Kontakt 5 crashes on start up. Can anyone help?

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by WHMedia, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    A long-shot but I noticed you're using the classic Windows GUI. Try enabling Aero and make sure Transparencies are enabled:
    Right-click on the desktop, select Personalize. Click on Themes and select the default Windows themes. Next, in Windows Color & Appearance, ensure that Enable Transparency is checked.
  2. reaktor

    reaktor Producer

    Jan 7, 2017
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  3. WHMedia

    WHMedia Guest

    i do not have the "enable transparency" check box. checked a few themes, none of them has it. thanks.
  4. WHMedia

    WHMedia Guest

    one was already installed on my machine, and the other installed but after a restart still did not enable kontakt to open. sorry, thanks for trying.
  5. WHMedia

    WHMedia Guest

    nothing eh?
  6. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I noticed that you're launching Kontakt from a shortcut. Go to your Program Files and use the actual (cracked) Kontakt.exe to launch the program.

    Enable the Windows 7 Basic theme then you should see "enable transparency" but do the thing above first.
  7. WHMedia

    WHMedia Guest

    i had not thought of that. i went to program files and tried to use the actual cracked kontakt.exe and same thing. still crashes right on start up.
  8. WHMedia

    WHMedia Guest

    i wonder if i should start deleting all the c++ redistributables and see if that does anything.
  9. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    This might sound ridiculous, but what type of Hard drive do you have Kontakt installed on?

    Providing it isn't an SSD, I suggest a full in depth defrag. The amount of times I have had programs crash/ stop working with no apparent reason, and it turned out that was all that was needed!!!

    Oh and delete the windows prefetch folder too (The whole folder AND remove it from the bin also) As that is another problem resolver. Do it BEFORE you start defragging. (Next time you boot up it will replace itself without outdated potentially harming clutter) You will notice the next boot up wil take longer than usual as the prefetch folder takes a little while longer to rebuild.

    Lastly, don't delete any Redistributable files as other programs that depend on them will ALSO stop working.

    OH one further last thing. Something that @Introninja said about what you did regarding Black Viper's suggestion to turn off certain System Processes. When you re-enable some of those processes, they wont initialise until others that these processes depend on are ALSO opened, but If you list a copy of ALL the processes you have I will tell you what should and shouldn't be Auto/Manual/Disabled.

    Sorry, this was only meant to be a quick one paragraph bit of help
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2017
  10. WHMedia

    WHMedia Guest

    no apologise necessary, i appreciate all the help.

    this whole thing has unfortunately thrown me into a spiral of uninstalling and reinstalling everything which is what i was trying to avoid in the first place. at this point, i just take it as windows is a goddamn mess of an OS. it always has been, it always will be. it works, but goddamn does it have bugs. so many little things that just make it tangle up into madness. time and again i run into this crap with windows, but on my mac laptop life is nice and free and happy. why the hell, after all these years cant windows finally get their shit together. i remember years ago having a kontakt crash like this. it keeps repeating cause windows is a mess of strings entangling. you may be asking, well why not just go to mac for recording, well because everything i have ever done or trained on is windows based. i have tried to go to mac but just do not like mac for recording.

    eh, im rambling. thanks to all of you. you've been very helpful and your all commendable. this testing has taken days but im still at it. i'll report back when i have news.
  11. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I'm not sure how you re-enabled the services but you could try using System Configuration. Also, if you've switched any services to manual startup or disabled, they need to be switched back to automatic before you do this.
    Type services.msc into a run box for Services and revert everything you've changed to automatic
    Type msconfig in a run box and click the Services tab and Enable All
    Click Apply then Exit without Restart
    In the General tab make sure Normal startup is selected and click Apply
    Restart PC
  12. WHMedia

    WHMedia Guest

    update. thank you all for helping me out. it is really appreciated and a testament to this forum and this community. i am much obliged.

    i went ahead and formatted my drive and upgraded to windows 10 and kontakt was the first thing installed and its working well. I don't know what happened, but somewhere along the line things just got too tangled with distributables and what not. I couldn't continue on with a lot of projects without kontakt so i made the painful decision to start from square one. oh well, its working now, im sure it'll happen again in a few years. what can ya do? such is the nature of windows and cracked programs, i suppose.

    thanks to Pinkman, especially, you had my back the entire time. i thank you.

    thanks to everyone else who lended a hand as well. i appreciate all your efforts. expect me back for more troubleshooting in due time, hahaha.

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