Integrals Posts Poll

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by lukehh, Dec 28, 2016.


Do you want Integral's posts at AudioZ?

Poll closed Jan 4, 2017.
  1. Yes

    29 vote(s)
  2. No

    58 vote(s)
  3. Yes, but with some changes in AudioZ structure

    39 vote(s)
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  1. GreatJobChamp

    GreatJobChamp Producer

    Dec 22, 2016
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    is a fair solution.. a good compromise
  2. I for one think it in appropriate to ban the man, seemingly no infractions of any rule has been trampled upon...that I know of. I think that ArcticStorm has a compromise that would work. Also, on the this lighter side (anybody ever notice the symbolism, the dicotomonistic color scheme the two sites represent, kind of a sinner/saint kind of motif going on...pun intended) we have which is an amazing reference which is constantly being updated. Free might be a category on the dark site.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2016
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  3. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Another section like 'POLL', expanded when moused over and scrollable, reserved for all freeware..?
    Whatevs. I love AZ. I would never force her to change anything about herself. All we can do is be present and by example inspire something even greater than before. This only works when we lovingly accept what already is.

    As far as @Integral goes, I think I may have been too harsh with what I said on the other thread. I'd rather see more seeding of information than restriction in censoring. So the more the better. BUT those individual posts for that pack of Flowstone VSTs was a little out of hand.
    I love that AZ has just about everything. I can appreciate the effort he puts into scouring the net for any and all things free to post for the community. And fractions of his pocket, I guess. Asking him to practice restraint seems like nit-picking 'coz, honestly, I wouldn't find a lot of what he posts on my own till later or maybe even at all.

    I see AudioZ as a huge achievement. A virtual archive of sorts. The more we have here the better. I say let the guy provide the dev's some free advertising. If they have an issue, then take it down. Once I find an Integral feeware post, I end up going to the developer's homepage anyways to see what's what. And in this f*cked up world economy, that's really the only seed the good ones need to plant.

    @Impressive I'm with Mod 2 and 3.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2016
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  4. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    INTEGRAL only wants one thing from AZ... Win money with those who seem to have problems in visiting KVR and
    Do you really think he only wins less than 60€ a month?
    Also this guy is a cancer in AZ, posting all kind of crap that can give him a buck or two.
    The point here is simple: make a Freeware section here in AS or in AZ, but keep it away from front page, as also should be mandatory to have Mega and Zippyshare links.... and the proper home page link, something iNTEGRAL makes on purpose to confuse people...Oh, and all those FREE albums that he also post as being "payed" ( yeah.. all those east music is free).
    I think this will shorten fast the crap posted in main page.
    Results are more than clear in any poll already made about this subject.
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  5. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    How do we avoid making democracy a vehicle for tyranny from majority over minority?
    Poll does show that majority are against Integral posts but it also shows that at this moment 35% are for it.
    425 members want his posts and this is a significant number of our friends here.
    Is it socially a stronger value that 805 members take out an option (free posts) from 425 members or is it a socially stronger value that 805 member tolerate an option so that other 425 members can enjoy it?

    I assume there are a number of non-integral posts that would struggle to get 35% approval.
    Not everybody is interested in all WAVs, preset banks, Kontakt libraries, VSTs, books, tutorials etc. that appear on AZ.

    I don't have time to search for free stuff myself and if I did have more time I'd rather put it in my music. Personally I appreciate when somebody is taking an effort to inform me about the free stuff at AZ. If he finds a way to profit from it good for him.
    I don''t care cause I am free to download it or not and to download it from wherever I want and free to pay if I chose to and most importantly free to skip it.
    No post is taking this power of choice from me and I am all for more choices and more diversities more minorities more individuality and more posts.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2016
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  6. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    @mrfloyd... We all have to accept the poll results. If only 30% like INTEGRAL money making posts, I'm OK with that.... but if the other 70% don't agree with it, we should also respect.
    That's how a democracy works.... ;)
    Nevertheless.... most of the time he's only spamming the front page.
  7. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    We also need a 'Group' category like, r2r category, AudioUTOPiA category, etc.
  8. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Poll is just information. It says how many people wants it and how many don't.
    If this was your shop I doubt that you'd happily remove items from the shelves that over 1/3 of your customers wants.
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  9. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    a little distorted, suspending his mode of posting privilege is a different matter, even Catalyst was not banned..
    so let's be accurate oki thx :wink:

    are you quite sure people hate your samples and your humor...?? sure you 're annoying and all that..
    but we still love you man... :rofl:

    seriously tho, I never get hate mail here.. I guess I'm missing out on something..:bleh:
  10. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    I am all for punishing a spammer to correct his behavior.... especially if they are making numerous posts of a collection that should be one bundle of files.

    BTW, this is not a "Democracy" it is a Totalitarian Regime. Perhaps partially a Theocracy since the only person making and enforcing the rules around here is Saint.

    The poll was a means of collecting information, it was not presented as a venue to amend the rules.

    I agree with the poster that said if someone wants to spend their time collecting free stuff off the internet and offering it up on a silver platter here then that is fine by me. Maybe 1 in a 100 will be useful or interesting, but you never know.

    When is more "less"?
  11. Piszpunta

    Piszpunta Kapellmeister

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Personally, I could stand Integral's postings of freeware stuff, although sometimes they clearly spam the page.

