Thanks Everyone, I'm done

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Burninstar, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    As the topic says: I'm done

    Due to the weather in the states, after a power outage for 4 days,

    My DAW computer is not working, also my Kontakt libraries hard drive is wasted too, along with my cable TV box.

    I lost years of songwriting, downloads, everything! I am giving up,

    Thanks to all especially Saint, I can never replace what I had.

    Feeling lower than I have ever felt before. Please carry on without me.

  3. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Burninstar,

    I'm feel deeply sorry for you and all the big troubles that happened to you recently mainly due to the mother nature... and I also hope that your way of life will soon resume as usual. *yes*

    About your Kontakt Libraries, for the 'commercial' and/or 'official' ones, I have in my archives various of them, so I can perhaps help you in some sense. Unfortunately and as you can easily guess it, for all the 'custom' and/or 'homemade' Libraries that you have perhaps done over time, I can not do anything !
    The same apply for others downloads as Plug-Ins, Applications,... you simply have to tell me more or less what you want to recover and I'll check some of my archives, maybe I can also help you in some sense. Fortunately, with some Plug-Ins, applications,... it's sometimes enough that you get the latest versions, which eliminates the need to search for older ones. *yes*

    I just hope that everything will be OK and that you will come back quickly to a better situation. :thumbsup: :mates:
  4. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Oh man :sad:

    Am sorry to hear this. Hopefully after a few days you will be feeling a little better and will start over again. Try and turn this negative into a positive and look forward to the future. Try and put all this emotion into new works, your best is yet to come :wink:

    Keep your chin up!

    Very best of luck!!
  5. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    This has to be the saddest thread ever.

    Hope things pick up for you.

    Honestly had no idea that things were quite so bad in the States.

    Take care, as Smartlad says, try to find a positive in the negatives. :hug:
  6. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    Normally things are fine here. We just had a freak 20 min storm with 90 mph winds that left over 100,000 homes without power in my State alone, four days a go. Many people are still without power. Absolutely no warning this was coming at all on a perfectly clear day.

    Just yesterday we went from 102 degrees Fahrenheit to Baseball size Hail falling from the sky.

    I have never seen this kind of weather before, I kid you not.

    Thanks everyone for your kind words and thoughts, Tomorrow we go to the computer shop to check out the damage.

    It's nice to know there are people who care and know how I feel. My mate says "It's just music." No sympathy there.
  7. jayhind

    jayhind Ultrasonic

    Oct 16, 2011
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    Start over, I know its hell, I have been there at least 2 times. But you have to start again, after exhausting the possibilities of repairs to the hardware. At this point I am sure giving up is the most convenient option but in the long run, you will appreciate your own efforts of fighting back.
  8. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I feel terribly sorry for you, Burninstar, but your mate is right : it's just music. Less worse : it's just bits ! It could have been all your vinyls and tapes which would have burned. You're safe and sound, m8, that's the most important thing. Imagine what would have been the rest of your life if a tree limb or a piece of your roof had fallen on your back...

    I don't want to minimize your misadventure, but :

    1. Even if your Kontakt libraries hard drive is completely screwed up, your data are NOT lost. You can recover them for about $400~500 for 750 GB to 1 TB. Many companies will makes you a free estimate. But I bet it's just the power supply and/or the controller which are/is dead - check that by swapping with new ones.

    2. Same thing applies to your computer and your cable TV box : check their power supplies.

    And next time : do a backup *yes*
  9. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    My worst night mare is to loose my work from all the years...
    I am a back-up freak and do twice a week my back-ups.

    You get all your data back..., if do as Lord Gaga wrote.

    Hope more people here read this thread and learn how important back-up is.

  10. urOk

    urOk Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    On trip with Curiosity
    Deep sorry from here. But want tell you do not give up. I know and I imagine how painfull is this for you. Anyway try to get yourself together and slowly rebuild all what you have lost. If making music was part of your life and gives you pleasure Don't throw your passion away. This is just easier way, don't do like that because in the future you may regret.

    Sorry for my english.
  11. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Dear Burninstar! :hug:


    I know how it feels when suddenly the hard work of a lifetime is suddenly gone! :( My heart goes to you bro!

    However, you still have your life and health! Think about it. What good is to have your computer and drive with all your data intact if you were dying of a terminal cancer with only three months to live (I can assure you that to a great extent the computer issue would become meaningless).

    Maybe it's just the power supply, faulty motherboard, memory, or some other unrelated component. If the drive is toast then you should do like the old proverb says, "Where there is a will there is a way!" The computer and music can be replaced. You can start all over again, everything still inside you and with courage and determination, it will come out again.

