Cubase 9 Elements ram issues (V.R)

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by nikon, Dec 28, 2016.

  1. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Last night I was trying to play with new C9 and noticed one strange issue...
    I put 4 rack instruments with Kontakts with 8 Kontakt outputs, so 4 x 8 (instrument) + 8 (midi).
    First thing I noticed is when I wanted to enable all outputs (dialog box) there is an error but application was still alive (after error), and a dump file is created. Hm...
    Second thing is, when I wanted to add group tracks - it just takes a while. Then I went to process manager and saw Cubase 9 process uses almost all available RAM from machine, at the other hand CPU is stable and it's about 12% ?!???
    Switching with F3 to mixer and changing outputs from "Stereo out" to group chanels also block complete app. Again all RAM is used. WT.. ???? I had issues with CPU but RAM :) ?!??
    Has anyone experienced similar situation already?
    You know, C9 works very good when you add two instruments tracks and two audio tracks etc...
    (Windows 10 x64, latest C9 Elements)

    Here is a screen shot of error:
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2016
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  3. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    I don't know about the problem. But I want to know why you guys need to check cubase elements when you've got reaper (or studio one or pro tools?
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  4. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Very hard to explain :)
  5. popeye

    popeye Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Because they're not Cubase....
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  6. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Ok, just tested same project with C8 - no problems at all. Probably we need to wait for 9.0.40 :)
  7. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    I had same problem but i disabled some of my unusable tracks and it got better.
    cubase 9 ram usage is less than 8 but it's a little unstable
  8. shomyca

    shomyca Producer

    Jul 20, 2012
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    I am on 9.0.1 Pro and I'm getting that error from time to time. Same on previous versions, 8.5 and 8.0. And yeah, app just continuous to work. I haven't bother myself testing what is it about, it's just a hiccup that occurs when I confuse it with some maybe demanded task...or it's just some bugs/error in algorithms... For example, I was getting it on v8 when I open one midi event in Key Editor and than add one more so CC1 or CC11 controller curves overlap (overlapped part become grayish)... And when I try editing it I get that error. App continuous to work, I close Key Editor, open both event at the same time and it's fixed. I think they changed that code with those overlapping in v8 and some bugs stayed, I haven't noticed the same problem in v9 so I guess they fixed it, but as I said, I am getting the error on other things (but not often at all). Haven't payed attention to RAM though.

    They are constantly working on things under the hood, so those are bugs for sure but I am glad that they made sure that it doesn't crash the whole thing.
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  9. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Don't know about you guys. But many engineers I know Bollywood (India) India prefer reaper over cubase or protools or logic. But they can't totally switch to reaper because of many people don't know about it. Day will come when you'll understand that marketed products are not everything. Happy new year. :)
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  10. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Have you contacted Steinbergers on this Cubase issue? me personally wouldn't waist my time with Cubase there are so many other unlocked Daws out there
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  11. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    I have tried every Daw you can count that exist on the earth but always cubase is the best! ( For EDMers or other electronicers may be other toys :rofl:)
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  12. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    have you updated to 9.02?
    sometimes the plugins have problems! I had this problem with old melodynes.
  13. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    And you found that cubase elements version is the best among every other DAW released by teams? :woot:
    Good for you though. :wink:
  14. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Been getting that error now with Diva and Xyls PolyKb synth, never had that issue with 8 or 8.5.
  15. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    even the old 5 version eats all of them :no:
  16. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Reaper is a beautiful example of pure effective coding. And its being marketed of course. Its just relatively new comparing to Cubase which has been around since '89-90 if i recall correctly. With that being said, anyone asking why do you prefer Cubase over this and that is like asking why do you prefer blondes. I like Sonar and Acid Pro, the latter hasn't had a new release for about 7 years apart for some bug fixes and probably will never get a new release again. It's a matter of taste/preference man. Get over it.
    Happy New Year
  17. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Guys, is this Cubase/Nuendo section? Yes, ok for god sake, why you are starting a DAW WARS without any particular reason?
    I'm just asking if someone has this error too, nothing more :) If you have no solution to this, then just ignore this thread.

    And, yes, somehone asked ... This is with version 9.0.2
  18. vibrate on

    vibrate on Newbie

    Sep 2, 2015
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    I have the same problem, but first of all i am totally agree , what a f**** pain to have to read reply getting into daw war when we are looking for focused topic answers.... grrr

    anyway , i use to work for years with cubase 5.1 from AIR under W7 x64. i chose last week to reinstall a clean system w7 x64 up to date
    all drivers up to date . i uptimized the system for DAW, and i installed VR team cubase 9 elements and a big bunch of plug only in 64 bits. I did this following unsolved problem with r2r waves release (can see my topic on this forum about this) and to give a try to cubase 9, maybe in order to buy the pro edu version if everything good for me .

    Tried all one by one, everything ok, until yesterday when i tried my first real project, and same problem appear to me: very unstable version with a lot of crash especially this : when i activate all 16 outs of lets say kontakt , and precisely if i have in preference "activate send for a new channel"
    it was with kontakt and verbsuite send reverb . i tried under w8 this morning with only groove agent se and a bunch reverb from cubase, same problem. there is crash report .DMP but i dont know yet how to read it.

    so obsiously it is not following my test a OS or plug related problem, but a cubase problem, is related to a bad crack from VR team? or the offcial one have the same problem? what about cubase pro 9 legit? 8 ? 8.5?

    Could someone help to recreate the problem : create empty project, create an Fx track with REVeletaion reverb, activate all send for new channel under : preference , vst , plugin, THEN create an instrument track with groove agent SE, and then see if the problem when you activate all OUTS at once.

    Please please report with mention of cubase version and os version (mac welcome as well)

    Big up to one and all for the little help from friends
  19. Jeffriezal

    Jeffriezal Producer

    Feb 2, 2017
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    I have been facing with the issue since day one of C9 Element. I just focus more on mixing. C9 crashed especially when i need to freeze a track. I usually freeze track because I'm using Acustica Acqua SAND which using a lot of CPU resources, and even for a simple track with only Fabfilter Q it will always end with C9 crashed.. doesn't matter if it to freeze or unfreeze track....with error code c000005 , and it usually lead to memory leak.. but when I check my RAM it not even used up to 6gb..

    and close it, to re-open back the file are like base on my luck.. sometimes it takes up to 20 times before it could totally open the project file without a problem.

    It so frustrating because I plan to migrate from Sonar (after 15 years) to Cubase, and planning to get the C9 pro by end of Feb.. but if it needs to crash about 200 times per mixing project, I don't know if it worth it or not. It a bit sad coz i seems to like and fond with Cubase UI and work flow.

    I'm using on W7 x64.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2017
  20. vibrate on

    vibrate on Newbie

    Sep 2, 2015
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    So I just installed Cubase element 8 VR, and no more problems , no crash, even opened my Cubase 9 elements project :)
    Should wait new version now... For me to buy a pro version ! With plugin manager now I can't go back to 5.1... But I cannot pay for a so unreliable Cubase 9 version.

    Could somebody report these 2 bugs on Steinberg forum ? Ram issue and massive crash when opening all outs of an instrument at once (especially with "assign send on new channel" option) ?

    Thanks peace
  21. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    New update arrived 9.0.10. Updated, no ram issues with activating ouputs.
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