Is Apple falling apart?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by The-RoBoT, Sep 27, 2016.

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  1. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
  2. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Old Europe
    the Windows Search service can be disabled, in that case the OS reverts to Classic Search which is still very good.
    i also disable the Indexing Service.

    for advanced search there are a couple good 3rd party apps on top of this.

    graphic card : for instance if you need to use 3-4 monitors.
  3. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Old Europe
    sure but then you're using a 3rd party app, you're not running it natively, that's a biiig difference.
  4. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Old Europe
    but iOS is apple's golden goose, not OSX.

    at this point the question is how long will OSX resist, it looks like an abandoned platform, if apple doesnt believe in OSX anymore who will ?
  5. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    i dont get the search thing, of course you had to disable indexing in windows, but that makes it just slower. whats the benefit?
    you can use a ton of monitors on every mac pro ? and the multi monitor handling of macOS is just amazing since el Capitan and wasn't bad before either.
    i don't see the point of gaming on a mac or a gaming gpu in a mac like the 970.
    that named 8 core xeon E5-2670 is an interesting cpu for audio but i wonder if its poor single core performance is enough to handle some hungry plugins.

    the new zen from amd looks promising, 8 cores with multithreading (finally) and TDP 95w,
    the rx cards where also promising but.... meh
    future will tell
  6. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    so you heard that, well i can tell you its not like that at all, the search system is just perfect and i cannot imagine a better way to do it.

    i use the ipad with touchable since 5 years and its just better than every other fader i ever tried from consoles to artist mix, mackie controls to lemur, touch OSC and on.
    touchable fader beats them all by far, its so responsive and sensible its unbelievable it feels like playing a real instrument.
    its really that good and was a total game changer for me
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  7. Spirit

    Spirit Member

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Saltwater - are you using touchable with Ableton 9.7? I was thinking about buying it but it hasn't been updated in quite a while and I read on various forums it was not working well with recent versions of Ableton, support is not answering and it looks like it has been abandoned. The developer even removed their own forum from their site having ignored all their users complaints... Put me off buying it. I've got a Push 2 and its great for everything except mixing - would really like to be able to ride faders on my iPad...
  8. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    The only thing I've found that beats Touchable is using Lemur with actual OSC instead of MIDI.

    @Spirit I'm on 9.7 and Touchable works like a champ. Just make sure you have the 3.1.3 Touchable server installed. When using the browser I usually go down the list and select Sounds, Drums, Instruments, Audio Effects... etc. to open the category then press the header tab to close it again just to speed up the loading.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2017
  9. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    @ Spirit it works in 9.7 but its not bug free unfortunately, i have to select another midi script to have proper blue hand behavior.
    works better in 9.6
    yes they removed the forum on the site and i thought its abandoned but
    support answered me just 2 days ago and they are working on a new version, so theres hope again.
    maybe you try some MCU emulations for Lemur, MCU uses pitch for volume which has higher resolution midi.

    for Ableton users i highly recommend the new site where u can make your own midi remote scripts easily, great site, great idea, the community needed this so badly

    Lemur with OSC is very good performance as well, but touchable is still another level.
    its how the faders and everything is coded, theres a "mini Lemur" inside touchable as well (very very basic).
    the problem there is the lack of proper implementation in DAWs, kinda love OSC tho.
    touchable faders are just so precise, snappy and responsive if you just put your finger on the pad and wobble you can do a "tremolo" like on a string instrument, or just increment it by very tiny amounts which is kinda hard and feels awkward in lemur or touchOSC.
    then there is the lock feature where everything snaps back to its previous position after release, you can even program the snap back speed behavior and sync it to track in various amounts. that puts using VSTs and fiddling around with them just on another level.
    and it works over cable, which OSC does not.
    what DAWs are you guys recommending for the best OSC support? i tried a lot and did not find any good.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2017
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