    Now you're going through this problem and everything seems bigger than it is (our human nature often leads us to respond incorrectly and in ways that are deceptive). But if you rise above the clouds and take an aerial shot, you'll see that the problem is temporal and not that big. I know that eventually you will move from despair to hope and come out wiser and stronger. My best to you!

    PS: As Lord Gaga pointed out - If this data is important, you might consider using a data recovering company (there are private individuals that do it too - cheaper). You only pay if the data is recovered. Just a thought!

  12. korgrog

    korgrog Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    I hope you can recover from this

    If you can find help from someone you know or have a another computer you may be able to recover all your data , as long as you can access the hard-drive you should be able to

    recover your data. A program such as Active@ UNDELETE is a powerful data recovery software that helps you to recover deleted files and restore deleted partitions, you can find

    it on the internet. It may take some time but you can do it, Good Luck to You, in the future with your endeavors whatever they may be.
  13. juiceman3

    juiceman3 Newbie

    Jul 3, 2012
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    Music is music. If you have a good understanding of music and how to bring your ideas to life, you have nothing to worry about. It's not about the specific libraries, it's about the fundamental idea. It's like those "press one button to create a song" type libraries vs. a "pure" library. If you depend on the former, your career is at the mercy of your software. If you use synthesizers and have a good understanding of what knobs will create a certain sound, it doesn't matter what program you use because you'll be able to achieve the same effect.

    If you're good in your craft, a little electric wipeout won't screw you over as much.

    Can you write down your ideas without the aid of a computer? If not, get that way. This is the perfect opportunity to do so. Never use technology as a crutch unless you can get the job done without it.
  14. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Sorry to hear Burninstar

    Only when we have lost everything.
    We are free to do anything.
  15. Burg

    Burg Newbie

    Aug 16, 2011
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    So sorry to hear about your lost data Burninstar!

    I've been there. Lost all of my pro tools sessions (about 2-3 years worth) ... I ended up trying out Logic for the first time and loved it. It's now my main daw and I have made tons of new music that I love ... and back up 12 different ways in six different countries (kidding ;)

    I guess my word of encouragement is.. you just never know how things are going to pan out unless you stop trying. Then you know exactly how that deal is going down and it generally sucks.

    Don't give up until your dead bro.

    **** If there's anything I can send you (progs) just PM me and I'll try to upload some stuff to get you going again.
  16. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    Cheer up, old friend. Get your pewter up and running. Sleep on things a few days after things get semi-back to normal (with AC). I still have DVD with software you gave me. You can no more stop creating this stuff than you can stop breathing. You can re-create most of your music, only better. What else are you going to do, take up sewing? External hard drive for backup and a surge protector, next time. Hang in there, come visit soon. :mates: I have medicine for what ails ya'.
  17. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    i know how you feel i to have lost irreplaceable song files sorry to here it i know as soon as i can afford it i'm going to use a file storage like gobbler or carbonite it's worth 60 dollars a year ones again sorry to here it
  18. ptpatty

    ptpatty Platinum Record

    Dec 20, 2011
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    USA (East Coast)
    Burninstar...we must live fairly close to each other as I endured that storm myself. They called it a a rare "Super Derecho" type of storm. I too have never seen anything like that and without warning. I know things seem bad but you can slowly rebuild. It doesn't take a lot to be creative. Sometimes less is more. I used to have everything known to man loaded up on my rig but most was just occupying space. Now I just have a few set things that I use with an open mind to examine new stuff too. Sorry about your loss but I think in a little while you will get the bug again and start fresh...take care! :wink:

    PYRUS MALUS Noisemaker

    Sep 19, 2011
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    Stay Creative -- Keep Doing What You Do -- Things are Just Things (Replaceable)
  20. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
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    You serious? Well, if you lost some data - it's sad. But nothing more.

    Making music should be a passion! Otherwise you don't really like to make music. It's like breathing, or eating. You can make a pause, but you never can stop.

    You lost old songs. Well, that's really sad, but what makes the difference? If you have "old songs" on your hdd or not - the will to make music should not be related to this! What if you're a guitar player and your guitar and songs are destroyed...? Will you stop playing guitar?? I guess not.

    And getting software back like a daw, Kontakt or softsynths... easy like a charm.

    I don't see passion in your words. So if you stop making music or not, it doesn't seem to be a big lose for music listeners, and for yourself. Just head over to something new and get happy. OR you stop whining and restart your music making career.
  21. Muze

    Muze Newbie

    Jun 9, 2011
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    The best songs are in your head, And every new version of that same song is better than before. That's why all those live concerts give you better songs then the records... Practice makes perfect..... And if something doesn't kill you it'll make you better...

    That being said... I'm really happy the dikes where made two meters higher last year...

    I wish you all the best...