Nothing left for training? The solitude of Education district is so intimidating.

Discussion in 'Education' started by foster911, Jan 3, 2017.

  1. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Please show me the ropes again. Also your specified drills are so hard. I wrote down the pre-taught key points somewhere but even I could not dig them out. Please assist and lend me a hand to finish them off. BTW, I want a job with more creativity so don't demote me to paper-pusher. :)
  3. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    and all this time .. I thought you were just hanging out in the hot tub with 5 blondes and a large pitcher of grape kool-aid
    and a golden platter with a giza pyramid of twinkies on the side, after scaling the mountain to EDM stardom !
    still struggling buddy? now that's shocking !!!

    get on the stick boah .. 2017 can be, nay.. MUST be yours!
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  4. SyNtH.

    SyNtH. Platinum Record

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Actually use randomness to your advantage. Think of music as a dart board, just throw something at it and it will hit something. Use it as a stem or base to evolve that region of your production. I know this goes against your mantra, but it serves as a great starting point when you dont know where to go.

    Or turn your words into music or vice versa, translate pictures or videos or ideas or constructs into an musical interpretation of an idea. Think of anything, something that drives your emotion, and release that emotion into your music. turn that one idea into an album or journey of collected thoughts, each track can represent a chapter of emotion or story with its own album crescendo or mini crescendos. Have contrasting ideas and harmonious ones. Explore yourself and tap into the ideas. The conversion of those ideas into music should speak for itself. The mixdown in your case is secondary, the conception of the idea is key. Once your eye is opened its just a matter of focusing your eye to the specifics of the medium of music, but that only comes if you can spawn these ideas.
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  5. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Yeah! This time not mentally but physically and sitting out for the results:
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  6. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    ummm... are you sure about that? sounded pretty "mental" to me...
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  7. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    I can't even work out what this thread is about.
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  8. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    One thing I've learned is that your (in the general sense, not you specifically @foster911) musical ideas should originate within the context of the track you're working on. If you only play what sounds good to you, eventually, everything will sound the same. Not stylistically the same but progression wise (I–V–vi–IV) the same.
    Find what works within what you are doing. Set aside those rules you've decided ALWAYS work. Those will find their place at some point and it usually happens without your acknowledgement of them.
    Even that mental sounding clip could fit something, in the right context and sound absolutely beautiful.
    Some of my favorite artists have created catalogs of work on this idea. Finding these lonely dissonant chords or phrases and having them fit harmoniously. If you step back you see this is (idealistically but rightly so) the human imperative.
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  9. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    You see maybe that's where your going a little wrong. :dunno:

    A "Job" itself is predominantly a list of mundane, repetitive tasks that you are expected accomplish.
    Many job's themselves are repetitive in nature and have little freedom and have little or no creative space in which to experiment.
    It's more the mindset of the actual person themselves that makes an everyday task something creative in nature.
    Therefore when you state "you want a more creative job" what you're really stating you want to be free of constraints.
    A job itself can't make creative ideas but the person doing it can.
    "Good music" is all about utilising freedom and utilising the spaces between the lines to paint a picture.
    Creative minds can read between the lines and turn an everyday task into something extraordinary.
    No book can ever teach you how to do that :no:
    Like Pinkman stated it's always about working with ideas and morphing them into something unique.
    If you can do that, your ideas will shine through and people will step back and listen.
    To me personally that clip on it's own just sounds like you recorded yourself trying desperately to force a massive shit out your arse :yes:.
    However as stated, in the right context and combined with the correct elements it could sound great :woot:
    Sometimes the harder you try to follow a set regime the more boring and sterile the end product becomes.
    As a general rule there are no rules and as long as you can paint a vivid mental picture the how to do it part is not important.
    Don't focus to much on the how to do it part and simply go do it and have fun.
    Hope 2017 a great journey and u find that spark and it all slots into place :bow::mates:
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  10. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Loop from me and video from the movie "Stealth". Please turn up your speakers ... Do you get any feeling from the sound? A bit aggressive! Huh?
  11. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Bit too much for me foster but a good effort. :yes:
    For me it's all out of sync, doesn't reflect the action and is way repetitive.
    It needs to be dynamic in nature and change with the action of the planes etc.
    Rises/decreases in Volume etc with noise from the film over the top ie engines\ guns blazing etc.
    Dynamic change a great weapon that can follow the action and highlight the sequences.
    For me personally that just sounded like some intruder alarm gone mad over the top of a sequence that was hard to follow.
    Little to loud and aggressive also like u say.
    Not trying to be nasty either as I think it's great that your trying this stuff. :yes:
    For me personally though that track in the bin or for something else.
    Liked the bass line but the lead melody sucked big time and was way to tinny and EQ.
    Too much High end and didn't like the phase sweeps or chorus or whatever the time dependant effect was.
    Didn't fit for me. Could cut it out I reckon.
    Was way off for my ears :dunno: My ears prolly wrong tho.
    Go with what U feel, use a little positive critique and all that etc and fire up and keep going or start again. Good 4 u :bow::mates::bow:
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  12. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Remember: Less is more. You want to get the feeling of excitement and danger. like this:

    But with the sounds and structure you're using, you get this:
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  13. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I get nostalgic when I hear those classic bit-tunes.
    @foster911 maybe bring the whole thing down a couple octaves..? You could even copy paste the entire section and then remove notes for variation. Add some more instrumentation like a deep pad or some bass. Maybe even sidechain the pad/bass to the arp you've got going. Drums or even just impact hits are always useful for action. I don't know.
    There are far more adept members here. Ask @Brad LaForme. His stuff is spectacular.
    I've noticed that film scores for action sequences don't really follow musical structure and more often follow what's happening on screen. Sometimes, it seems like they just change on a whim.
    @The Teknomage is right in choice of sounds, they can really make or break the feel. That being said, even bit tunes can rock. Check out the Streets of Rage 3 OST. 22 year-old 16-bit electro-dance-rock...or something.

  14. Kloud

    Kloud Guest


    Was so right!! That a real good example though.

    I also agree with pinkman in bringing it down an octave etc but you could flip side it an raise it a couple and go for some real action sounds like this using you're melody

  15. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    anyone up for some twinkie jenga?
  16. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    That game never lasts long for me because I eat all the twinkies.
    Ever dipped a twinkie in a mocha frappuccino?
  17. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Here you are 72 Indian scales (12 main x 6 variants) for practicing.
    Click on the name of the scale to see the pattern.
    There are 48 (8 x 6) other 7 note scales that aren't listed and still sound good.
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  18. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    He doesn't need to practice more scales. He needs to learn to implement the ones he already knows.:rofl: Nice to know though.:like:
  19. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    You killed my retarded project aborning. Thank you so much! :bleh:
    So now searching for a new she-idea to have intercourse inside my DAW.
  20. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Let's have fun with my newborn child resulted from a rush mating. I'm almost incorrigible so please pray to the spiritual powers to cure me.:bleh::thanks: