ITB, new soundcard or AD/DA

Discussion in 'Studio' started by ZUK, Feb 10, 2017.

  1. ZUK

    ZUK Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2011
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    In the last year I have sold all the hardware I had. I currently use a Presonus Firebox with Adam P11A monitors.
    I do not need records anything, only work ITB.
    Someone could tell me if I would notice quality deference in sound, definition, mix if buy a new sound card or DA converter?
    What I want is to hear what I do on PC in the best possible way.
    Would it be worth buying any of these?
    Audiotent, SPL, Steinberg, RME, .... Lavry, ....? Anyone know anything about Roland SUPER UA?

    Thanks in advance,
  3. TW

    TW Guest

    In terms of converters there is nearly no difference of any of your mentioned prosumer/pro soundcards/interfaces. Sure you could invest in a Lavry converter but to be honest you get a professional sound out of any modern prosumer interface.

    Depends what you want except a good da converter.

    super low noise preamps and the best drivers you can get? RME

    Really nice sounding more coloured preamps and a great d.i.? SPL and audient.

    If you only need good converters - get a da converter only.

    etc ...

    I tested a lot of prosumer interfaces - converters - RME, steinberg, UAD, focusrite, audient, motu, spl...

    I am definatly a RME fan. I really like RME cause of the good drivers, clean sound and total mix.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2017
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  4. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    I've had my RME Fireface 800 since 2006, and the drivers were updated in 2017. RME has the best driver performance.

    That said, if you're strictly ITB now, and you like your current driver performance, then yes, utilize the ADAT/Optical out, and :

    ....hook up a DA.

    ....Buy some audiophile headphones, e.g. HD650 (do some ohms research compatibility first)

    ....Room treatment

    I don't know your budget, but I'll throw some affordable used DA suggestions at you :


    2.) MYTEK 96 DAC

    3.) I've had excellent results with the TC Electronics BMC-2 as well.

    Currently, my main DA is the DANGEROUS MUSIC D-BOX for monitoring. You will notice a significant improvement with your mix decisions using any of these as an upgrade if you have a proper mixing environment coupled with a great set of headphones (...and monitoring)

    I would treat the room properly first though. good luck!
  5. TK

    TK Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    Well, there definetely are minor differences in converters. Is it worth buying a new one because of that if you already
    have a Presonus Firebox? I'd say no. Especially if your mainly making music and don't emphasize the mixing aspect
    too much you won't really notice the difference.
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  6. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    the next one up would be something from Antelope i think (everything above zen mobile)
    With most of the lower iO intefaces you would also get superb clocking and Monitoring (as good as dangerous)
    besides very good converters. the higher iO options jump quite a bit in price and the mastering grade gear is very expensive
    but the competition in those segments (like lavry gold/blue) have less functions than Antelope
    they had some problems with drivers in the beginning i would check aka test extensivly.

    but as all of the others already said you can make great music with what you already have.
    and the point of diminishing returns comes quick without proper room and maybe better speakers (i use adam myself)
    if you start upgrading that can get extreme quite fast eheheh
  7. There are differences in converters in regard of depth, width and the clarity of the full spectrum as well as the ability to clip with pleasing returns instead of harsh static distortion. Is it worth spending large money to step up to that last 5-8% to get that much closer to nirvana? Are your monitors freaky great, your cable awesome, mics and preamps top of the top? How about your room, can you actually accurately hear your shit? If not, RME will get you in the door and let you record a gold record as long as your material supports your desire and proficiency as an artist. RME will not hold you back, not will Audient, SPL or any others, but the drivers that RME codes are superlative and will be supported for perhaps decades to come.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2017
  8. ZUK

    ZUK Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2011
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    Thanks for all the answers and information. I will keep it in mind.
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