You really should get into LINUX ! ! !

Discussion in 'Linux' started by 0on3, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. kola

    kola Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    hmm but i want to make music...and with linux i cannot use the plugins without getting problems all the time?!
  2. RiffMaster

    RiffMaster Guest

    Been using KXSTUDIO for 5 years now glitch free not a single hiccup just works period , install wine rt , install reaper and off you go , all my toontrack , slate , fabfilter , izotope , soundtoys etc etc just works like a dream . I will NEVER go back to an os that tells me im not allowed to do what the f*** i want
  3. GangamStyle

    GangamStyle Ultrasonic

    Oct 31, 2012
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    So what exactly did windows tell you that you couldn't do?
    Genuinely curious.
  4. GangamStyle

    GangamStyle Ultrasonic

    Oct 31, 2012
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    I actually like having my studio machine online, i can use software that allows me to collaborate with other musicians who aren't physically present.
    The days of not having a connected machine for doing audio are loooong gone!
  5. RiffMaster

    RiffMaster Guest

    Hahaha damb man you rumbled me on my 2nd ever post lol jeeez i cant remember now just remember screemin blue murder at windows coz it kept telling me i dont have permission blah blah , just a mini rant really , but back to the point i just love the way you can pretty much run just about anything under one hood in linux , that said os wars an de wars aside it boils down to whatever it takes to get that groove tracked an the riff a rollin :)
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  6. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I used to be a real Windows fan but the recent update hell and loss of control make me more and more go away from it.
    One big plus of Mac OSX, although this has different issues of course.
    I'm always happy to hear about working alternatives like RiffMaster suggested, even if I cannot do exactly everything.
  7. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I've have Kbunutu and Ubuntu Studio on dual boot and as soon as Ableton Live and M4L runs like Bitwig does I'm all in.
    That Ubuntu Flat theme has to be the most gorgeous UI ever. For me, anyways.

    Control, Alt and T keys are f*cked though.
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  8. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Ya meanz and da spliff a rollin - lol - love it
  9. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Which is the best distro to make music with Linux? I'd need something optimizes for live gig, if there is anything. Then, I'll try to install all the software I use on Windows and see what happens...
  10. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Despite the fact that Linux is still better (stability wise) than Windows for business, I'm still unable to switch.

    Why? Simply because of my sample libs that run with Kontakt and also all my Vsti that works on studio one. Last but not least, it's very unlikely that my sound card (E-MU) will ever get some Linux drivers.
  11. line.input

    line.input Ultrasonic

    Aug 26, 2015
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    I love Linux. I really do. I love it for Bitwig Studio with a couple of native VSTs, I love it for Csound, PD or SuperCollider, I love it for listening to music & watching vids, I love its security superpowers, internal architecture, minimalism, Bash, scripting, and whatnot. It's free. It's fun. And it's cute as a button.

    However, the older I grow, the more straightforward I want things to be. That's why I stopped using wine (in either form) and that's why I got back to a Windows-based production machine.

    No guys, I don't want any holy shit wars which system is better and which one is crap. I'm too old for this sort of stuff. Just chose the right tool for you and your job. It's your life and your time after all so who cares...
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  12. RiffMaster

    RiffMaster Guest

    indeed i am from the Dimebag era of guitarists lol ...
    never had problem with kontakt , drivers for soundcards on linux a pain in the butt for some time to come i fear
  13. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    How do you use your Kontakt libraries on Linux?
  14. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    there are no audio drivers for the RME Audio Interfaces available for linux , yet.:dunno:
  15. RiffMaster

    RiffMaster Guest

    sudo apt-get install wine-rt
    sudo apt-get install wineasio
    regsvr32 wineasio.dll
    then install kontakt and the libraries and you should be good to go dude
  16. RiffMaster

    RiffMaster Guest

    tell me about it dude i got a babyface sat collectin dust coz i cant get jack shit out of it on linux haha
  17. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I have been a windows user for decades. I don't really mind it and have accomplished quite a bit with it, but I try to be open to new experiences. I am now shopping for a Mac Pro system, and I would like to try Linux as well. My android is Linux (I think), and I like it. it has been in the back of my mind fr quite some time to get into this. I had a box setup some time ago with a friend's help. It was nice. As people have noted the authoring is limited, but I figure I don't need to go strictly Linux. Maybe a machine in all three of the OSs. I still have my old Atari ST (mega 4) too. LOL Nice post. Thanks!
  18. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Linux distros and A/V software made for it have come a long way over the past decade. Finally, Ardour is a serious MIDI-capable, cross-platform DAW, for example. The folks at Bitwig are developing their DAW for Linux alongside the PC and Mac versions. Ubunto Studio isn't the only Linux distro/software suite oriented to music production, either - but it's a great one.

    In my opinion, music-makers (lest I use the loaded term "producers") should look into Linux-based music software for these reasons:
    1) Expanding their awareness and maybe jogging their creativity in the process.
    2) When they become deeply exasperated when matters of privacy, proprietary nonsense, and irrelevant or obstructive O/S development of Mac or PC get in the way, they'll be able to make a smooth transition to open-source Utopia.
    3) With more users, there is more development - with more users becoming developers, as well; the demand spurs production of supply, even of for-free software and plug-ins.

    Myself, I wish that "someone" (I'm a brain surgeon, not a software developer) would come up with a Linux emulation of the Mac O/S oriented to running media software with maximal compatiblity with software in mind. Since that ain't gonna happen, I keep an open mind about open-source.
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  19. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    You don't have any issues by running Kontakt this way? I mean, no performance drawback or compatibility with some of your libraries?
  20. kimikaze

    kimikaze Platinum Record

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Our biggest hope is game industry really. Time will tell. For now, linux audio community is simply not enough.
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