Is Apple falling apart?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by The-RoBoT, Sep 27, 2016.

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  1. DoubleSharp

    DoubleSharp Platinum Record

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Again kind of agree with the sentiment. But then Ive did design the Apple Watch(IMO was only because they could do it very cheaply and thought they may as well test the market). Considering it's lack of functionality it's an ugly motherfucker.

    Ultimately Jobs knew how to run a Technology company. I hear that in the new OS you can't even search for files properly without having to buy a third party app? Jobs would never have allowed that. I hear AppleTV is a dog as well. Jobs was probably the perfect task master for developers.

    As Audio Techies maybe we invest more of our time into understanding how these awesome machines work whereas the fashion for software/OS devs is to try and hide as much of it as possible from the end user.

    I find it really weird watching people on new OS with all it's key command stuff(Nothing against it). Seems like they want to stop people from using the mouse as much, which is almost like a complete role reversal when looking at the origins of Windows/Apple.

    I worry that all the Desktop manufacturers are forgetting about people like us. Then again most people I know are pretty good at recycling phones between themselves so a slow down in the phone market is looking like a long term trend. A lot of people like myself still need to update to a newer machine to keep up with the time.

    Surely Tech companies are going to try and influence the trend in favor of Desktop/Laptop development ? Maybe they'll go Tablet but to me Tablets will never replace the Desktop and as far as desktop/tablet augmentation (Master/Slave type of relationship) goes they've got no where near the perfect blend.

    Is anyone using and iPad or the like to ride the faders or in a similar fashion to the KAOS pad ?

    Personally I'd love the iPad to work better with Band In a Box. My OS to old for any of this type of stuff
  2. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    It's the same people stressing us with key commands that are finidng linking the kernel in Unix sexy. This type of nerd are doing the programming of the OS. What do we expect when there is no one like Steve Jobs telling them what a shitty job they do.
    Socially Steve Jobs was a really ugly guy, but entrepreneur-wise he was a genius. He was focused and knew, what he and the customers demanded.
    Today there are pea-counters at top of Apple. Again. So in the long run I think, Apple will fail again.
  3. DoubleSharp

    DoubleSharp Platinum Record

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I'm one of those Nerds ! It's definitely NOT sexy. It's crazy if you have to rely on that to search for a file. I was more thinking of general usage.

    Same with most software companies, Adobe can't get the color/HEX swatches correct. Apple can't search for files properly and Windows get caught out by HTML based embedded JavaScript! (Fixed now)

    Not feeling quite so negative about getting a new Mac. Maybe i'll go 2nd hand or hire service.

    Can't help but feel like a Tech-Luddite.
  4. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    I will point out an article i wrote years ago...and in fact, i was thinking like this even before writing about it ;)
    Apple is going "think mainstream" since the first iPhone. WHY they would care about a few thousand power/pro users...when they sell MILLIONS to mainstream users ?
    When Apple was ONLY a computer maker, they needed us. Now, they simply don't care about power/pro users. Simple.
    See Apple decisions in a "think mainstream" direction, and you will see they are not so dumb :D
    They just DON'T CARE ABOUT US ! that's all you need to understand ;)
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  5. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    seems a bit odd of them to abandon that segment of the market... as they have always been the preference platform for
    graphics, and a large portion of music production users... I know it's possible and not all that difficult with Windows..
    to build a custom system and just run their OS on it ... so will Mac users be able to do the same?
  6. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Yes, this is exactly my point - they transitioned, somewhere around 2009, from a specialized company largely servicing a professional niche market to a mass consumer corporation whose actions are entirely dictated by the bottom line. We don't have the volume to affect those actions. That's not specifically Cook's or Jobs' doing, it's a fact of life in the corporate world, and it's not going to change.
  7. KingzDubStep

    KingzDubStep Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Up until 3 months ago i have been using Acid Pro but now im using ableton. in that time ive used it on Xp, 7, 8 and now 10 and its worked flawlessly on all versions so remember this is software that hasnt been updated since 2007 and it still works fine on teh latest windows

    can you imagine running software from 10 years ago that hasnt been updated working on all apple OS version since 2007! peopel can hate on windows but i know when a new os comes out even my old old old softwre still works

    someone on here said they are dreading getting a new mac book, well dont get it, stop being a fan boy and think with yoru head and wallet not shiny hype and techy articles paid for by apple
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  8. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    It is called "hackintosh" and not official at all ;)
    Apple want you to buy their hardware...only their hardware.
    And that's another problem with Apple : their integrated graphic cards sucks big time...especially for the price you paid.
    Hardware on Mac Book is AT LEAST a generation too late over Windows equivalent.

    Seen their last Mac Pro ? Impossible to put a graphic card inside. Only external...not very "pro" to have a bunch of plugged cables on a non racked computer looking like a trashcan.

    Yearly update ? They will force you to install last OS every year, to update your Logic, FinalCut and such.
    Apple is killing pro market faster than ever.

    And the last step will be when they will mess third party software too. When you will have the same problems with Cubase, Studio One, will be the end of OSX supremacy in the audio/video/graphic domain.

