Funky House / EDM Track

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by brimflashx, Dec 31, 2016.

  1. brimflashx

    brimflashx Guest

    Hey guys! This is my new track, it has some funky vibes and I'm pretty happy with it, it's the song in which I made less mixing and mastering processing as it sounded good to me before doing anything, but I'm sure there are a lot of errors I haven't seen, so any advice production, sounding, mixing or mastering wise would be really appreciated.


  3. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Excellent. I would add "Pop" to the tags. Reminds me of The Bristol Sound mixed with Step On it. (Don't worry about that, everything sounds like something else to me)

    The only thing on the sound I would mention is the kick: it's bit thin and sounds acoustic. To my ears it would sound better a bit more tech, a bit thumpier and even a bit sub-by. When it plays clearly a few times it sounds like a sample playing repeatedly rather than a nice pulsing throb. Oh, and the finger clicks in the breakdown could be a bit snappier/louder/more trebly.

    Singer sounds cute. Always good. ;)

    Yeah, excellent job imo. It's missing a killer hook to make it really stand out, but that's just my commercial pop sensibility. What do I know? :D

    Excellent job. Nice tune.
  4. brimflashx

    brimflashx Guest

    Yeah I have problems with the kick in all my tracks, there's always complaints haha, totally agree with the finger snap, now I noticed it too.

    As I understand of hook by the description I just read on Wikipedia haha it's the drop of the song isn't it? like the brass line of the chorus it's what stays at my head, if it's that what a hook means :unsure:

    Thanks G String!
  5. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Well, the "hook" is a clear, catchy, nice riff....or whatever. Something that you want to keep hearing, something that really defines the song. Think of the guitar riff in The Beatles' Taxman, or in Day Tripper, say? Obviously those don't come easy and if you can come up with one (let alone a few) you should be well on your way. Most stuff that goes stratospheric is based on having some sort of hooks - it's what grabs most people's ear. Apparently pop-tunes need something different every 2-3 seconds (!) to keep the listener suitably engaged. Your tune kept me engaged - it doesn't sound like "a few bars of this, a few bars of that".

    It's really good. I like it. Whilst it sounds suitably techy/techno/EDM it also has an organic natural vibe. The choppy guitar is nice, the singer sounds cute, the song dynamic is good, the snare roll, the way it takes off when it comes back in.....and it seems like a song without being obviously verse/chorus/verse/chorus.

    Anyway, don't listen to me, you know what you're doing. :D Keep at it!
  6. brimflashx

    brimflashx Guest

    Of course I listen to you I'm just asking for that, for opinions haha I don't have the experience or the ear that a lot of guys you have, and listen to the opinion of other people, specially if they know what they are talking about, is always useful and I always take those opinions into practice to see if it fits with me and my music, also makes me learn, so yeah, I'm glad you like the track! :)

  7. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Sitting on a Cornflake
    I'd have a look at (what I think is) the lower mids, as your track is causing me fatigue quite quickly......I think a little thinning at the mastering stage in that area would improve the listening experience a lot...........but as you can see from my avatar my ears aren't the best in the biz :deep_facepalm:

    Happy New Year to ya'll
  8. stoiximan

    stoiximan Platinum Record

    Dec 8, 2013
    Likes Received:
    This is great.Well done
  9. brimflashx

    brimflashx Guest

    #6 Low mids cause fatigue? I thought highs to pressence frequencies caused ear fatigue, I'll take a look on that. No ears nice glasses tho

    #7 Thanks!
  10. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Sitting on a Cornflake
    A lot of information in the mid range will do it imo.......try it and make up your own mind.
  11. brimflashx

    brimflashx Guest

    Tried to notice and I can kind of see it, I don't have a too experienced ear and it's hard for me to notice stuff on mids and low mids, I will look for some info about this and try to improve, thanks!
  12. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Make an exciter? Route everything to a mixer channel (as well as the main output), hi-pass it, put a saturator on it, and then an eq. Then blend it back into main mix channel. Just a dash of it makes a big difference.
  13. brimflashx

    brimflashx Guest

    #11 Will try this in the track I'm doing now, I knew this technique already but I didn't try to do it, normally I like to use upward compression, but I have to try this too.

    #9 In the track I'm doing now I have a lot of low mid range too! In this track I've spent the last 3 days doing the mixing and I can see that I have too much low mids in the overall track, so it looks like I'm putting too much low mids equally in all the tracks, and as soon as I put an EQ or a multiband compressor on the low mids, it just sounds way better, do you have any suggestions to why is happening this? I think this might be happening because when a sound sounds too thin I'll boost on the low mids, and maybe I'm doing this too much in too many tracks, but I don't really know, I'll have a closer look on all the tracks to see and I'll look on the net for info too about low mids because I'm sure there has to be something.

  14. modelarmy

    modelarmy Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Very good. The voice is amazing. I like it. After the drop it could be more powerful, but i know how hard is to make it happen.
    A big problem that i often have. Good luck:wink:
  15. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Sitting on a Cornflake
    danivicen it might be something to do with your monitoring set up that is causing you to make these decisions, or it could be because you want everything to sound as good as possible on its own......

    Just be aware of how things translate when heard in a full mix and treat things accordingly when mixing from now on.

    In my experience a "mixers" journey tends to start of with messy mixes, then they learn to thin and trim and end up overcompensating, the result is a clean and sterile sounding mix, then eventually end up with warm analogue mixes where everthing can be heard.........maybe an over simplification and this can take a long long time.

    Try referencing your mix against something that you like the sound of and aim at it.
  16. brimflashx

    brimflashx Guest

    #13 Thanks!

    #14 It's not the monitors because if I cut a bit the low mids I can see that the mix sounds better, and also I mixed in context, this time I didn't solo anything, I went step by step adding tracks, it might be that I'm not very familiar with that frequency range, I have a lot to practice yet obviously. By tomorrow I will have this track I'm doing now finished, I will now do the reference mix thing that you told me to finish it up the mix and then I'll master it, so if you want you can take it a look, I'll open other thread.

    Thanks Seedz!
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