RME Babyface Pro vs Apogee Duet2?

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by Nini, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. Nini

    Nini Newbie

    Oct 19, 2016
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    Hi guys!

    I need your help.

    Soon I have to get a new audio interface and do not know what to buy between the two.

    Apogee: https://www.thomann.de/it/apogee_duet_2_for_ipad.htm
    RME: https://www.thomann.de/it/rme_babyface_pro.htm

    I tell you before:

    I have an iMac (iOS) where the register, I mix and I burn. Instead use FL Studio (Win) to produce. The Apogee only works on Apple and then to produce I can not hear. I already have a Saffire 6USB where wishing I could use the Apogee only when I have to use the iMac though I do not like having too many things.
    I buy the Adam A7X.
    Everything seems to buy the RME but do not know how they are at the level of converters and preamps, etc .. How is the sound when you record the microphone? Because too flat sound not like. Low frequencies?
    Because from what I know and what I have advised my friend told me that the Apogee converters are great and the sound is really bright.

    I do not really know what to do.
    Any of you have one of these interfaces?

  3. rootwits

    rootwits Producer

    Sep 29, 2016
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    I'm Right Behind You
    +1 for RME.

    I have a RME 9632, very satisfied with it.
    Best drivers on the market, new firmware even if the card is on the market for some time now, and new drivers every few months.
  4. Fer Zeleid

    Fer Zeleid Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    I have Duet2 and I agree with your friend, sound is really good and converters are awesome, drivers gave me some headaches in the past but now they work fine. But if you use Win and OSX the decision is clear: get the RME that is another beast.
  5. canemisterioso

    canemisterioso Newbie

    Nov 14, 2016
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    why not Apollo Twin?

    Compatible with Mac (Thunderbolt 2) and Win (Usb 3 C-Type Thunderbolt + Tb3/Tb2 adapter).

    _USB 3.0 version is not compatible on Mac, I don't really understand why tho (shitty apple marketing ideas maybe).

    I gotta buy one too, I'm checking out everything can't really waste money now.
    UAD plugins are cool but i'm checking out Nebula and shit, they seem we don't need overpriced uadshit anymore.
  6. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    Don't think you'll go far wrong with either........RME's is neutral and clean to very very slightly bright to my ears, no experience of the duet, so another +1 for RME.
  7. Best Answer
    RME for you, for me...
    The mic preamps are stellar, ultra clean and now offer up to 70dB of whisper quiet juice to power up even the hungriest of the hungry ribbon or dynamic mics like my RE-20 or the Shure SM7B. One other added bonus is now the BF Pro gives us four live inputs instead of the two of the regular old Babyface, two xlr/quarter inch and two instrument/line ins. That means that you can record with two colored external preamps and still have the sweet pres in the BF at your disposal. There is the ADAT in to provide 8 more when and if you need them. The drivers are the best in the business and they support their legacy hardware which is a godsend as their stuff stays alive long after other units from other companies are laying in waste. Customer support is amazing and will bend over backwards to get you sorted out quickly and efficiently. Soundwise, whatever you feed it will be spit out the other end the same as you hear it, uncolored and pure.

    The Duet 2 is allright.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2017
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  8. TW

    TW Guest

    RME - Both are great units. Compareable in Preamps and converters quality. You get great results with both. But i give the drivers to RME. total Mix is defenatly the better driver/softwaremixer package.
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    MORTIX Kapellmeister

    Sep 22, 2015
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    I`m interested in this as well? I have an apogee duet and it sound great but i wonder how the babyface compare
  10. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    IMHO, go RME for the drivers only, but the iD22 smokes both the RME and Apogee in every other area and is well worth a serious look in this price range, especially if converter quality and preamps are your focus. The iD22 also has true by-passable preamps and a 2 pair monitor controller, with a quality headphone amp.

    iD22 is THE bang for the buck interface under 2K IMHO.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2017
  11. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    I vote for the duet. Isn't the inside of the duet the same as what's in their upper echelon $3k+ Interfaces, but only single/2 channel? Having spend time with both on monitors and headphones with a Shure sm7b I must say I like the overall sound of the duet better. Until date never heard a better portable interface than duet 2 to be honest. Did many of you really use both??
  12. I'm gonna jump back in. The iD22 sounds incrementally better to me than the RME as I gave both a listen to around the turn of the new year. The thing for me is and maybe for others, I really want that second headphone out even though it cannot be given a mix of it's own, and as well the BF Pro has those extra two inputs that can also be used to route signal back into the unit, sent from two tracks into outboard gear and back in. The way that Audient implements into their units of the Burr Brown chips they use for conversion favors their unit in quality of sound maybe 5% better tops to my ears, and puts them into the league of Metric Halo and per chance some Lynx stuff (never sat in front of air pushed by Burl units so I cannot say). For the 250 bucks more I am going with the best drivers, two more inputs and headphone outs. If I were man an island and could live without that third and fourth preamp (I have with the Babyface original but dearly want that one more mic pre now), the iD22 would surely be sitting on my desk and I am sure that I would be singing its praises to the throng.
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  13. Nini

    Nini Newbie

    Oct 19, 2016
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    Why not? because I have a imac mid 2010 and has not yet Thunderbold (only from 2011 onwards) otherwise I would have bought
  14. Nini

    Nini Newbie

    Oct 19, 2016
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    Anyway, thank you so much to everyone for your opinions.
    The decision is made: RME.
    I take it especially for a matter of convenience since I use both Win and OS X. If I had only used OS X would take the Apogee.
    And if I also had a iMac with Thunderbold connection I would take the Twin Apollo.
    As soon as I bought I will let you know more about how the performance.

    Thank you very much again to all! :wink:
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2017
  15. m9cao

    m9cao Producer

    Oct 3, 2012
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    if you're not mac user, RME is enough
  16. I also went from a Saffire 6USB to the Babyface and was at first shocked by the difference in clarity and needed a few days at least to acclimate my ear to the new normal. TotalMix is great and you will soon get used to the flow and routing possibilities. Have fun with your new tool and make lots of music.
  17. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    If I had the cash I would most likely go with RME but I guess that you will still be able to get pro results with Apogee.
    Either way, you can't really go wrong with one of these.

    EDIT: I now see your post where you have chosen RME. :wink:
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2017
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