Integrals Posts Poll

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by lukehh, Dec 28, 2016.


Do you want Integral's posts at AudioZ?

Poll closed Jan 4, 2017.
  1. Yes

    29 vote(s)
  2. No

    58 vote(s)
  3. Yes, but with some changes in AudioZ structure

    39 vote(s)
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  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    come on @Marty... re-stating the obvious does not make it more valid...
    the whole uproar is not about making these things available here... but about someone monetizing them (and crassly so)
    when they are already free... unless you just wholesale deny there is any principle involved...
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  2. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    No secret I think integral is a parasite, so no surprise which way I voted in both polls, however, it seems that the votes are guiding a pathway to enable him to keep posting his money makers.

    The alternative to cutting his posting privileges is not a single solution. Most people don't like the monetised links, many don't like freeware cluttering the front page. The solution as I see it, is a dedicated free section (to placate those who can't go to kvr, rekkerd etc), and a rule that states zippy and/or mega free links must be the first (two) links in a post.

    It's that simple.
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  3. Crater

    Crater Ultrasonic

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Integral is like the freeware news to me... Why do u wanna take him down :S
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  4. seves

    seves Noisemaker

    Jul 23, 2014
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    I don't understand why people make such a big fuzz about it, the argument is that he's adding his own download links, but he also posts the link to the source website, it's up to people to choose where to download the free material from and it's also up to people to click on his posts or simply scroll up/down. It's not like he's forcing others to specifically download it from his links.

    I think it has to do more with the egoism from other people other than anything else, also it's not like there are hundreds of people downloading his uploads. He will be lucky if he gets 20 or even 15 people. Just let him upload whatever, some of us don't have the time to surf the web for new material and i wouldn't know about those companies if it wasn't for people like integral to be honest, i don't really use free stuff but sometimes you can find hidden gems in free packs. Some uploaders don't even give credits to the suppliers so.. if we want to start bitching about it we could point to a lot of other people too or the mirror guys... again, people can choose where to download and what posts they want to see.
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  5. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Let him put the original direct download link behind a account.... Boom problem solved!

    oh wait there are no direct links, so I need to make a temporary mail, give my date of birth, like it with facebook, suck a random guys dick.

    why would I subscribe to developers news mail if I don't even know if I'm going to like the plugin?
    what is done with my personal information?

    I'm not even Legally allowed too share my personal information because of "wet persoons gegevens" (Personal Data Act) in my country.
    Now I understand that makes me sound like a hypcrite, but understand that this "laws" effectivly means:
    it can appear on your Declaration about Behaviour, which could mean I can't get certain jobs.
    (espicially with goverment, which in itself is 37% of the jobs market)
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  6. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    Currently 68% of AZ users have voted no. That's just short of 7 out of 10 people. :woot:

    If he had to post a free link or two before his revenue earners, we'd soon see how committed he was to keep on sharing the free stuff, wouldn't we? Let's sort the man from the boy and bring it on.
    Anything else now will feel like a cop out and a stitch up, whether it is or it isn't.
  7. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    another falsehood and distraction among many, I have seen literally no one , proposing to take down, ban, or otherwise obliterate Mr. Integral.. though I am opposed to his commercial exploits, let me be the first to nominate @Integral as the curator of @Aliens ' proposed "dedicated free section." Posting and maintaining all of the free links, and searching out the best of their kind would be the mission. Do you think he would do it if there were nothing in it for him ? I sort of doubt it...

    so then it might fall to the rest of us who support it.. to show some community spirit and drop a review, and link to dev's site

    when we come across something we like, or think would be useful to others... sure it sounds crazy ha? But it just might work out ok..

    most of the freeware available is obtainable with a throwaway email and a few clicks.. not a huge price to pay for something
    you might find useful...and about as much effort as following a premium link from the Z....

    I have yet to see a dev require that you provide him/her
    with oral pleasure before accessing their freebies.. :no:
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2016
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  8. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    So, we have 3000 people voting for this, and say, 250 thanks on a top release?
    Whats goin on here?
    Is it more important to ban a constant contributer to AZ than to thank for a top release?
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  9. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    This topic is a bit teal deer, but my 2 cents:

    I think the sister site needs to have sticky posts, for "official" releases by R2R, AudioUtopia, VR & a few other (AiR =) groups. A lot of times important stuff can get lost in a tide of "Trap Future Bass Maybach Legends Part 43341 Entry II - Blood Diamond Crack Cocaine Rhino Horn Absinthe Vocals". Or whatevs. Let alone free stuff, which prolly might even have some use. To someone?
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  10. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Just don't mix 'em with stuff from hard working groups like R2R, AudioUtopia and others. It is a bit like having an exhibition of interesting things to look at while constantly having a person jumping around you shouting "look at me look at me look at me" while poorly juggling with tin cans, empty or not. Annoying.

