[Revealed] What is the earth?

Discussion in 'humor' started by tulamide, Jan 25, 2017.

  1. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    What I'm about to reveal is mind-blowing. At first you'll think I'm a weirdo. But just listen and try to understand. The truth is there, just open your eyes. And, as Ned said, don't participate if you only want to criticize. Keep it civil, no name-calling and no comments other than agreements, please. Thanks!

    For thousands of years now, a small group of people try to hide the truth about the earth. It all started with Egypt. The very first Pharaoh of a united Egypt, Pharao Menes, also was the first who discovered a secret concerning the earth, so shattering that he decided to keep it a secret. About 5000 years ago, during his reign, he established a highly evolved mining culture. His people dug deeper and deeper, but to their surprise... Well, let's not reveal it just yet.

    Keeping such a big secret isn't easy, as you can imagine. Only the richest people owned the assets neccessary to destroy any doubts. At first those were the kings and imperators, later it were the businessmen. The Big Secret is the reason for all those absurdities we stumble upon from time to time. The freemasons, rosicrucians, the knights templar, the illuminati, and in newer times the bilderberg group all serve this one task: to keep the secret by all means! They do so by actively spreading misinformations, but also by getting people out of the way, if they come to close. The bermuda triangle for hundreds of years was their preferred dumping ground for the poor truthseekers that were near to reveal it.

    Of course, nowadays it is much easier to let people disappear without a great stir. Many are just discredited, others were brainwashed and again others had to face a life in torture and pain. Torture and pain were also used, more drastically, during the dark age. At one point, mankind came so close to the truth that rumors had to be spreaded that the earth is flat. As a result, while the secret was kept, people were thrown back hundreds of years on their way to find the truth.

    But now is the day! As a former member of a secret society, I know the Big Secret, and I struggled a long time wether to share it with the public. It will mean my almost instant death, but it is too important to hide it anymore. I want the people to see and understand, how all the strange things fit together. You will agree that the Big Secret is indeed the only acceptable reason for all that happened in the last 5000 years in the name of the Secret.

    You probably learned at school about the structure of the earth. You learned about crust, the mantles the inner and outer core. This all is a tricky lie! Tricky, because part of it is actually true. There is the crust, and there is the rigid mantle. But that's it. There's no astenosphere, no stiffer mantle, no liquid outer core, and for sure no solid inner core!

    You will intantly think, how could the earth be hollow? You may have read about the mass of the earth, you've seen footage of volcanos, etc. The earth is hollow, but it's not empty! The truth, the Big Secret, the shattering fact is that within the earth there lives a giant hamster!

    It's the hamster that keeps the world rolling, it is the heat it produces while fast running that warms our earth, it is its sweat that we call magma and whenever it stumbles we face earthquakes and volcanic eruption. Ever wondered why the sea is salty? Even that giant hamster has to pee from time to time.

    Yes, think about it. Suddenly all the things make sense, that didn't make sense before. Global warming? Bullshit, it's just a period where the hamster runs particularly fast, thus sweatening more. Mankind deletes trees, especially palms? Oh come on, what do you think such a giant hamster consumes? billions of tons of coconuts, of course. And geysers currently become very cute, considering that they are the result of the hamster farting! Our atmosphere contains much less oxygen than it had thousands of years ago? Well, the hamster needs to breath, too!

    Now that you know the truth, think about it. It all makes sense suddenly. But why would they want to keep it a secret? Because we are mankind. At the very first, we are proud. We tend to believe that we are those who rule the world. Nobody really wants to be just a mere insect living on a hamster wheel.

    I know it can be depressing. I was depressed for years. It was the reason for me to leave the secret society. This post was my last task in this world. They will come after me, sooner or later, and I will enjoy my life to the fullest until that day. But don't wonder if I suddenly just disappear as if I never existed. And don't listen to those who will try to discredit me in this thread. They have to keep the Big Secret by all means, remember!

    Yours faithfully,
    tulamide, former captain first degree of the order of the Heavily Adrift Men Saving Tscherskiatriton's Eternal Reign
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  3. E.C.R

    E.C.R Platinum Record

    Aug 28, 2014
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    now it all makes sense, i always was curious about earthquakes......now i know!!
  4. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    did it also take you 30+ years to figure out its the hamsters rolling the flat earth too? :winker:
  5. Zikkk

    Zikkk Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Between A and B♭
    I knew it! Very close to my home in the pond, I've discovered some deep holes. My mother keeps telling me to avoid this region, because a dangerous eel lives there. A few years ago it ate a cousin of mine, an ugly toad. (That's a good thing, I hate toads!) The elders have kept this truth from us for ages. It's high time everybody knew about that secret.
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  6. Does this hamster have a name?
  7. Beth

    Beth Guest

    I read the hamster's name is Pete!
    And wow that must be a lot of hamster food needed from the local Petsmart at the centre of the earth!
    Pete pictured when he was but a baby during a rare trip to the planet surface...
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  8. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    I knew NASA (Never A Straight Answer) was lying! I knew it!
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  9. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Hamster? This is old news @tulamide.... but you have some details amiss ... my science teacher told me a long time ago..
    it's really a giant Vole !​

  10. Pete!
  11. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Yes. His name is Gerald.
  12. demented

    demented Noisemaker

    Apr 26, 2014
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    Yo Tulamide, now you let the hamster out of the bag, i presume i can safely share your secret with the rest of the world? I posted your deep truths on my facebook account so my fellow spacetravellers can join in the wisdom. Let me know if you disagree, then I'll remove the post...

    Everybody should know this ASAP so we can move on and worship the great Cricetus....
  13. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Well, that all seems pretty convincing. I can't help having a few niggling doubts though. Sorry. I'll keep them to myself, and work on destroying my treacherous doubt.
  14. Now I am totally confused and don't know what to believe. I had better call Sean Spicer or Kellyanne Conway and get the real "alternate truth".
  15. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  16. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    you can still tune in to CNN for the really real alternate facts... :hillbilly:
  17. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Took a picture of CNN transmitting the Soros` speech at the democratic party convention, last night.
    It was packed with bigots and reverse tolerance.:rofl:
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  18. mile15

    mile15 Producer

    Nov 3, 2011
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    I eat shrrooms & read this. WTF .?#& :rofl:
  19. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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  20. I don't trust CNN, they didn't report on the find of Peter Gerald. I am sticking with The Young Turks who did...or was that Alex Jones? Wait, maybe it was Democracy Now, hmmm...Mother Jones...oh yea, it was Breitbart, definitely!
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  21. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Dont be derailed in your search for the truth by the apparent inconsistencies in the name thing!

    It's 'Pete' to his hamster friends and 'Peter Gerald Hamster Jr!' to his mom when he has been naughty boy !

    An interesting aside is that mom hamster, Henrietta, is even bigger and exercises on her wheel at the centre of the planet Jupiter.

    Surprisingly nothing is known about any of the other rodents thought to have journeyed to the center of all the other planets in the solar system just after the Big Bang when the universe was expanding very very fast indeed !

    And if you see this pic and think ah ha...proof positive!......no...it's a fake and that is not Peter Gerald at all. Don't believe all you see! As Mr Leary once said..."Think for yourself and question authority" (however he was probably quite high at the time!)'

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