Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by GoldenEar, Jan 21, 2017.

  1. GoldenEar

    GoldenEar Ultrasonic

    Jan 17, 2017
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    What synths and drum machines did la roux used in their album?

    I'm particular on the arp synth in bulletproof in the verse and the lead synth (shimmering one) in the start of Tigerlily.

  3. It doesn't actually sound to me as if it is arped, rather those passages played by the keyboardist and then sampled and looped. As to how the sound was synthesized, I am certainly not the one to answer. Those Bros to follow.
  4. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    For intellectual reasons only I guess I can chime in.

    Caveat // getting the same instruments wont net the same sound // there is a lot more to it that the instrument.

    clap snares
    Sounds little like an OB_DMX
    The Synths sounds like VSTs, with a lot of bitcrushing for that vintage sound.

    What I know from reading somewhere a while back is that there is a lot of UAD emulations used and pushed hard (remember that hard for vintage gear means > 18dBRMS not +20dBFS. Also the saturation is the polish most of the work is done in the bit crushing and sound selection.

    Less is more.
  5. muaB

    muaB Producer

    Nov 17, 2012
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    i have the multitrack of bulletproof.

    bass: at times 4 layers!! juno synth hardware, layered with other basses, in the chorus a wider bass.
    clap: pretty standard pitched down clap sample
    kick: boxy, not edmish sound with a nice top
    over the drums there is a little loop that sounds to me like it consists of Ride or hi hat, a tamb hit and some quiet 808 sounds. all the loop is degraded with some kind of crush, almost a bit flangey sounding. pitched down a bit?
    vocals: compressed vocal with room verb, layered with verry compressed almost dist. vox. vocoder in the bridge.
    lead: distorted, ampish square sound, a little reverb
    bg synth: there is a pretty nice standard synth sound arp that plays a very nice contrasting arp melody complementing the lead vox and synth.

    the rest is just synths man, its the creative combination and layering and its also compressed a lot that makes this track.
    and its cool. and pseudo guitar roomy distortion. just put that on everything. use square sounds. compress everything. yell into your mic and layer it with stuff.
  6. GoldenEar

    GoldenEar Ultrasonic

    Jan 17, 2017
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    Thank you guys for the reply. I'm just really amazed by this albums technicality. :yes:
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2017
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