I decided not to use any preset and just synthesize them for being original.

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by foster911, Jan 14, 2017.

  1. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Think it's like everything Avenel. I can play arps pretty proficiently but I still like using Arpeggiators for certain things
    There isn't a huge fuss but they are a real useful tool etc for people to use regardless of whether people can or can't play arpeggios.
    Guitar for example, you can take your arp playing etc to epic proportions but even if your the "best" in the world at playing arps themselves there are still going to be certain things you can't replicate on the instrument.
    Obviously there also really useful for people that can't play certain instruments also.
    Example were not all lucky enough to be as gifted as Shaun Lane etc :no:
    Possibly one of the best guitarists ever, could play complete works of Franz Liszt on piano. Fluent on drums, could sing. Most people aren't though.
    Doesn't make their music any "worse" or "better" though.
    So apart from giving you the ability to do certain things that you can't do on an instrument they again are really useful for certain people who can't and never will be able to no matter how much they practise.
    Example you said you yourself used certain vocal tools as you couldn't sing for example? Could be wrong though.
    Well by your own logic if you practise enough you will be able to lol.
    We all know that it never works that way though :dunno:
  2. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I absolutely adore arpeggiators.
    This is me playing.

    I also know some very gifted people who can program the most beautiful compositions using just their mind and a mouse.
    We're all different, friend. Let's embrace that fact.
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  3. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Wish I could play Keyboards & piano :yes:
    Can't play them whatsoever :no:
  4. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    My concern is not playing right now. What I have been searching is just the final result. Unfortunately I never got satisfied by any instrument. They don't give me what I want. I don't know you like these ones or not that I did them before:

    1- https://clyp.it/gv5tcd01

    2- https://clyp.it/x11drlcd
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2017
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  5. Utada Hikaru

    Utada Hikaru Producer

    Dec 8, 2015
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    That reminds me of this video:
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  6. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Well If I want that. I'll use digital, but if I want dirty, I'd prefer analog dirty over digital dirty.
    That's because it's supposed to be. If you were expecting something different, the maybe you're beyond help.
    well that's good, because I'm not a vegetarian.
    I think you'll find that it was in the early 80's: 808, 909, juno 106. But it's not just synths, it's the whole proccess: on the grid eq, on everything, everything in perfect sync and perfect tune, and lets not forgot melodyne and f#$king autotune.
    Sorry> Don't use them, so wouldn't be looking. I'm not into the modular thing myself.
    Don't use computers to make music anymore. Too much of a distraction, that messes with my creative zen.
    Why? it's a different sound. Why is another option a problem.
    I have a modern digital that doesn't have that. It just makes you experiment a bit more often.
    No it isn't. It's something defferent, another way of working.
    Well. Alls good then, isn't it. No need to slag analog off though.
    Yes it can. That thing is choice.
    neither can I, but I can't stand digital freaks either. I personally prefer a ballance.
    I do believe you brought that subject up. The OP was about not using presets.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2017
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  7. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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  8. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Nice!. I wish I could get my left and right hand to cooperate on a keyboard like that. Maybe that's what I like about the Prophecy. Right hand for keys, left hand for the modulation goodies.:rofl:
  9. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Old Europe
    yeah but that's the point :

    there's NOTHING to experiment with these new silly cheap 1-OSC synths like Minibrute and friends.
    the range of sound it allows you to do is minimal, you won't even be able to make classic sounds on par with any random Sylenth preset or a Juno 106 emulation.

    but for whatever ridicolous reason they're selling like hot cakes now and people has been brainwashed into thinking they can "experiment" ?
    how could they if there's just 1 oscillator and it's not even analog as they're all DCO (**digitally** controlled Osc) .. ?

    seriously, even a free synth by U-He or an old version of Sylenth will beat those Minibrutes hands down in any department.
    they may sound rougher because there's an ADDA chip setup to punch things a bit .. but thats all, you can make synths like that by yourself with all the many synth-kits available today, or with Raspberry Pi 3, or even with Arduino and a DSP board ... they're so basic you could get away with less than 100$ all inclusive.

    what are you going to experiment ? cutoff and resonance on square waves and sine waves ? because let me tell you there's not much else to do with a Minibrute or with a mini-korg or whateverrr .. all those sounds have been already "invented" in the 60s and you're 50 years late to the party.

