Im building a studio and i need some help with equipment selection

Discussion in 'Studio' started by KarateChop, Feb 14, 2017.

  1. haha

    haha Ultrasonic

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Not bad, but first of all I would be a lot more serious about monitoring. All the other components of the studio are worth next to nothing if monitoring is not top notch. Believe me, I've been there and heard too many times how people are ruining their records with their shiny pieces of gear because of un proper monitoring.

    Treat your room seriously first, then try a pair of Amphion Two18. You'll thank me later.
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  2. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Equipment is not detrimental for a successful outcome.
    Psyche is.
    Music is all about psychology.Its not about how hard you can hit, its about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.
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  3. RedThresh

    RedThresh Producer

    May 26, 2016
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    And now I REALLY want Two 18 in my life so hard, thank you...
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  4. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Unless you're already making a living by was of production or engineering I'd recommend putting some of that cash pit into futures or ETFs. If money isn't a thing, looks like a well rounded package of pro, prosumer and consumer gear.
  5. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    For headphones, Beyerdynamic DT770, Sennheiser HD280, Superlux HD660 + DT770 pads. In this order.
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  6. pandroid

    pandroid Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    I recommend them as a help mixing/check headphones as addition to monitors. I wouldn't recommend open-back headphones for recording, that's quite obvious, isn't it?
    But if you call them a 'Hi-Fi set' then sorry, but you completely don't know what you talk about.
  7. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I love both my ultrasones proline 2500 open and hfi650 closed for recording/monitoring. The offset drivers do really make a huge difference in how you percieve the stereo field.
  8. haha

    haha Ultrasonic

    Jan 30, 2013
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    One more thing. I'm assuming the Manley VariMu is for bus compression duties. Make sure you buy one with the high pass filter option. You're gonna need it. While at it you might consider adding a high end ADDA to proper capture such a wonderful sounding unit.

    And about the endless discussion about headphones. Take this from a hardcore headphone user: nothing will beat a pair of high end speakers, headphones don't represent dynamics truthfully.

    I can only use them for checking bass quantity and minute details (like hiss, clicks, distortion). I have a pair of JHA Layla and only use them for checking the bass levels. They are very good for that and for catching some almost inaudible artifacts, but that's pretty much it. I would never mix on them.

    A good pair of cans that can be used both for recording and checking details is the Beyer DT 1770 Pro. It doesn't cost the world either.

    Good luck.
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  9. KarateChop

    KarateChop Producer

    Dec 30, 2013
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    The Caribbean Sea
    Yes... yes... can you recommend me a brand?... by stereo you mean a pair of mic for percussion right?

    PATCH BAY... go let yourself go on this one!

    from 1-10 a 6.. but i do i still on process .. but this is the payoff the lord has sent me to me :winker:.. i'll add that to the list for the future.:mates:

    thanks bro.. im still working on the headphones selections but you can check the main post for the new edits i did. thanks.

    check the main post, i just edit it.. thanks you :mates:
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2017
  10. KarateChop

    KarateChop Producer

    Dec 30, 2013
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    The Caribbean Sea
    Are you my twin ? :mates: i love to spend money on gears but this time im breaking the line :rofl:.

    on the regular vocals, guitars, im thinking on getting a set of drums for the daily but not sure yet..
    any suggestion on the speakers is welcome.. you can check the main post for the edits i did. thanks fam:mates:
  11. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    The S61 is awesome if you use Native Instruments software like Komplete Kontrol and/or Maschine. If you don't so much and just use their individual plugins on a per-use basis, I would go for something like the Nektar Panorama, AKAI MPK or Arturia Keylab.
    On your budget, get a ROLI or Kurzweil while you're at it.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2017
  12. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    All the people giving monitor advise probably never heard focal speakers, not dissing you dumbasses, merely intending to inspire you to listen


