Metal: Shreddage 2 Engine V3.21 - Updates for S2, IBZ, SRP

Discussion in 'Rock, Metal' started by F3r, Jan 11, 2017.

  1. F3r

    F3r Producer

    Oct 19, 2015
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    South America
    Shreddage 2 Engine V3.21 - Updates for S2, IBZ, SRP

    hi all.
    I was using the old gui, until today I discovered that the new update came out. (August 3, 2016)

    the old gui:

    the NEW GUI:

    Here i find, and already TESTing my self, all works.... OK !!! :)


    NEWS: Shreddage 2 Engine V3.17 – Updates for S2 and S2IBZ – Available Now from Impact Soundworks
    * Shreddage 2
    * Shreddage 2 IBZ

    IMPORTANT! When updating, do not OVERWRITE folders. MERGE them instead!

    Our new Shreddage Engine (V3) features a host of improvements, from improved UI to better picking and fret selection behavior, more advanced options, new presets, bug fixes, better double/quad tracking and much more.

    These updates are structured to NOT affect your existing projects. These are new NKI and resource (NKR/NKC) files, meaning you will be able to load your old version(s) anytime.

    Shreddage 2 (Original) – v3.17 / Engine 3.17 (Feb 25, 2016)
    1. Download the update files
    2. Unpack the files in your Shreddage 2 folder. The new NKI will be added to /Instruments/ and the new NKC/NKR should sit alongside the old ones. A new “Harmonics” folder will be added to /Samples/, along with a new /S2/ folder within Data (factory presets).
    3. Load one of the new NKIs. The Low CPU versions take away speed control from real vibrato modes, tremolo, pinch, and portamento slides, but use much less CPU.

    Shreddage 2 IBZ – v1.20 / Engine 3.17 (Feb 25, 2016)
    1. Download the update files
    2. Unpack the files in your S2 IBZ folder – the new NKI should get added to /Instruments/, and the new NKC/NKR should sit alongside the old ones. The new /IBZ/ folder within Data will also be updated.
    3. Load one of the new NKIs. The Low CPU versions take away speed control from real vibrato modes, tremolo, pinch, and portamento slides, but use much less CPU.

    Shreddage 2 SRP - v1.15 / Engine 3.21 (July 6, 2016)
    1. Download the update files
    2. Unpack the files in your Shreddage 2 SRP folder, taking care to:
    2a. Merge the new instruments with the old ones (2 NEW files)
    2b. Overwrite the old documentation with the new manual/reference
    2c. Merge the new samples with the old sample folder (new additions to the 'Noise' subfolder)
    3. You should now see Shreddage2SRP_115.nkc/nkr in the Shreddage 2 SRP folder. Load up one of the new instruments and you're good to go.


    How do I get to this content?
    Because the official page the update is not there.

    1) find on: (kvr topic)
    Shreddage 2 Engine V3.21 - Updates for S2, IBZ, SRP - Available Now! (August 3, 2016 IBZ Bug fix)

    the link for download ARE DIRECT from: (original server)

    and NO they are not, on sister SITE.

    I hope to help everyone, and enjoy it
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2017
  3. ahjs

    ahjs Kapellmeister

    Dec 28, 2011
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  4. F3r

    F3r Producer

    Oct 19, 2015
    Likes Received:
    South America
    http:// vs https:// (s) was my fault.

    fixed: :)
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