    Seems a bit odd, yes. But different times, different priorities.
    Before forced yearly updates, OSX was a big plus.
    Combined with Windows 10, it is pushing more and more Mac users on the Windows side.

    As a Windows user, i can say Windows still sucks anyway. But Apple sucks more and more, too :rofl::wink:
  9. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Gil Amelio was ready to adopt BeOS as the successor of MacOS but ultimately he bought NextStep.
    Jobs then tried to license the Linux kernel but because of the GPL license he had to pick BSD instead.

    so, BSD + NextStep GUI (Quartz and Cocoa) = OSX

    too bad for BeOS, it was the BEST and fastest media OS at the time !
    Steinberg had already a version of Nuendo running on BeOS.
  10. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
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    the OS is irrilevant nowadays.
    they all do the same things and if something is lacking you've tons of 3rd party apps for pretty much everything.
    as a last chance you can emulate or virtualize or dual-boot or even running two different PCs.

    said that, if the OS is irrilevant and apps are the reason you stick with one platform, price and apps quality are ultimately the
    key factor in choosing a platform.

    why should one choose OSX today ? i don't see many killer features packed in OSX compared to Win10 apart the more polished GUI.
    which again, you can fully clone on windows too with a bit of patience :

    let's face it, people buy macs out of narcissism and because they're fashion addicts.
    macs are sexy and fashionable and therefore they command higher prices but once you start using it as just a computer they realize with horror it's just an overpriced pc with bells and whistles.

    do they like paying twice for the same chinese product ? yes they do and they will do it again and again, and good luck telling them otherwise, mac users are proud members of a Cult and they will fight tooth and nail to defend their founder and their religion, even if apple kills the entire mac product line there will be a lot of zealots still upgrading and using their macs for the years to come, exactly as it happened with Atari and Commodore and their diehard userbase.
  11. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
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    yes, there are lots of early 32bit VST plugins and vintage retro-warez apps running fine on Win10 x64.
    i recently messed with my old soundfonts and managed to run AWE32 Vienna Soundfont Editor (1998 !), it's almost 20 years old, good luck doing the same with OSX.
    and if i've time to spare i can even run ancient DOS apps for Soundblaster 16 using DOSbox.
    ohh and i've also my early Amiga mods for ProTracker and AHX running on WinUAE.
  12. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    I wouldn't say it's falling apart. But let's be honest here. The whole computer industry is slowly coming to a stop.
    Moore's law time is way over. Period.
    They all are making new stuff by revamping old stuff. Can you imagine 10 years ago a computer company living for 4 years on the same technology? Basically that's what they're all doing, not just Apple with their 2013 Mac Pros still sold today...

    And Windows 10 is just pushing people back to W7.
  13. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
    Is Apple falling apart?

  14. DoubleSharp

    DoubleSharp Platinum Record

    Oct 20, 2015
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    That's what they'd have you believe... Not true though.

    They're going for the same thing with quantum.

    Part of the problem is that more CPU doesn't equate to more creativity.

    While i agree with some of your sentiment. It's not completely true. Edit:

    I remember having to use a Mac when I was a kid as my Dad got it second hand from his job as Graphic Designer. They weren't fashionable back then... Good luck finding a game that would install. I did get to play the FPS shooter that was bought by Microsoft and turned into Halo though...

    As opposed to paying how many times for MS word bundled with Windows ? Office is still probably making M$ biggest profits.

    Can anybody name any software that Windows have recently brought out that is new and really useful ?
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2017
  15. DoubleSharp

    DoubleSharp Platinum Record

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I'm pretty sure you could run them in Xcode.

    Failing that you could get the windows version of them and use a program called Wine Bottler to bundle them. Essentially the same thing as Xcode.
  16. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    Seriously? What planet do you live on mate? Real progress in computer power is done, finito, kaputt. What we have now is more cores, more threads and that's it. Not enough to make a real difference year after year.

    You should compare benchmarks for GPUs and CPUs for the last 5 years before telling me i'm wrong. Doubling the power every 18 months? Not really. See for yourself.

    And if not dead, then it's irrelevant anyhow.

    I'll believe in Quantum when i see it on my desktop.

    True, but what does it have to do with anything here?
  17. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    whats wrong with macOS search ? i actually like it more than on windows, and spotlight is just a breeze apple+spacebar and type 1or 2 letters and your there
    windows 10 was the last useful software, which 8 was not, and 9 just landed in the trash.
    why would you change the graphics card in a mac pro ? they are more then decent.
    everything apple is still fine like always
  18. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    Basically, you feel the urge to upgrade your system when you think it's worth it. I have a double Xeon 2.6ghz with 32 cores and a GTX970 and i don't feel the need to upgrade it although it's 2 years old. For what?

    i prefer to put money in SSD where i see a huge difference with regular HDs. But Motherboard CPU and GPU? No thanks not worth it.
    My two cents

    And if you still feel the moore law applies well...i envy you cause you're still living on the dream mate.
  19. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    No. They just care bout cell phones and political agendas more than pro audio.
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  20. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    AMD ZEN will be pretty revolutionary at least in terms of prices.Its time to kick some ass, AMD style.
    Although Steinberg has been working on interesting things lately.The future looks happy.
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