Correlation :(.

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by sada asdasdasd, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. sada asdasdasd

    sada asdasdasd Member

    Sep 29, 2016
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    HI, Im trying to fix correlation using just fl studio plugins, the sound that is correlating is a pad made in 6 3xosc with the fruity flanger and fruity chorus they are getting phase issues, I tried M/S eq but it doesnt help. :(

    Thanks in Advance
  3. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    If you have a pad too wide, it was too wide. using MS to reduce the width.. makes it softer. This is expected because a lot of the energy is in S. Don't use stereo image effect it too wide in the 1st place (or tweak your synth, or make it louder after MS)?

    Am i answering the right question?
  4. sada asdasdasd

    sada asdasdasd Member

    Sep 29, 2016
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    How do I make to have the same phaser and chorus effect without affecting the correlation?
  5. jim26

    jim26 Noisemaker

    Feb 15, 2016
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    Having phase issues in just one synth it doesnt necessary means that is bad and it need to be fixed. Listen the whole mix and put a correlation meter on master channel. If it sounds and looks ok then in my opinion leave as it is. But if you want to fix it anyway, reduce the stereo width from the pad or from the mixer channel with the stereo seperation.
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  6. sada asdasdasd

    sada asdasdasd Member

    Sep 29, 2016
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    K,thanks m8 :D.
  7. Throw your track into Mono and listen for what disappears. If you can't hear it, it probablt doesn't matter, if you can hear something disappear or drop significantly in level, that's the turkey.
  8. Try this for an eye opener. BMG block Beatles content in the UK , so you Brits may need to use your VPN.

    A modern, artificial stereo rendition of Tommorow Never Knows...

    What the Beatles heard when they mixed it (add ~6dB to match levels)...

    The middle instro shows it best.

    I've never met a person who mixes on a modern console who will believe what I was taught when I was a mere nipper in the seventies: always Pan in mono. You set the rough sound stage up in stereo, but switch into mono for the final wiggles and adjustments, and then switch back. Try it.
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  9. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Fl studio mixer has problems, especially when you use parallel chains. Try Reaper or some of the big DAWs form mixing...
  10. Satai

    Satai Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2013
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    When you're using heavy phasers, choruses and flangers on a sound, decorrelation is the least of your worries. There's so much crazy interacting comb filtering going on when using such effects that it's a little like trying to pick up some daisies in the field after you set the atom bomb off there.

    Not familiar with FruityLoops tools, but Voxengo have a VST called PHA-786 or something similar, you won't have trouble finding it. It lets you rotate the phase of any channel by any amount you want (i.e. until you think the combo sounds good). Eats heavy CPU and latency, so this is one you set up and then freeze/render, so you get to keep on working with the result it gives you.
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