Convert Kontakt .nki to .sfz or Mach5?

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by voidSeeker, Feb 14, 2017.

  1. voidSeeker

    voidSeeker Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2016
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    Hey guys, I am wondering if the above can be done automatically. I am wanting to convert existing Kontakt libraries into .sfz or Mach5 format to get them into Falcon for manipulation.

    I know that in cracked Kontakt, you can save out protected libraries into .wav format. I am looking for an automatic convertor so I don't have to re-map all the samples by hand (tedious).

    Thanks for any help!

    (Sorry for the double post, couldn't figure out hot to delete threads...)
  3. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    the latest version of Chickensys Sytemtranslator can do it for kontakt libs but for kontakt player libs there are no solution , and would needs to be made by hand .
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  4. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Always remember that many of these sounds are optimised nature and dependent upon scripting.
    Most of these types of conversions are a waste of time in my own opinion because they don't convert what is needed. Example woulld be the old giga format conversions for Kontakt itself that sound fairly rubbish as they are not meant for Kontakt. Also remember that .nki & .ncw was created specifically for use in Kontakt alone and nothing else. What formats exactly are you converting?
    Many Kontakt libraries are .WAV format anyway.
    Just import the WAV files you need :dunno:
    Probably won't sound very good anyway.
    If it .ncw -> Kontakt itself will convert it for you to .WAV.
    Another example of why IO say they don't sound that great is that Mach 5 for example will import .NKI directly but when you do they don't sound that great when you do as you don't get the scripted elements etc
    Personally I think you'd be better of just going and sourcing your own material in appropriate format rather than wasting a load of time converting something that in all probability won't sound that great.
    I could have totally misunderstood what you are aiming at though :yes::bow:
  5. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    sorry Kloud but you are little bit wrong too .

    thats correct but ..

    yes sure only conversation does not sounds that good because you needs a little bit knowledge and edit those instruments that they are sounds good . and giga format has nothing to do with that its not meant for Kontakt . Samples within those librays are same and samples are Samples , it depends on what you can do with it to rebuild it that i can sounds good . and believe me it can be made sounds good .

    thats correct but nki are just an instrument to load in kontakt , ncw are nothing more than converted soundfiles to NI´s own losless format .

    as the op said he dont want remapping every single file , just an example try to map an instrument which has only 1000 samples , than you will know how time expensive it would be .

    again said it depends what you make out of them .

    yes you understand it wrong because the op will import those into Falcon without the needs to remapping the samples to build and edit and manipulate it in the way he want it .
  6. btc1750

    btc1750 Member

    May 20, 2015
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    what TinTin said is true

    I have done a few manual-conversions
    and so far Extreme Sample Converter is the best for that
    use VSTi converter, it renders the library/nki to sfz+wav, you need to put the nki in sampler mode

    I advice against automatic-conversion
    it is because there are tons of parameters(eg. volume,turning in mapping editor) will not get converted correctly/simply get ignored
    such rendering is the only way to go

    I always study the script first, then bypass all scripts & FXs for rendering
    and emulate the script in my own way
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  7. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    EXSC does it by re-sampling rather than actually reading the nki itself, right?
    I have yet to see an nki decryptor for Kontakt >4.2 files, although this should certainly be possible... :dunno:
  8. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    no , you have two ways , converting it directly or resampling . the problem are ESC are very outdated and not updated since an very long time . it does not support Kontakt 4/5 files and or latest instruments files in general .

    again as i said it in my first answere in this post , Chickensys Translator 6 latest version can do this . even if i dont like this company Translator 6 are the only Translator Software which is still alive and gets updated as well .
  9. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Well that's great I'm just going of my own experience of some of the Giga libraries with GS programming etc that translate pretty rubbish as the velocity curves, release samples, cross-fades, etc list goes on don't translate at all. However i'm no expert on translating Giga and this could be a totally different thing. As i said i didn't quite understand a few parts but hey if it's gonna work well then great. From my own experience the translations i've heard in the past have been somewhat lacking. However maybe I just experienced the bad ones. Never really spent loads of time in depth doing that but dabbled. If it gonna work then great. Maybe you can like publish the method in detail so that others can learn. That would be cool I guess
  10. Resonator

    Resonator Kapellmeister

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Another limited way of doing similar is resampling with samplerobot, need to use virtual audio and virtual midi cables (midi saves time and lets it do it automatically). but an advantage is that you get to sample the kontakt instrument as you want it to sound and not be limited just to the original sound of the samples. formats you can export to include sfz.
  11. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Well then you're very welcome to show me how. Any nki originating from an encrypted library cannot be read by CST6, I have just double-checked, no matter if re-saved or not.
  12. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    if you had read the first post again there it is written already .

