use in the nicnt file and change the extension to .xml i.e. "Product name.xml" and throw that into the service center folder.

    All libabries are now there to stay.

    Hope this helps someone.
  16. evilfart

    evilfart Newbie

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Thank you for your help, but on my sytem no sc3.tmp is created on desktop.
  17. ambbe

    ambbe Producer

    Jan 10, 2016
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    In my case, whenever a library disappears after reopening kontakt is by a SNPID conflict.
    I have also noticed that when adding a library, many times the sc3.tmp file is created, but also the XML is created in Service Center, so I can delete the sc3.tmp and the library remains.
  18. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Try ensuring show hidden files & folders checked & then add library & check for sc.3tmp on desktop
  19. signalflow

    signalflow Rock Star

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Los Angeles, CA
    That's weird. I'm not sure how to help in this case. Did you try using the standalone version?
  20. signalflow

    signalflow Rock Star

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Los Angeles, CA
    I would delete the xml file that's in the service center folder and rename the sc3.temp file and drop that into the service center folder. See if that works.

    It's strange it would create and xml file along with an sc3.tmp file as the .tmp is a temporary xml file which gets generated because a lack of an actual xml file.
  21. Rogelio

    Rogelio Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    Best Answer
    Follow this tuto (it's in Spanish, but He shows how to do it)