    To me, the problem is that Integral UNPACKS ORIGINAL ARCHIVES from dev's sites AND RARS THEM WITH "STORE (ONLY)" OPTION to make files bigger. Sometimes he even makes a joint PC+Mac archive, although there were separate files on dev's site - so that we download bigger files with unwanted data (unnecessary OS version). This should be punished.
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    HETISFRANK Producer

    Dec 1, 2012
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    You would once you find a better alternative for that shelf space. If the choice is to have the product there that appeals to 1/3 of your visitors and it being empty you leave it there as long as it's paying itself back and then some. But once you find a product that appeals to a larger group of people, you chuck the old one out and go with the the better alternative.

    Now, before somebody will argue that shelf space isn't limited in the virtual domain, I disagree. Sure, everything can get posted but there is also (as of right now) a limited amount of PREMIUM shelf space because by human nature not everything gets the same amount of attention. Everyone that visits AudioZ focuses on the left column on the front page and the most recent posts in that column. The second that column gets polluted with freeware/crapware spam from somebody, all of the premium shelf space belonging to stuff from R2R, AudioUTOPiA and SYNTHiC4TE are being fought over. It will be easier to lose track of the more relevant posts because they get pushed down faster by posts the majority of people clearly aren't interested in.

    I think the best solution to the problem (even though I heavily dislike iNTEGRAL and hope he gets some heavier karma returns) would be to create a separate freeware section where none of the posts get featured on the front page (just like the request section) but everything still has a destination to get posted and people know where to find out if they so choose to. That way all of the stuff around gets the shelf space it deserves (behind all the premium stuff already being featured) and it doesn't drive down the posts by R2R, AudioUTOPiA, SYNTHiC4TE and other more premium products so people can still easily check the front page and find what they usually come for.

    Ethically I'm still against the freeware posting but I think this would be the best solution for all the different parties involved. The majority doesn't get all the freeware forced down their throats and have an easier time staying up-to-date with the premium releases using the front page of the site. The people interested in all the different freeware out there can check out the separate section of the site dedicated to just that and still find everything that's up for grabs with just one more click from the front page. Clean front page without freeware, separate section for all the different freeware being posted in the entire World, announcement about the change in structure so everyone knows what's up and everyone can go on their merry way! :wink:
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  13. LALALA

    LALALA Kapellmeister

    Oct 26, 2015
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    I think we need 3rd category on az - "freebie". Thus we have: Fresh; Archive; Freebie.
    This really will make things easier.
    Maybe delete Calendar and Poll(really, who need these things? :no:), Weekly Top move to left (exact above Fresh) and put Freebie as box with simple list (e.g. like REQ) exact above REQ.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2016
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  14. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    most people in this thread seem to have a mental problem or something?
    the problem is not posting freebies, the problem is making money off of them.

    "eh but he posts the developer link!!" yes, but he's still uploading them somewhere else, that doesn't change shit.

    edit: oh of course the fact that there's a lot of shit on the site as well but that can be skipped/filtered
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2016
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  15. StUtOpi4

    StUtOpi4 Kapellmeister

    Apr 9, 2016
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    agree 100% Backtired!

    it is purely down to ethics and core values.... of which some people do not seem to have either.. mainly the Sunny's / integrals of the world that are intent on breaking the most fundamental of "old scene" rules - Do NOT make money from WAREZ.. or other means of ill gotten gain from software.

    The fact that this freeware sh@t significantly waters down the Audioz customer experience is a by product and an annoying one at that of the primary objective, which is to provide content that will provide income for the distributor. The very fact that it appears that Saint ethics of the very site is against this principal by declaring that this "is a site for poor musicians" maybe in fact contravened by the unethical nature of the "source material" being used to "supply" poor musicians, whilst the poster makes significant gains from pay per click downloading business models.

    If Saint wanted to he could easily put a stop to any posts that had mirrors pointing to monetary gain from the distributor. Would that make a fair world? sure it would for some, but what would change? - nothing apart from the fact that sunny etc would need to get a proper job, the source material would still be raced and provided by the likes of horsemen and others... unfortunately, This does however suggest that the site owner may be in cahoots with the money making system because he appears to "allow it to happen" vs. making it publicly known that he wouldn't tolerate it because of the ethical arguments associated with the very nature of this practice. And maybe we could argue that AZ wouldnt exist without him/it.....

    Fundamentally, making money from releases of ANY description breaks the code, and goes against the try before buy mentality of scene & non scene groups.
    When we download stuff from R2R / AudioUtopia etc , we agree to "buy into the ethics" of what we are doing when using those releases, or.... we make a choice to go against the wishes of the people that create the releases if we download it from money makers distributers like sunny / integral / maegnetrix - as per R2R's nfo's... I'd suggest people only use the R2R approved distributers to download their stuff if they value the groups that create the tools we try everyday for free,

    I for one will stand up against anyone that p@sses off the very teams that provide our releases on a fair basis and THAT overides any of the side show stuff that seems to be clouding this issue / freeware bollocks etc... look at the "bigger picture".

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  16. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    It's really great that we get to speak our mind on the matter. Some voices rose concern and SAiNT heard them, now everyone gets to express their view on the subject.
    The vote was the way to go, we will see what comes out of it.
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  17. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    I don't mind seeing free posts, but it would probably be better to have a separate free section. But I don't like the idea of pay download links period. Kinda defeats the purpose of the shares to begin with in my opinion and some of the similar share sites out there have done away with them.
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  18. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I would be very surprised if it was the other way: Look at what they bring to the site and compare it to his releases.
  19. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    My understanding is simple.

    There is a thread running for freebies on AS where anyone can post the links to the providers. If someone is really genuine in his contribution and intentions, he can post link to the website in that thread. Of course, that's my take only.
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  20. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Let us not be too judgemental of people.He hasnt committed serious crime, after all we are talking about a warez sharing site.
    He is a human being like the rest of us.
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