Using registered Maschine w/ other cracked NI software

Discussion in 'Maschine' started by Bump, Sep 15, 2011.

  1. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Well like Pinkman wrote anything that is not legit is always gonna say not activated.
    Also not gonna have serial number. That doesn't matter though. It will still run no problems :yes:
    So from what I understand the only thing legit is Maschine?
    So you got options. You can Use legit maschine and all "cracked" plugins Kontakt, Massive etc whatever in Komplete as it all available. If u do that though u got to follow method outlined and firewall service centre like mentioned otherwise it will demo time out Kontakt etc when you run it.
    The only serial you will have is for maschine and library etc. Libary got to be installed as mentioned. You can download it from NI if u need as u legit or it's available.
    Also remember Maschine comes as a hardware-software bundle and controller\library got serial.
    Native Access however now activates software when you input hardware serial.
    You don't need to worry to much bout the serials long as u make sure service centre not demo time out your Plugins etc.
    Your other, probably better option like 11Fletcher wrote is to simply just install all '"cracked" software :yes:
    Then u don't need to worry about too much and you can just install everything. Everything is available.
    There's no real benefit to having legit library etc installed apart from possibly it updated a little quicker. However the Teams release NI updates real quick mostly.
    This way you just install Everything and don't need to worry to much.
    I could be missing the point completely though lol :dunno::mates:
  2. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Don't worry about what the serial says. As long as it doesn't start in DEMO mode, you're good.
    When you install NI programs like Kontakt, Reaktor, Massive etc. launch the stand-alone version first before you try to load the plugin version.
    With Kontakt, it's a good idea to to add your libraries in standalone before you try using them in the VST.

    Block the Outbound connections.
    You should also disable Usage Data Tracking under Preferences > General
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2017
  3. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    I got a used Machine for a good price. I registered it, in case I want to sell it again, but I never used the v1 software it came with. I mostly use it as a midi controller.
  4. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Maschine 1.8 actually played nicer with my DAW than 2 ever did. If it wasn't for all the other v2 features, I'd probably still use it. Maschine 1 and 2 are recognized as totally different pieces of software so you can have both installed.
  5. giftofgab

    giftofgab Newbie

    Jul 23, 2015
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    Recently bought Maschine Jam, but have been running Maschine 2 cracked with my Maschine mk1 for a while now. My question is in regards to Native Access... Is it possible to have the cracked version installed and download Komplete 11 Select via Native Access? Seems like NI's done away with DVDs...
  6. abcordle

    abcordle Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Mars Hill
    I have Komplete 11 and Maschine and run my cracked Kontakt, really dont think you need to worry about Service Center, which is now Native Access, it sees or scans your computer each time you run it, not just for registration, but if it sees something not legit it just lists it as a demo. One thing to note however, if you have a cracked program and you open it in Maschine or Komplete Kontrol they will grab it from its own folder and you will get the activate button on any library not registered, I used to have 2 kontakts one cracked i renamed kontaktc and the legit, the cracked one wanted me to activate legit files and the legit one wanted me to activate the others, once i snagged the exe and dll file from this latest No Install version it worked for all files, so.....what i did was moved the legit .exe files from c/program files/native instrument/Kontakt 5 and the dlls from where i keep them and replaced them with the new ones and it worked like a charm when i open kontakt in Maschine it is all good...I really would not worry about what you have on there...... but if you are what ninja suggested is a genius way to work around it....not really sure how someone could ask where program files/common files/native instrument/service center is....i mean...thats the address, thats where your xml files are and thats how service center/Native Access sees your products, the other address HKEY_LOCAL .....etc. is the registry address, if you simply move those files temporarily, then Native access doesn't see them, therefore you do not have them installed as far as they know, but for those of us who do own legit NI software it will be scanned any and every time you open Native Access so whatever no big deal, oh and been running this way for years.....
  7. ry_cooder

    ry_cooder Member

    Jan 29, 2017
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    Hi, I searched for a non-legit version of Factory Library with no success. Do you know where I could find it?
    Really thanks.
  8. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    It's all over the net and AudioZ. Search "Machine Factory Library".
    1.0.0 is the bulk of it. 1.3.0 is the update.
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  9. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Factory library just plain old factory library is it?
    Not sure whether there any "non-legit" or differences between legit or otherwise.
    Like with unlocked Kontakt is application that ain't?
    Is that still the case nowadays?
    Know the NI expansions need activating with reg entry or serial etc but was never sure about that with plain old factory library.
    Do any protected mechanisms for any 3rd party libraries exist with maschine like with Kontakt etc. Guessing they don't apart from NI expansions :dunno:
    Maybe if they don't they might in future all though I guess activation via application as opposed to some sort of included library activator of kinds would involve be a significant re-write of application itself :dunno:
  10. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I don't think anyone can download the Maschine Library unless they have an actual license and are registered on the NI site.
    Yeah, 3rd Party Maschine expansions are just user created/exported projects/groups saved with samples.
  11. ry_cooder