    Its all about that 808 baby, hit the dancefloor

    If that still does not work

    you can always spend a couple of ten thousands on a funky studio

    Personally i would pick a console with high power motorized faders

    so that, in case of emergency. i can shoot pencils with them fading
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  13. ITHertz

    ITHertz Kapellmeister

    Dec 10, 2016
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    You haven't said what type of music you're making - if it involves acoustic instruments I'd get a couple more mics - maybe a ribbon and a large-diaphragm dynamic. A pair of small-diaphragm condensers for stereo guitars is handy too.
  14. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    LoL, when you get bored you can do stuff like this

    Fader dance
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2017
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  15. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    +1 Nektar
  16. Your life will be made sooooo much easier if you have a patch bay, less complicated, your work flow much, much faster. Otherwise when you make choices of which mic to use with which preamp, compressor or any chaining to the board or from, you will need to go behind your hardware and plug in, plug out, both spending huge time, breaking your creative flow, putting stress on the connectors of the hardware and cables (also, you need to budget money for cables as well as deciding on which ends you want, neutrik vs amphenol for both XLR as well as TRS ends and which cable itself).

    Since you are getting a drumset you will want and need preamps and mics. The board you get might have a bunch of 500 slots which is so great. It could save you money depending what you want to get, and the bonus is that all you need do to set up a drum buss is to route the channels with a push of a button. It will sound great being summed in any quality board you use. Really great.

    You haven't much experience I guess, so haven't preferences in real life of which mics to get, which preamps you dig, etc. That in itself is a huge discussion, though in reality the sound of your room and which mics PLUS PLACEMENT makes 1,000 times more of a difference than whatever preamps you use.

    I will throw in some great sounding, relatively inexpensive preamps which are totally pro and are used on mega millions of records all over the world...

    Sebatron- These preamps are super sweet tube preamps, clean but like heaven
    Daking- Also clean but not sterile, amazing
    Warm Audio- A new product, but already people are happy on drum duties with the WA 412, a take of API 312 preamps, four in one unit. Warm also makes an 1176 clone, the WA76 which I have and can say is awesome.
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  17. sacredl

    sacredl Member

    Aug 4, 2016
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    Under no circumstances skimp on acoustic treatment, DIY being the most economical way. Your focal trios (which are btw a fantastic choice) will be useless without it. For a second set of referential speakers, I'd advice the Avantone Mixcubes rather than the Yamaha HS. Other than that, I'd advise you to prioritize building a versatile mic collection with perhaps a nice preamp (I heard good things about Warm Audio's TB12), rather than bells and whistles gear like boutique racks, consoles or NI's Keyboard. Along with your Neumann and Manley, 1-3 SM57s, SM7B, Royer R121, C414, a pair of SDCs like KSM81 or 141, Sennheiser MD421. Almost everything can be replaced with plugins nowadays, but not this stuff. Or wait for Slate's new interface with a bundled mic locker :rofl:
  18. RedThresh

    RedThresh Producer

    May 26, 2016
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    I had them. And they ARE "classified" as Hi-Fi by Sennheiser themselves. It IS a really good headset, but not for a accurate monitoring. Check the frenquency response. For this price this is really not the most relevant choice for monitoring. Period.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2017
  19. Digital Crush

    Digital Crush Member

    Dec 23, 2016
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    The guy is trying to build
    a decent room and 100 replies come down to which pair of headphones !!!!!! try to make your acoustics the best possible you can in your room b4 you invest in any of the listed gear which pretty much will give professional results in a well treated room with good skills and render useless in the opposite case !
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  20. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Sometimes musicians care mainly about a large sofa,coffe, good temparature, low noise, water, snaks and a microwave.
    I have a litle kitchen, 2 expressos and almost 20 meters of sofás ( i need to reduce).
    Facinng a progressive desease, ergonomics cost money but can enhance your results, i love my ergohuman chair.
    Studio is like a quintuplets sons that can eat you alive... So think well and slowly... Many necessities are personal and they only shows when you work.
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