Audioz contributors and FileHoster rewards

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by BHK Samples, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. BHK Samples

    BHK Samples Newbie

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Hey julzblusky, Strong Sound, xXxuploadsxXx & DISCOVER

    got some questions, how much money you make with share hoster rewards monthly, or better, how much money you have make already with downloads from your accounts ?

    It's really crazy, everyone of you upload up to 20 packs, tons of GB's, almost daily.

    Also how do you get the newest sample pack releases so fast ? Do you buy them with the money you make with your shared download links ?
  3. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Do you really hope they will answer to your question? :rofl:
  4. BHK Samples

    BHK Samples Newbie

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Comments by saint:

    "This way, Contributors who spent money to buy and share exclusive stuff (like DISCOVER)..."

    sounds like he has a really good income with his 54 pages full of puplications :)

    to everybody else who haven't noticed, AudioZ became much more than just a software archive.

    Yes you right, it became good business for you and your contributers !

    I see Future AudioZ as a platform for sharing your own releases. And that's where I'm heading.

    weirdo ! there are enough sites where people share their free software and samples already. And it's really rediciulous by some audioz users to say i don't have the money and i have to download software or samples illegally, otherwise i can't make good music !

    good luck finding those exclusive releases made specially for AudioZ, on your P2P or elsewhere. even the scene teams leeching releases from us now.

    man, this sounds professional organized ! Maybe they leeching from you because there are still some teams want to share good stuff without making money, with the mindset, here is a really good pack you can try before buy, and not with the mindset more uploads, more money!

    "....we will force them to upload the way people can get it for free."

    To be honest, i think you will do nothing.
  5. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    BHK Samples, i can't speak for uploaders, because i don't know how things work there; but you definitely have no right to say that i'm making money out of it, because you have absolutely no idea how things work on my side.

    and if you want to accuse me in something, first start giving your samples for free, because that's exactly what i do!

    for 8 years AudioZ took at least 1,5 hours of my life, day by day;
    and i never asked my members to pay for that time (which i could actually use to make for a living), nor took any donations,
    because i don't believe that things should work this way on AudioZ.
  6. BHK Samples

    BHK Samples Newbie

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Maybe, but audioz is defenitly out of control,say, you lost control. people speak about democracy on audioz, but in fact its anarchy.

    The problem is your contributers starting to make a psychopathic business whithout regardless of the consequences. Buying the newest packs just for uploading and making money with rewards. These people using the money of users to buy the stuff, and some of your users even give thanks to these greedy psychopaths.

    "first start giving your samples for free, because that's exactly what i do!"

    Hello, do you live behind the moon ? We give away samples for free too ! The diffrence between us is i give away my samples, not like you, samples from others !

    All companys together give away tons of gigabytes for free as demo packs, enough stuff to make music of all kind for the next decades.

    i don't believe that things should work this way on AudioZ

    Believing is not enough when you see things going wrong on your page, back then it was luck to find a pack to check it out before buying, and some company's saw or still see it as free promotion to become more popular, cause some customers really just download to have a check before they buy, and not because they can't make good music without warez

    You guys dig your own grave at the moment, you really think your accounts are safe on all these filehosters ? TBH you guys had just luck that no company has takes legal actions against you and your
    contributers. But the way you guys operate now its just a matter of time. A police report sended to every filehoster is enough and they gonna give away all the account information they have about you, and it really doesen't matter if you use a hidden ip, if they want you they gonna get you ! There is no save internet anymore for all of us !

    keep in mind you guys were just tolerated, and links are just alive because some companys don't have the time or don't want to waste their time to look everyday for links and sending abuse/dmca reports to the filehosters!

    It was really stupid of you and your contributers to leave all these informations the last days on audioz, enough confessions to take legal actions against you
    and your contributers. Removing these threads is to late now, it has been all documented by a lot companys. It was a big mistake to allow your contributers to make money with warez!
  7. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    No, its not true that people can't say things about you, but if they say them doesn't mean its true..and you can obviously treat the comments with the contempt or risibility that they deserve...
    For instance i could say that you like to mince children into sandwich wouldn't be true but it doesn't mean i don't have a right to say it.
  8. urOk

    urOk Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    On trip with Curiosity
    BHK Samples

    You know that taking money for pirated stuff is illegal, dont you ? People here don't do illegal things.
  9. BHK Samples

    BHK Samples Newbie

    Jan 25, 2012
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    a few ones here do, regrettably !
  10. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    if you have problems with AudioZ contributors, then you shouldn't speak to me, you should speak to contributors.

    so we're doing the same thing, except that i don't give samples, i give my work, time and knowledge. (same things that you need to create samples, i guess).

    world would be awesome if it was true.

    what makes you think they haven't? where do you get this information anyways? cuz you're seriously misinformed. :sad:

    i guess that would be a real dream for any uploader... so much money you can sue these days for giving up a private information... *yes*

    you are seriously, seriously misinformed.

    i wonder what information you referring to...
  11. malco

    malco Newbie

    Jan 7, 2012
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    BHK Samples said the truth. :)
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