Today`s all too obvious nepotism in the music business.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Von_Steyr, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Anyone else god damn tired of these NWO acts like Katy Perry, Beyonce, Miley , shitty TMZ Rap acts,etc, etc being shoved down our throats in every mainstream media?
    Royal families and other connected families, shes a model, then she goes into acting and does some singing.
    Best album, best performer....alright we get it....they are perfection and we can be honored to breath the same air as they do.:deep_facepalm:
    Well nepotism is basically what has destroyed music, movies and art generally speaking, because when you hire someone based on connections or politics instead of talent, you slowly destroy the core of what made that specific art great in the first place.
    That is why places like AZ and AS are important because i really do believe its the underground where today`s talent is operating.
    Its all about balance and right now, honesty and creativity are being cornered.
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  3. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Wouldn't say i'm tired with it :dunno:
    I just tend to ignore them I guess and let them do their own, often shallow thing :yes:
    The majority of these acts are simply about making money or a name.
    There's a few that shine through though i guess and I don't like to put everyone in the same category.
    Also agree there's a lot of what I personally consider garbage acts around but when you got 3 million screaming teenagers throwing cash and other things their way your always gonna get that :yes:
    As long as there's money to be made these "trashy" acts will always be around.
    Many are often carefully constructed just to perform that very purpose.
    Is sad but always gonna happen.
    I also definitely agree there's so much talent floating around in the underground.
    There's so many artists out their with massive amounts of talent that never get the recognition they deserve. That again is real sad :sad:
    I guess it's like they say you have to weed through the massive amounts of garbage top find the occasional diamond.
    Is real satisfying when you do though.
    Forget about them I guess and let them get on with entertaining kiddies and men in a mid life crisis situation cos they probably gonna always be there when there's money to be made :bow::mates:
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  4. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    If there are gatekeepers in the media, why not in music and film too? They are also a powerful communication devices, so it makes sense to control all of them. It's a nice little earner too ($$$$).
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2017
  5. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Yeah, but who cares about that top-shelf diarrhea, anyway? I mean, mainstream media, of any sort? We all know it's bullshit and that it's for the sake of keeping the sheeple dumb and loving their servitude. Whatever has constituted the "underground" in any given era or context is always where the "real stuff," the authentic art, is being made; that's nothing new. That's why the behind-the-curve mainstream has to absorb whatever vital aspect of the underground that has established a grass-roots following or phenomenon on its own (i.e., Lady Caca, though Nirvana et al. are good past examples).

    As any artist, myself, I feel no threat nor intimidation from the shit that floats to the surface of popular culture and is mistaken for the cream of the crop. I do, however, fear being "appropriated" by artists of higher stature in the food chain or with management companies guiding their careers (and yes, it has happened, several times, in the past, much to my dismay and disillusionment). Having been at it for most of my life, I can't even imagine "selling out," and I appreciate the liberty of doing whatever might come to my mind. What gets me is when people try to assert the futility of the notion of my success (whatever that means) by comparing it to that of Kanye West or Taylor Swift. That's like saying that some mom-&-pop burger restaurant can't be appreciated because it's not Whataburger or McDonald's.
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  6. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Yea , because to you (and me as well) liberty to create is worth more than money itself.
    Money is good but money will not make you a better man or a better artist, its an illusion that people think being rich will make you a better artist.
    Computer, a hot cop of coffee and time is all you need today.
    Do i feel threatened?No.
    It does irritate me, it annoys me sometimes.
    A record number of LPs have been sold in UK last year and i think theres also a percentage of young people who absolutely reject this modern globalist way of life, like being nothing else but a consumer for the corporations, so there is hope.
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  7. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    Well the only good thing about Katy Perry is that she was under the hand of 2 professional musician for years before this popularity
    Lauren christy and her husband i forgot his name this two wrote some hits for avril l. and korn!
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  8. grabme

    grabme Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2012
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    Not only tired but they seem to have been around for years and years with no signs of disappearing any time soon. I remember the acts of the 80' and 90's that were long forgotten after a decade yet this NWO lot don't seem to go away, I think they will be around for decades to come.
  9. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Nepotism, the one and only, the predominant business principle in the music industry and art in general., probably since centuries.