    ry_cooder Member

    Jan 29, 2017
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    Thank you for the input. I installed the Factory Library and I can open it in Maschine 1. But then I installed the latest Maschine R2R version and I can't load the factory library there. Actually there is no factory library path in preferences. I tried to "import Maschine 1.x format" function, but I cannot load any of the samples, it gives me an error ("a user directory could not be found")..any ideas?
  12. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Did you install the library updates? You shouldn't have to use the import Maschine 1.x for the factory sounds as they are all updated and included in the 2.0 library. The import function if for bringing in your old custom/user created sounds.

    I have had Maschine for a while and I applied all the updates as they rolled out, one by one. You may have to install update 1.1.0 then 1.2.0 then 1.3.0. I have no way to test this so I could be completely wrong. Also firewall the Service Center and run the keygen after you have everything (including the library and updates) installed.

    You should install the Factory library AFTER you install the Maschine software.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2017
  13. ry_cooder

    ry_cooder Member

    Jan 29, 2017
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    Ok now I see. I installed software and library from Maschine 1 dvd and then the latest R2R Maschine 2 release. Now I think I should install library and library updates for maschine 2.
    Big mistake, I was thinking that library from Maschine 1 was the same of Maschine 2, and there was no need to update!
    Thank you very much for your help. And after updating libraries, should I need other software from NI for a beginner usage of Maschine?
  14. grizz

    grizz Member

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Tampa FL
    i have the mk2 legit an i use all crack ni plugins with it with no problems for more than 1 yr so far
  15. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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  16. ry_cooder

    ry_cooder Member

    Jan 29, 2017
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    Thank you very much! everything works perfectly!
    so, for every noob user like me, this process worked for me:

    how to install MASCHINE 2 library+software without dvd (no need to remove other NI non-legit software already installed)

    1) install Maschine 2.4.0 UNLOCKED from deepstatus
    2) install Maschine latest R2R update, do not use keygen
    3) install maschine 2 factory library 1.0.0
    4) install maschine 2 factory library 1.3 upodate
    5) crack it
    6) enjoy!
    hope this can be helpful! thank you very much for all explanation!
  17. ry_cooder

    ry_cooder Member

    Jan 29, 2017
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    ehm...forget everything! I can't load any of the sounds from the factory library, i got this error message: "please activate maschine 2 from service center"

    I still can load every other sound (from Massive, FM8, etc) but not the factory library
  18. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    u got native access installed? This sounds whatever but would try and use R2R as much as possible. I used to have all that installed and worked like a dream. U got the maschine controller etc?
    U need to make sure it all firewalled etc like Pinkman said or it will demo time out and possibly make sure libray release etc and maschine release linked but that complete speculation on my part
    Especially if you have other things like massive etc installed and it rescan registry. U might just need to rescan tho if it saying activate most likely a service centre\license issue.
    If it demo time outin maschine then maybe it library\mashine related as they linked now I think. U can still use all combinations though but you have to be careful.
    Me myself got all the legit stuff installed so not up 2 date 100% with all the new versions of stuff but to be quite honest i'd probably run all reversed stuff coz it often easier lol :dunno:
  19. ry_cooder

    ry_cooder Member

    Jan 29, 2017
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    So I don't have Native Access, only the Service Center but it is already firewalled. I already have installed some non-legit NI software like Massive or FM8 and I've just bought the Maschine controller, so basically everything is non-legit. I installed Maschine R2R software + factory library and updates. Maschine software runs perfectly and is fully activated after R2R keygen. I can access all my plugins via Maschine or in DAW, nothing is demoed. But I can't access the factory library, because I got the activation error.
    How can I rescan registry as you suggest? Maybe should I uninstall Service Center too?
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  20. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    U bought the maschine controller? I don't know...could be nothing whatsoever to do with it but maschine hardware & application are linked. However, unless something has changed you should still be fine to use both I reckon. Pinkman will be able to sort u out that way as he knows way more than I do about Maschine and applications that way. Like I mentioned, I used to run that setup before I had hardware etc and never had any problems. I wouldn't uninstall service centre just yet as could interfere with other applications in registry but to be quite honest I am no expert that way. Could be that it the factory library but i'm not sure.