Regarding Politics, Conspiracy Theories, and Controversial Topics!

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by ned944, Jan 26, 2017.

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  1. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    OMG I cant even take it anymore either... not just here, but in general.

    So I'm like near the end of an accounting degree (I know.. LAAAAME)... anyhow, so at the large urban college I transferred to for the second half of the degree, I have pretty much been only in the business building... no liberal/arts whatever... though phototgraphy, philosophy, and things that can have liberal junk in them, I absolutely love... I mean, for-real-for-real?.. there are a lot that I agree with regarding liberalism... but it's the whole media/press/social-media that makes me want to KILL!!!.

    Any way, this semester, I still had to take an English Writing II course.... and holy FUC#!!!.. of course it's taught by a butch... there is soooooooooo much liberal-"ideals" being completely and constantly harped on... and it's funny... since most people are just followers, the students eat the shit up.

    Kids learn evrything from parents... no one to argue why THEY are wrong, so kids think THEY are right, and then robotically simply carry on parents views... BUT... some then go to university... and THEN they get a liberal instructor that makes all kinds of arguments... the students dont hear rebuttals (and if a student is dumb enough to argue with the person assigning them they're grade... well... obvi, dumb)... so student just robotically follows teacher now...

    Now mom and dad have a teeny tiny little beta-male, that... well... was never good at sports since not being born with mostly fast-twitch muscle fibers... but NOW he;s totally accepted by a group of men hating women / white hating minorities (and of course other white beta-males are in the bunch saying they hate white people).

    Social media is HUGE problem... I mean the media itself will take a small fire in the woods and turn it into a record breaking monsoon-typhoon-hurricane fire... but add social-media on top of THAT!!!!.. HOLY FUHK!!!!! that teeny fire is an entire country full of people rioting, wearing pussy-hats, ranting about blowing up the white house simply to regain relevance, etc.

    YES... there is a fire... and the fire needs to be put out... but seriously, women are not being raped and beaten and under-paid every square-meter of the earth... meanwhile, african-americans are not constantly, 27 hours a day, 12 days a week, 720 days of the year, being killed by policeman.

    Needless to say, the english class brought me too close to a spreading liberalism that I think there is no way to stop.... Soros has/is funding so much shit (factual), and so many movements are just blowing as fast as twitter and snapchat are blowing up themselves... I just almost had to runaway to the woods and just eat xanax till i die.

    It's to the point, I sick of ALLLLLL of the politics... both sides... the baby Trump, constantly twittering cuz "someone said he is doo-doo-head, and how come they talk mean to me mommy..." Now I know, I know... he just signs papers all day, will that lead to a real "whatever he signed?" who knows.... but all of it, I've had it.

    I want to find a wife, move to woods, and produce acoustic, indie-rock, dark techno, deep dubstep, ambient, etcc.

    grow food and xanax from the ground.
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  2. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Well, I think I can. The only thing I am intolerant of is intolerance, the only thing I hate is hatred. etc. That's a whole value system in itself, I understand, but it's the one that should be positively pursued IMO. It's a space that musicians/artists have an obligation to carve out, imo. Without that critical aspect of what music means then it's pretty vacuous, again IMO. I stress, I know this is only my opinion. It's your forum, not mine. ;)
    It surely depends on what your "test" is. I've been on forums for 15 years and the same problems always show up. :D It's something to manage, imo, not avoid.

    Personally I think the values of a forum should be made overtly manifest - I think the values should be very clear and imposed strongly, with conviction. Don't let scumbags run riot antithetical to everything you believe in. But give space for what you do believe in to flourish.

    Do you want Nazi music to flourish as much as liberal, socialist, anarchist music? Do you? Or can you opt out of deciding? I don't think so. Whatever decisions are made on the running of a forum, it imparts and transmits a value system. I think folks should stand up for the value system they believe in, not pretend they can operate outside it. Because it operates anyway.

    I'm a natural-born-troll........I like arguing. "What do you know? How do you know it?" But that's me. I think forum (everything) should embrace that. Forcefully. Positively. To protect and promote the values you believe in. Positively. Aggressively.

    And why not? Because whatever you do, the values will be transmitted and manifested. [Just my opinion, I'm a guest, it's your forum.]
  3. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    So let them eat good shit, not bad?

    Yeah, but forget the wife. It will only get in the way.
  4. Satai

    Satai Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2013
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    Hatred this, divison that... always hear those incantations, the moment anyone challenges what you're "supposed" to believe as a "good person". Nice words they got there, but that doesn't change the basic fact that our inclusive/loving colleagues stand for having NO BALLS, NO DISSENTING OPINIONS, and NEVER CHALLENGING OTHER MEN. Any kind of strife is objectionable and triggers em' emotionally. Disagreements are not allowed, because it hurts people's feelings and that's hateful.

    It's that feel, when you're uncomfy because you know you're too weak to stand up to a bully in school, so you hope Lisa already told the recess lady or even the principal, and that everything is going to be alright, you don't have to stand up to him yourself, it's not your job to be a man. You can just get Lisa/the police to shut everyone bad up for you.

    Last edited: Jan 27, 2017
  5. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Sociological commentary..?

