Class like deadmau5's master class for a better price or better material?

Discussion in 'Education' started by xXDayDreamerXx, Feb 11, 2017.

  1. xXDayDreamerXx

    xXDayDreamerXx Ultrasonic

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Up In The Clouds
    So I was thinking about buying deadmau5's music production class, but it felt like a lot of money and from what I heard it was information about the bare basics. Regardless it did inspire to try me to find a better video course, and that's why I'm here! Any suggestions would be appreciated. I'm willing to spend $200 USD. (also I'll probably make a part two and three to my little notation thread. I'm sorry for not updating it in forever, I've had complications with medical issues and school unfortunately so I never was able to get around to writing more parts.)

  3. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Check Reddit for a full preview link :winker:... IMHO, its not worth it if your anything past early beginner with production.... More nuggets of wisdom can be learned from watching his previous Livestreams via Youtube or Twitch.
  4. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Groove3's all access pass for 1 month is $15...
  5. xXDayDreamerXx

    xXDayDreamerXx Ultrasonic

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Up In The Clouds
    only saw torrents ;; I can't torrent unfortunately. and that's good advice thanks! I would say I'm not an early beginner but still stupid enough that I don't have a song out lol.
  6. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Best Answer
    Sorry to hear about your health issues. :( I hope youre feeling better now. :hug:
    The dead mow 5 (as kanye calls him) tutes are really not all that great unless your a beginner, but they are kinda funny with his cynical humor and sarcastic delivery. Isn't that the reason we love him to begin with, well besides his music and shows. His coffee run videos are the best. He actually changed his twitter name to dead mow cinco. lololo
    I don't know if you're looking for a certain style or genre of production courses, but there is a lot of really good free content on YouTube.
    I recommend cheking out the Bassgorilla Channel
    They have a lot of playlist that are structured and in order for learning production techniques in different subgenres of EDM. I have learned a lot of good stuff from their tutorials. They get really deep too with resynthesis, mixing and mastering if you want to learn about that too. There's some other golden nuggets of learning out there too but I can't think of them off the top of my head I will post again when I remember them.
    Still gotta love this even though its old news

  7. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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  8. xXDayDreamerXx

    xXDayDreamerXx Ultrasonic

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Up In The Clouds
    Thank you soso much :beg::thanks:! I'm starting to get a bit better thank you~. I'm going to take a test that will give me the equivalent of an american highschool diploma and then jumpstart on some college (gonna take an audio engineering course and an art course to start and then see how I feel from there basically) so that'll mean I have more freetime to focus on myself and have less stress, a trigger for this disease :/ so hopefully soon I can really start dedicating myself to music production and other things I enjoy. I have connections to a music festival, and they're actually associated with the Vans Warped Tour. I met the creator, Kevin Lyman, in 2014 and he offered me a career in the future and even offered to show me his studio in south pasadena. That day a friend also told me about audio engineering and well it's been a journey ever since! I've been working to hard to learn but there's still soo much I don't know/understand.
  9. dazz

    dazz Ultrasonic

    Apr 12, 2014
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    from what I've seen of the deadmau5's videos its total self opinionated crap go get a real lesson check out puremix and learn from the best
  10. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    The deadmouse thing is on sister site anyway, but people say it is not even worth downloading for free. I grabbed it but have not watched it.
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  11. NicoDPS

    NicoDPS Platinum Record

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Wherever I may roam
    Which software do you use?
    What do you want to learn?
    Youtube is full of great channels from which you can leran for free, especially if you're an ableton or FL user... :winker:
  12. muciones

    muciones Kapellmeister

    May 11, 2015
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    You will not learn anything from that "class". Forget about it and save the money.
  13. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I watched them all, didnt learn anything new. But I enjoyed them. I also enjoy his twitch and youtube vids though. I did learn that Im faster than him in ableton, because I use more kb shortcuts. But he has me beat in C4D with his farm of 10 gpus. Must be nice......
  14. louislouis

    louislouis Producer

    Jan 1, 2017
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    I don't want to bash DeadMaus but these videos were very disappointing, maybe I was expecting to much but given his output you would expect him to be a master, or at least doing some cool shit, check out sonic academy or Mac Pro videos for some good tutorials :)
  15. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    There are 2 kinds of people:
    - the ones that every time they have 10 minutes available they fire up the daw and play a synth, check how a distortion or compressor effect the sound or compose a small loop. - at the end of the week this producer will have spent over 10 hours of "music production"
    - the ones that have the impression they don't have enough knowledge, wait for the perfect moment to fire up the daw - and generally they need extra push to spend time in front of the daw - at the end of the week ths producer will have spent just a couple of hours of "music production"

    If you are the first kind, I suggest you pick just one day (couple of hours) of the week to watch some tutorials just to get some extra perspective - DanceMusic Production if you are into electronic music. But if you are the second kind I suggest you direct your efforts into becoming the first kind.

    Rant below
    The reason people bash D5's masterclass is because they were waiting for "how to do that" kind of stuff. But the truth is now more than ever the music is about happy accidents is about a shit load of experimentation. And if every producer is doing such experimentation, they will know things like "aaaa in that track he used a lfo over the attack time to make it groovy" or "aaaa, there was a comb filter synced to 4 bar on that buildup effect".

    It's like some guy wanting to grup buy avenger - there is nothing in that synth that can't be done with one or few instances of Serum and insert effects. And I bet that user will not make better sounds with Avenger if he can't already stack Serums to get interesting sounds. In order to get the most out of Serum you need to know as many factory wavetables as possible (like any other synth for that matter) so when you hear a new sound, you know what/how to replicate.

    I don't know, when I had to use a hardware synth without memory feature, the only way to work fast-ish with that synth was to actually know that synth - as many interactions as possible between waveforms (talking about simple saw, square, pulse), phase, envelopes and lfo(s). And the only way to do it is not a tutorial but a "hands-on" approach: spend weeks (months with DX7) with that synth.
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  16. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I'm surprised that you got so many answers, because you don't give any informations. What do you expect from a video course, for example? You're trying to find a better video course; better in what aspects? The narration, the topic, the visual content?
    Also note that a video course about the production of a certain style can only tell you what has been done in the past. It is never innovative. Do you really want to spend money on, say, edm as it was done in the last years? Better spent that money on something more general, like mixing or mastering techniques that are valid for all kinds of music, now and in future.
  17. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I was watching a video on xvideos yesterday. In front of one of girls, Ableton Live was opened and another girl was teaching her the note stacking and syncing and was preparing her for EDM festival. I can not give the link here but believe me even the sluts (ok porn stars) are doing EDM nowadays.:bleh:

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2017
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  18. RedThresh

    RedThresh Producer

    May 26, 2016
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    WHAT THE HECK :rofl:
  19. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    EDM tunes have a big problem. I made below tune (as you can hear it's so short but good). Unfortunately most of them even produced by so called big giants are not catchy. This problem I don't know arises from their nodding acquaintance with music theory or what?:(
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2017
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  20. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    You're just listening to the wrong EDM brother. Before you try to pigeon hole a whole genre of music, you want theory? Try listening to anything by Madeon....
    For example
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  21. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Thank you brother but even this one is not catchy for me. I believe that just classically trained people can produce catchy tunes someone like @xXDayDreamerXx.:wink:

    For EDM producers, catchiness means something different than me.
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