    Is not the solution really simple though? Just let members have an option to filter out the free stuff and everyone gets what they want. It is a win-win-win-win situation? If anyone has solid arguments against it, lets hear them?
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  11. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    There is a possibility to have both these subjects discussed, no?
  12. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Right, like going to the exotic car dealership and seeing a Kia every other car. Or in my case, going to the Kia dealership and seeing mopeds all over the place. With the salesman saying, no yelling "Hey, people ride mopeds too! You dont have to buy it." LoL
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2016
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  13. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    Or like going to a moped dealership and the salesman keeps shoving hair dryers in your face. Oh wait they're the same thing!
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  14. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @Oysters the originator of freeware with a conscience.. have not seen you weigh in on this topic if I see correctly,
    not that I blame you though :wink:
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2016
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    HETISFRANK Producer

    Dec 1, 2012
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    That's not even remotely what that particular law is about actually. It's about several firms not being allowed to trade your personal information with one another. It doesn't even say a single bit about you not being allowed to share your own information with whatever party out there. Because that would be complete censorship or something of the likes and that's not how we roll in The Netherlands.

    If you want to give your social security number to a known drug dealer even, by all means, go and do it and that in itself would not at all be illegal. May he then go on and use your identity for his illegal activities, sure, you'll probably get fucked over hard but the fact that you shared your own personal information wasn't illegal, just very fucking dumb.

    I mean, of course, you can have your own opinion on the matter and that's perfectly fine. But I think it goes a bit far to drag a point into the conversation that's completely untrue bullshit and build your argumentation on that one false point. Makes the entire story come across rather foolish if you ask me.
  16. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    AS succumbing to fake news ..... cancer ! :deep_facepalm:
  17. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I wish they'd close this thread's comment section before it turns into a big shit storm. We're starting to get a little hostile with one another & this forum doesn't need that. Negative ratings, calling the guy cancerous & talking about chopping people's hands off. I get it, he's done some bad things but we should try & keep it a little more constructive instead of insulting one another. I don't wanna argue with people or hate on anyone or be hated. So maybe it's time to just let this be a poll with locked comments section. I think it's pretty clear anyway - most people would like the freeware posts to cease (if you could the 2 yes options separately instead of together. Otherwise less people have a problem). I think we all made our opinions clear. I don't wanna fight or argue or be a dick to anyone so either we put our anger/hatred behind us or let saint come in & see us disliking each other. It's unhealthy for not only us as individuals but for the forum's environment as well. This has gone from a discussion on how to resolve the issue known as integral's posts to how much of a scumbag he is or isn't, & there is 2 sides who are not getting along well - the ones who enjoy his posts & the ones who don't.
    I get it, we all like something different. We have disagreements but that doesn't mean we have to be calling each other names & berating/belittling one another. This is a place to discuss pro audio related material in a friendly manner & one of the main rules is... respect. No calling names or insulting other members. Well as we speak Integral is still a member here so insulting him technically counts as a violation of that rule. I have him on other social media platforms & spoke with him frequently lately... right now I can tell you he is reading each & every single comment here. He knows you don't like him. He understands.
    If you don't like what I have to say, fine. I get it. That's cool, I respect it. But let's try to lighten up on the harsh tone. If you wanna talk trash, take it to the chat section. This should not be the place though. You're talking about a possible change in policies at the sister site. Non members coming here & reading this section may be discouraged from joining audiosex when they see how we treat one another. So all I ask is we just put our differences behind & start be kind to one another again.
    Happy new year everybody. :mates: :hug:
  18. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    Now it's 71% at AZ. Currently 2840 AZ voters say no.
    That's almost as definitive a message as it can get. In political terms that's a double landslide.
    Quite humiliating.
    Ouch. :knock:
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  19. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I won't accuse you of ascribing this to me... however.. I was referring to the way people are distorting the matter to be only
    a personal attack against @Integral, and distorting what is factual in the issue.. that is a cancer on reasonable discussion ..
    Appealing to negative emotions does not help, I agree. Again.. I don't see this as anyone trying to destroy any one person..
    far from it..but it seems many keep trying to make it only a matter of a personal attack. Some people have used ad hominems
    to be sure.. but the core issue is about how the material in question will be presented in the future..

    How the polls are interpreted, how everyone feels back and forth, the solutions proposed, etc will be taken into consideration
    and we will be informed of admins decision.

    No one is going to be banished on either side..( at least so far )
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  20. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Not sure that is entirely correct friend. If you read thru all these posts, it seems for many folks the problem of posting freebies rather than premium content is just as annoying as the moral argument of making money. There's been several good compromises suggested for dealing with the free issue, the making money issue not so much!
    Have a great day!
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