  13. btc1750

    btc1750 Member

    May 20, 2015
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    direct conversion or resampling
    "rendering" in my last post = resampling

    samplerobot is just like a cut-down version of ESC
    ESC doesn't need any virtual cable

    although only K1-3 are in the official supported format list
    I confirm that ESC supports Kontakt 4.0
    and probably up to K4.1

    btw there is a trick for encrypted library
    copying sample groups from an encrypted library to an empty nki will make direct-conversion possible
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2017
  14. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    I agree to that.

    It´s a messy converter to work with, but still the best if you have figured out how to use it!
  15. samsum

    samsum Producer

    May 30, 2017
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    I know a very, very old thread but I've just discovered a new amazing tool called ConvertWithMoss.
    After trying Chicken Translator, Extreme Sample Converter & CDXTRACT 4 to convert 33GB worth of SW1000XG they all failed, some not being able to read the Kontakt 5 created .nki and the ones that could would get all the key mappings incorrect which were originally sampled in Extreme Sample Converter, that is until I used ConvertWithMoss which also failed to convert .nki (v5) to .nki (v1) and also got the key mappings incorrect until the creator of the software mentioned .WAV keymapping in the comments on YouTube so I got rid of all the .nki and just had the sample folders with .WAV files in and chose .WAV as the source and created all 33GB into .nki from all the .WAV files (don't ask). The guy Jürgen Moßgraber who created the super speedy tool (and it is) very, very fast is looking into the keymapping issue when going from .nki (v5 v6 v7) to (v1) and have sent him some of the ones that failed but if you set .WAV as (Source) it did work for me and was then able to convert them all into .sf2 in Extreme Sample Converter succussfully and all keymapped correctly.
    You can find him on KVR Audio named 'moss' or his YouTube video is here with the links to his [Free] software :wink:
    ConvertWithMoss 1.0 - New tool to convert WAV, Bitwig Multisample, SFZ, and SoundFont
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  16. samsum

    samsum Producer

    May 30, 2017
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    Jürgen within a day has fixed the keymapping issue with ConvertWithMoss converting newer .nki (v5+ 6 & 7) to .nki (v1) and I've just tested it out with (v5) .nki and all the keymappings now work correctly which yesterday sounded terrible in version 7.2.0. The new version is 7.2.1 released today on his website under the YouTube video I posted above.

    Changes 7.2.1
    • DecentSampler - Writing – Fixed: Tuning was not set correctly
    • Kontakt - Reading – New: Support for Kontakt 7.6.
    – Fixed: Kontakt 5-7: Sample zones from monolith files did miss all settings.
    – Fixed: Kontakt 5-7: Pitch was not handled correctly.

    convert with moss.jpg
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2023
  17. SirGigantor

    SirGigantor Ultrasonic

    Oct 14, 2022
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    The BobDule INKX Library can open NKX/etc . . . In Total Commander and there is a .NCW Converter Floating Around on the internet, between these two you can get almost everything Kontakt Converted to WAV. Every once in a while a set of NCWs won't convert, but it's very rare. Sometimes the NCWs, when converted, have corrupt WAV headers, which I'm looking into how to fix in bulk.

    Once you have the WAVs, probably the easiest way to get an SFZ is Bjoerns Sample Mapper, since it can read info from the Keyfile or the Filename and give you a basic SFZ from that. Once it's in Mach 5, presumably, that's where you'd fine tune it . . . .
  18. SirGigantor

    SirGigantor Ultrasonic

    Oct 14, 2022
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    "I just posted this, but I forget to Reply directly to you, this is probably the best way I've found:

    The BobDule INKX Library can open NKX/etc . . . In Total Commander and there is a .NCW Converter Floating Around on the internet, between these two you can get almost everything Kontakt Converted to WAV. Every once in a while a set of NCWs won't convert, but it's very rare. Sometimes the NCWs, when converted, have corrupt WAV headers, which I'm looking into how to fix in bulk.

    Once you have the WAVs, probably the easiest way to get an SFZ is Bjoerns Sample Mapper, since it can read info from the Keyfile or the Filename and give you a basic SFZ from that. Once it's in Mach 5, presumably, that's where you'd fine tune it . . . ."

    Until You've started doing this with Kontakt libraries, you'll never realize just how inefficient they are, some of the NKX files have outrageous numbers of just round robins in them, like 5,6,7,8 or more layered samples just "because", it's really worth learning how to do this.
  19. kola

    kola Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    What is the "BobDule INKX Library" and where can i find it?