    want to experiment for real ? first of all learn the theory behind subtractive synthesis, and then learn Reaktor or Max/MSP, that's all you need , if you're a programmer start using Faust and buy a few books about DSP programming.
  10. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Geez bro. Why so serious?
  11. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Everything you do when writing and composing a song can be an experiment if you have an open mind. I didn't buy this digital synth for experimental capabilities, but rather it's portability.
    Oh! I don't know about that, it's quite capable.
    People buy them for many reasons, The first and most important is, that they want to. Other things are, that they are small, easy to programme, can be connected to other gear, and the like the sound. By the way I don't have one, Thought about it once, but not what I was looking for at the time, but a lot of people do and have great fun with them. Remember that concept, making music, because it's fun.
    Maybe you need to rethink about your idea of the concept of experimenting. What you consider not experimenting may not be the same for someone else.
    Except it's a flat picture on a computer screen that you cant touch or interact with.
    If DIY electronics was the kind of thing that floated my boat, the maybe I would, but it's not, so I won't, and I'm sure there are many people on the planet that feel the same way.
    Again you're thinking with a narrow minded idea of experiment.
    Who said I wanted to invent anything. Personally I want to make my music and have fun. Originality doesn't come frm a sound alone, unless you are too narrow minded to understand.
    I did mention this in my last post, but you must of missed it. I do not use a computer to make my music.
    I am one of a growing number of people who do not want to use a computer or vst's. It's my choice, like it's their choice. I respect people's choice to use computers, if that's their thing, but it's not mine.
    End OF Transmission!!!!!!!!
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2017
  12. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Old Europe
    this thread has become a total joke ...

    this guy above admits he doesnt even own a synth and doesnt make music with a computer ??
    others finally admit they can't play apart for a few arpeggios, probably on their FL Studio and not on a proper DAW.

    well, everything i had to say on this topic i said already, for anything else .. i'm off.
  13. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    I said, That I don't own a Mini Brute. Maybe you should learn to read. The total joke is you, your superior attitude (with nothing to back it up) and your, "I'm a digital warrior, I and it are the be all and end all of music creation diatribe. Live long and prosper. :bow:
  14. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I think of these new mini synths as a steppingstone. Like if you want to learn to work on an engine, you don't start with an aircraft. You start by taking apart a 2 stroke engine.
  15. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Avenel, this is in no way intended as a personal attack of any description but in all honesty I don't believe anyone mentioned anything remotely resembling what you have just written :no:
    I've maybe noticed that when confronted with a valid argument, sometimes you well...."make things up" :sad:
    You also appear unwilling to consider that any alternative approaches outside what you personally deem acceptable could ever be worthwhile or relevant?
    I even find myself doubting your sincerity much of the time :sad:
    It might possibly help if you were a little more open minded and constructive.

    JMO & Peace & All that stuff :mates::bow:
  16. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Last night, my mom was going to kill me because of my experimentation with these sounds. She told me, "you're not the one I was expecting".:winker:
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  17. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Lol anything can be cool Foster in the right context.
    Reminds me of some of the experimental stuff Frank Zappa did.
    Some of that was "hard" to listen to but you look at the whole picture or listen to the whole album and the result was often prolific.
    Still rate Joe's Garage and Hot Rats as some of the most amazing music ever produced.
    The guy's workrate was astounding and the passion was immense and that's all that matters.
    Compositional skills were outrageous.
    Imagine people might say most experimental stuff been done but there always a different aspect to look at I guess or a different sound to explore :dunno:

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  18. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    I don' t think it is the instruments.

    At least it wasn't for me.

    For me it was the note input method. Keyboards are fine for smashing keys, but they are limited, even with afterthouch, a mod wheel a pitch bend and pedals, or the D-Beam and touch controller on my V-Synths there is always something you want to do that that should be simple or just intuitive as an expression that you can not with keyboards, this especially applies to synth sounds and drones. You can add modulation automation later... but that just hampers discover and fun.

    Am playing with a Launchad Pro and Seaboard now and it is fun. Eventually I'd like to move up to a LinnStrument or something comparable when I hit the limits of what I can do with what I have.
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  19. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Reminds me this video:

    As you know Instruments are for making melody and harmony that both relate to the pitch. Singer's voice is a pitch machine too. What I'm trying to say is music is not just the pitches or beats. Most people think that way and prohibit using the strange sounds I posted in my previous comment. When you think in a pitchy fashion, you're making a big wall in front of you for further experimentations. Besides @Avenel is saying that producing new sounds is wasting of time because most of them been done already but it's not true IMO. Sounds are not just 1 millisecond waveforms that are being provided by by the synths. Sounds are more than that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2017
  20. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Some real cool sounds there.
    As the technology "improves" or re-invents itself different approaches to the actual performance aspect etc do bring different results.
    Agree with that one.
    Might possibly sometimes maybe be a more efficient way of producing an effect that possibly been established but I suppose that in itself is going to create new results.
    Considering the distance certain controllers etc have come in a relatively short time will be so interesting to see what they come up with.
    Some real interesting sounds for sure :yes: