Fl Studio cpu load wrong?

Discussion in 'Software' started by pelao, Jan 6, 2017.

  1. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Do you mean which plugins i was reffering too?

    Well i can remember one particular preset patch in lush101 and it was a multivoiced olskool chord.
    With one key press my cpu meter would goto 60% each and every time i depressed a key...
    Now that same preset n plug in ABL just uses9%
    Ozone7 is another one for me that in fl ,if im using it actually in a mix and is using all the modules my cpu would red line!
    The same in ABL is still quite high but its around 50% or so....
    All the uhe stuff too is a nightmare with fl
    "especially diva or bazille"
    Not if im using them in ableton though...
    Still bazille uses a serious amount on stacked patches n chords...
    The difference for me personally was astonishing when i firsrt started composing something...
    That was the first n main reason i switched over..
    Also the native fx plugins i found quite poor and never even ran them due to just that.
    Abletons standard plugins have nullified much of my vst list.
    The quality i can only describe one way as being orders of magnitude better than fl..
    And i used to be a right fl lover and would defend it endlessly.
    Im now asking myself why oh why didnt i just go with abl from the very begining......
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2017
  2. pelao

    pelao Kapellmeister

    Dec 15, 2016
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    asio4all, fl asio is shit right?
  3. pelao

    pelao Kapellmeister

    Dec 15, 2016
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    "The "CPU meter" in FL Studio isnt actually a CPU meter. Its showing the percentage till underruns. Which is related to CPU yes, but this can be different from what the process shows in Task Manger" i found this in fl forums what do you think
  4. Elisea

    Elisea Guest

    The same as i said. It can't be the real cpu load, if it crackles all around 80% in FL studio and 30% in task manager.
    So ...
    And jynx, i can confirm your lush101 experience. A lot of VST Plugins just overload in FL Studio wich doesn't happen in other DAWs.
  5. Oddlaga

    Oddlaga Member

    Oct 26, 2016
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    FL Studio is pretty bad when it comes down to performance, if you read the wiki/manual you'll know that any tracks that share any sends or something like that (if you sidechain lots of tracks together for example) have to be processed in the same core. Since most modern CPUs rely on four cores dividing the workload this can quickly become a nightmare, imagine having to run a project with one quarter of the processing power.
    When it comes down to individual synths though it depends if the plugins use multicore processing (which LuSH-101 does if you check the box in the options). But for some reason FL just seems to suck more CPU than the other DAWs even when using just one synth. My guess is that FL is not that great at handling VST, since it was very easy for them to allow people to bridge 32 bit plugins into 64 bit environments and vice-versa, while other DAWs that don't allow that seem to handle VST much better.
    FL is a pretty old DAW and you probably shouldn't stick to it unless you have lots of juice to spent in terms of CPU or use more of the built-in stuff which for the most part is not VST.
    Also in my experience the new FL Studio ASIO is better than ASIO4ALL, I could run more stuff with the same latency, but still it lost to Ableton by far.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2017
  6. pelao

    pelao Kapellmeister

    Dec 15, 2016
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    it's a fact that reaper is the more powerfull daw in universe in terms of cpu usage. I tested fl, studio one, tracktion, cubase and no one has the ultra low cpu usage that reaper offers.
  7. SyNtH.

    SyNtH. Platinum Record

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Might i ask what vsts you are experimenting with? I do agree that performance went down by an estimate of about 10-15% since the vectorization update. I hope once they finish vectorizing they go back to the drawing board and fix some key issues and get the performance back again. I can run multiple medium kontakt libs, and at least 60+ mixer slots (with at least 1 vsti on each) with it getting to about 80-95%. Also the ppq and bridging can play a huge effect on performance. Make sure the resolution is the same in both DAW's and make sure the versions of vst you use are the same (x32 & x64). I will say that FL's max ppq (960) is garbage and needs an update (but they will need to rewrite so much to fix it) as well as their routing and PDC calcs. Could you share screenies of the results or a vid? Im intrigued at how their could be such a drastic difference.
  8. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    i totally know what is the problem, and i have found a work around...

    if you guys are interested i'll probably share the solution...
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  9. pelao

    pelao Kapellmeister

    Dec 15, 2016
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    please share your method good man
  10. Elisea

    Elisea Guest

  11. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    Okey let's get a bit Serious, yes i actually do have found a workaround wish gained me a lot of CPU Power in FL Studio, i have did some experiments, and it gained me a lot, now i can do a more complicated projects without having to worry about CPU meter,

    and the previous comment of mine was a joke, was gonna share it anyway,

    but before that i'm gonna share it in private with a few fellas, that i know they are a good part of this forum we do some testing, and if it proves that it is working on more than system and not only me we will share it with you guys,

    so if you're interested pm and i'll start a group conversation including the ones i chose...

    and as i said once it is confirmed to work for everybody, i'm gonna insta-share it.

    have a nice day, and don't forget to mp.
  12. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    RE: CPU crackles at 50+%, it depenz on your CPU. Inhell has HT, so if you have 4c+HT, you get 2x4=8 logical cores exposed to the OS. This fools apps into thinking they have more cores than actually exist. Fake cores are useful sometimes, but at some point before all 100% logical cores are used, you gonna have dropouts/etc for audio.

    AMD may have slightly less aggressive SMT with a 4:3 ratio of sharing of FPU units (for example), than inhell's 2:1 for all units.
  13. darthloud

    darthloud Producer

    Dec 24, 2016
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    sad , flstudio is good daw for creat song fast . but cpu bug all time and fuck a track
    better studio one or cubase
  14. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    both are actually, what you need is the audio driver that comes with your audio interface if you have one.

    Otherwise fl asio coould be as decent or better as asio4all.
  15. I use RME drivers and still have pretty much the same scenario going on where FL Studio falters under a medium load. We need a hero and we need one now, before the walls cave in, please heed the call.
  16. darthloud

    darthloud Producer

    Dec 24, 2016
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    good night

    Did not know RME drivers Can say more about, what is it for and where to download
  17. I have an RME Babyface, ergo, use an RME ASIO driver. The drivers are specific for the company's great line of interfaces, mic preamps and converters, as far as I know though I might be wrong. RME ASIO can't be used without the appropriate hardware, maybe.

    I just checked their website and noticed that they just updated all their drivers, again! They still are supporting Windows XP and even offer advice for people still using Apple G5 computers. How amazing is that?

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2017
  18. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    RME is known for good drivers, but for anyone not able to afford an RME interface, the Zoom UAC series (UAC-2, UAC-8) might be an affordable alternative.
    Great audio quality and a high-performance driver.
    They're just not hyped-up as much as other interfaces :winker:
  19. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Yeah shame coz its killer synth.
    Couldnt really open it up
    Very capable.
    I do miss runnin Fl a bit i must admit.
    But im really only reffering to the flexability of the The piano roll and certain system quirks that have become almost second nature in the years of using fl studio.
  20. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Oh well yeah,nothing special at all, its just your bog standard freebie ya know..
    That said ,it doesnt mean you cant get a half decent mix out of it...