    This thread just got meta.
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  6. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    I am not here to Argue with you. If you don't like the RULES you can take it up with @SAiNT. Everyone knows how to reach him. and this thread is not going to become a problem sorry guys i have closed it. Just Saying It's time to Stop some of the nonsense around here. Thanks for your Support of the MODS. We all appreciate it! @Andrew @ArticStorm @Introninja and myself @ned944
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2017
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  7. nastybobby

    nastybobby Kapellmeister

    Oct 27, 2015
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    'Politics just does not mix with music.'

    Whilst I fully understand that there's nothing like politics to get people arguing, cause people to get very worked up, angry and vicious with their language. I've always thought it's better to argue and get things out into the open, no matter how extreme or controversial they may be. Than it is for people to bottle things up, only communicate with people who share similar views and have them fester in a person's consciousness. People can and do have their mind's/beliefs modified through conversation, even if it is only by a small amount, they sometimes rethink something they previously held true because someone else has said/written something that's given them a different perspective on a subject. As long as people stick to ideas and don't 'play the man, not the ball' or turn to just insulting people with differing views, then I think it's healthy to debate anything and everything. By not discussing things,or reading an argument that disputes their view, people's ideas remained unchallenged and I think that's where extremism can flourish.

    Music and politics are inextricably linked. From outright protest songs, to the personal ultimately being political when you reduce what the song is trying to say through analysing the subtext. You could even argue that purely instrumental music can be political. From House music originally being a way for homosexual men to forget about their problems/persecution/AIDS epidemic by losing themselves in the dance to Techno reflecting the desire for a hi-tech utopian future rather than the dystopian decaying urban city that the Belleville 3 were experiencing. (Not saying they are the correct interpretations, just a possible interpretation).

    I conducted my own little experiment on YouTube last week. I pretended to be a black man (I'm mixed race, you can't really tell just where I originate from by looking at me, I could be anything from South American to possibly even Middle Eastern) and voiced some mild dissent about the new POTUS and his probable proposed policies, without being aggressive or insulting. I've never received such a deluge of hate and insults in my time on the www. I was called the N word practically every other post, threatened with castration and my family being murdered! Let me tell you, this place is very mild and 'understanding' by comparison. If people critique and stick to discussing the topic, then I don't really see the problem to be honest.
  8. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
    Amen to that lets get back to the MUSIC !
  9. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Last edited: Jan 27, 2017
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  10. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Isnt that one of the golden rules of forum etiquette? Never discuss religion and politics with the friends you want to keep.....
    Save it for your family, they have to forgive you.
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  11. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I so hope that it really ends here! Enough of politics and conspiracies. Audio will take over again. The bird is the word!
  12. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    I agree with G String.
    I find this forum much more engaging and life like when there is less or no censorship. Richness of topics among people who want to socialize is, in the long run, a very good thing.
    People will continue to insult each others over DAW choices or whatever because they simply didn't learn to keep balanced state of mind or how to communicate more effectively so they get agitated by their own minds.
    I got insulted numerous time by people here with whom I still like to discuss things.
    We shouldn't be oversensitive about hot or controversial topics rather we should consistently sanction rude behaviors - not difference in opinions.

    Let's be honest here - the only reason you strive to censor particular field of topics is ONLY because a handful of members can't restrain from rude insulting behavior.
    If you moderate rude behavior by consistently banning those members for a few days and then weeks (or completely) if they repeat themselves over and over I am sure we'll have well behaved discussions about everything and anything.
    This is a bit more difficult to do compared to simple censorship but I strongly believe it is the right thing to do.
    A big part of pirate legacy is about freedom, isn't it?
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  13. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    We are human beings
    Censoring will only make things worse
    Smart people can just understand and avoid the threads.
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  14. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    What's the point of World News thread?
  15. Producer

    Producer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2016
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    3rd house on the left.The one with the lemon trees
    I don't think the OP wants us to stop arguing.I believe the site admins have a hidden purpose thus feeding us with fake posts in disquise to make us believe they are on or side.You know, conspiracy stuff. :woot: :bleh: kidding.

    I agree with what other members posted correctly here.We are smart enough to avoid arguing with other members on a music specific threat that gets political related posts.If someone says something and we ignore him, the threat remains music related and he leaves the threat.Simple enough to keep us all music lovers united.:mates:
  16. Dread_J

    Dread_J Kapellmeister

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Peru, Indiana

    I gonna use a guitar pick instead of a pen

    Ok, but ....

    AFAIK, bullshit trends from 4chan isn't politics.
  17. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    Colleges don't allow for differing opinions, dissent and challenges of other ideas?... You must of never been. We had social and poly sci debates in health I think the conservative media, from tv, to blogs, to social media have done a good job of spreading that fictitious propaganda, that "colleges don't allow or shun differing opinions and debates." This couldn't be further from the truth, especially regarding economics, and social and political science. Now those molecular and biological engineers on the other hand, are a stubborn lot. Rocket scientist don't give a rat's a$$ about us laymen opinions.

    Now back to the music you infidels.:wink:
  18. kimikaze

    kimikaze Platinum Record

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Finally some common sense decision.
  19. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I agree with you,, this really isn't the place to air political views, but asking people not to turn a thread into political debate (as you can clearly see above) doesn't work. It merely creates a domino effect.
    So my question is why did you not close the thread immediately after making yours and indeed Saint's very valid point?
  20. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I am sorry, but there's a slight difference between beliefs and the falsifiable empirical hypothesis and laws of physics… However, back to making music.
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