    Are you having a midlife crisis or why are you so grumpy lately? I mean your orientation towards the past, the endless rants, the moods...
    What's up man?
  10. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    It's part of the corporate monopoly structure in America like all big businesses. Money used to force a perspective on mass amounts of brittle minded people. There's still a larger number of people with a better vision than those at the top.. but it's geared to become more and more difficult for one to earn enough money to have a seat up there. Those not in a wealthy bloodline have to aim for small success, hope to be noticed, and/or form a social kinship with someone in a top circle. However, the most talented people on earth are the ones who are into their craft like a way of religion and could care less about having the money it takes to purchase big fame.
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  11. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Heh, a rant per day keeps a doctor away!
    Maybe its the lack of sun in the winter time :)
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  12. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Couldnt agree more.
  13. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    NWO acts? lol. Mainstream shite, aye. But NWO?
  14. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah, I don't get the NWO thing. Music business has been an industry at least since the Beattles, the first band who had a mass followers thing going, who had to deal with their image and all that, and it borrows the recipe of business, nothing artsy to see or hear here. Most known bands or successfull singers from that era until now were all backed by majors, huge amount of money and sales principles rather than musical ones, well back in the 60's the music still had a place in it but that didn't last long. What's surprising is how much, by nostalgia, people forget that there isn't much difference between a rock star from the 80's and a pop start from the 2010's, even the leather jackets are the same !
    Beyonce and all which I don't quite enjoy are, imo, just the natural continuation of that. Just like the blockbusters from Hollywood since that era aren't work of art, they are just franchises, business models, etc. And obviously that includes Star Wars, one of the biggest cash machine of all time.

    Nothing really new today, and NWO (which isn't something I believe in anyway, so I'm bias) doesn't have much to do with all that.But its is a cultural thing : the culture of gread, our culture.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2017
  15. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    You can smell an agenda behind these "artists"...not here for the art but to server their masters.
    CIA/Disney mind control stuff.
    Puppets and puppeteers.
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  16. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Sure but its just copy-pasting old stuff today.I dont have a problem with money, but with unoriginality.
    At least do it with style if you are unoriginal.
  17. peacefulburningz

    peacefulburningz Kapellmeister

    Sep 10, 2015
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    Its all about the money though, not the NWO lol.

    Labels know how to market Assembly Line Pop. They know that consumer, its simple to write, and a lot of people eat that shit like candy. When you know what sells, you try to exploit it. Look at any mainstream musical movement from the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's......

    Yeah its a well known fact that the CIA has a history of infiltrating counter culture groups or groups they think might cause an uprising, but do you really think the target audience of Gaga or Katy Perry really fits that mold? I don't, I think they're much too content with their up-to-date iPhones to cause much of a problem.. Have you been to a concert recently?
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  18. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    At least I can agree with that, the most known artists are mostly both gready and unoriginal, the latter is probably the result of the greadiness, which again is not new. The most famous hit of one of the bands you enjoy Guns and Roses is "Knocking on heavens doors", not frankly original to redo a 15 years old song as good as it may have been when Dylan wrote it (for a movie soundtrack BTW).

    Still I don't think it has to do with NWO, and manipulation of minds, don't forget the listeners, they have choice at what they listen and buy, today more then ever. The industry knows how to appeal to that, today more then ever too.

    One thing regarding rap though, which for me is ironic in an historical point of view. This a music movement which was for a while and at the beginning anti-system : Public Ennemy, NWA, those weren't groups who aspired to fame and fortune, at least they didn't say that in their lyrics. Until the mid 90's with such a figure as 2Pac (althought he completely flipped on that in the last year of his short life, huge diservice to our movement a lot of people only remember his rapping from his "all eyes on me" opus, which is not representative of his corpus of songs, he was a very political, anti system, very self conscious and politcaly engaged rapper until that last opus), it was the dominant spirit in this movement, then came the gangsta rap (ironically there too, it was lead by Dr Dre who was part of NWA before he took of with Suge Knight) who had the phenomenal success we all know and things changed.
    And things changed as the cake was getting bigger,the music had more success and the interest became huge. That's when the majors came in the game. Then came the 2000 era and most people know what come after from Kanye to Jay Z (who emerged in the 90's with the like of Notorious BIG, who him despite his lyrics and the company of PDiddy was a huge artist).

    I think any artistic movement is threaten when it goes in those realms of money making, business considerations, etc, and since now music drains huge economical interests, well any successfull music movement is threaten to know the same sake. That's very unfortunate.
  19. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Who is Katy Perry?
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  20. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

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  21. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Lol, sorry. Wasn't a question to be taken seriously.

    In all honesty, I'd say I've never heard a song by her. Which means if I had heard something by her, it didn't register as interesting enough to find out who it was by.

    TBH, pop music never really interested me much. Nor mainstream.
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