Unpopular opinion /Daw edition

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by muaB, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Amen! Master Tracks Pro on the Mac was phenomenal (that was actually dedicated sequencer software, a beast that doesn't even exist today, not a DAW). As for the Amiga, I had Music X, which was pretty good, and Bars & Pipes Professional, a sequencer that has never been equalled on any platform since.

    I was never thrilled with Opcode's MIDI capabilities, though I had Vision DSP, not Studio Vision (and I hated OMS compared to FreeMIDI). But for audio, it was incredible. I'm still dumbfounded as to why present-day DAWs didn't crib Vision/Studio Vision's audio editing, routing or file management. Like I said above, I haven't really dived into PT 12 yet, but I'm hoping there's some similarities.
  2. angie

    angie Producer

    Nov 26, 2012
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    Yes! The best for me was Upbeat of Intelligent Music. I don't know why David Zicarelli of C74 resurrected M but not Upbeat
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2016
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  3. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Its lean and mean for sure, it will run on a pocket calculator,lol j/k.
    No frills so your get right down to the business
  4. iluvhiphop

    iluvhiphop Guest

    Any ideas where I can try this out?
  5. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    If DAWs were countries, Pro Tools would be China & Reason would be North Korea.
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  6. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Cubase is like your crazy conspiracy theorist uncle... You may love him but deep down you know he's a useless piece of shit. :rofl:
  7. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I have the biggest dick ever!

    What do you mean, wrong thread? I also have the biggest tits!
    Oh, DAWs? Well, yeah, have one.

    /Reason is like a mother. Cares for you, keeps the trouble away, tells you you're the greatest...And then releases you to a cold world outside without any preperation.
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  8. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
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  9. I swear, I cannot use absolutely any DAW besides FLS. I have tried, but my brain is fried...or something. Also, whenever any other DAW begins reading my installed instruments and plugins something always goes wrong and I just give up. I would love to use something else but haven't been able to take that first baby step. I am wayyyyy out there on this thing. Maybe it's my glasses.
  10. You are sooooo funny using Viviane's quote. I just caught that and laughed and laughed. You just made a shitty day a sunny one. Thanks!!!
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  11. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Anytime, my friend. In fact, Viviane's revelation blew my mind. Maybe we shouldn't speak of blows around her memory. :mates:
  12. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    buzz adapter is absolutely an amazing thing in fl studio . i was pretty sad when it didnt get included with 12 since its extremely low cpu and the amount of buzz effects out there is enormous , not to mention being able to automate parameters.

    i stuck with fl studio since about 6.
    just the windows alone and being able to sling them around on a dual monitor setup makes for personal efficiency in my workflow.
    that and the ease of automation, midi functions.

    only drawback for me is the on midi hardware at a time part
  13. TW

    TW Guest

    My 2 cents (allways using a mix of real recordings and vstis)

    Protools - toally overated. It is fine but by far not THE daw. It simply feels like it did not evolve mucxh the last 10 years.

    reaper - great performance best cpu usage of every daw i used so far. But also the worst GUI and handling you could imagine. Dont get me wrong i use reaper for tracking for example. I would never ever edit or mix a big project. You go crazy. TAkes a lot effort to master it to a point an expirienced user can handle every other daw on the market after a few hours.

    Sonar - bloated (mostly the GUI) with lots of things that are nice to have but you dont need to see all the time. I can finish a project from tracking till mixing with it. But the gui is not really intuitiv. And could be better. It is simply bloated dont know how i could describe it. The CPU /performance is not bad at all. Only reaper is better and its easily on par with cubase.

    S1 awesome DAW in terms of gui and handling. Never had a daw where i can work faster and more intuitive. However the performance is the worst of all daws i ever tried. Its, really really bad. As soon i have more than round about 30 tracks i have to worry my sytem resources (i7 6900 -32gig)

    Cubase - For me the best overall DAW there is. Good gui good performance. It isd not my main daw (got 8.5) But its definatly the best allround package you can get in my opinion.

    For me there is no perfect daw. For example at the moment i tracked 5 songs for en ep in reaper - edited the songs in S1 and i mix them now in Harrison mix bus. I had time to test it recently and i have to say the console emulation (probably the saturation) sounds amazing on this thing. I really see now need to summ on my spl mixdream summingbox.

    So there is no THE daw - thats an unpopular opinion. I allways change and mix daws.

    Not on mac since 3 years so no opinion on mac daws. Or pure EDM/Midi daws
  14. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Cubase: "Hey guys!"
    FL Studio: "Go fuck yourself, cubase!"
    Ableton Live: "Oh where's the love, ya guys? Let's smoke some weed n talk it out"
    Reaper: "Ableton why you so gray?"
    Ableton: "Not now, reaper!"
    Reason: "Herbberderrrlooberrrduhhhhhhhh"
    FL Studio (to Reason): "Seriously why has no one killed that overvalued retard yet?"
    Ableton: "You're being too hostile today, FL!"
    Logic: "Yeah FL... where's your manners?"
    Pro Tools: "What did I miss?"
    Logic: "The offline bounce feature, asswhipe"
    Pro Tools: "What's that?"
    Logic: "Exactly"
    Bitwig: "Hey guys I'm new here!"
    FL Studio: "Cool do you support mac?"
    Bitwig: "Yes!"
    FL Studio: "Fuck you then"
    Logic: "FL you need to chill"
    FL Studio: "Fight me, bro!"
    Logic: *Throws punch*
    FL: *Dodges* *Throws punch*
    Logic: "Owww you son of a b****!" *Pulls out gun* *Points it at FL*
    FL: "Oh shit!"
    Logic: "Get the hell away from me!"
    Reason: "Guys! I shit my adult diapers! Someone come cha-"
    Logic: *Shoots Reason in the head*
    Ableton: "Well shit I'll see you guys later"
    Logic: "Good!"
    Bitwig: "Well shit! Bad timing I see"
    Logic: "No everything's gonna be fine once I kill this stupi-"
    Studio One: *Walks in with 2 guns* *Shoots FL & Logic Pro in the head simultaneously*
    Studio One: "Sorry I couldn't stand those guys for another minute"
    Pro Tools: "But S1, you can't just shoot people like that!"
    Studio One: "I just did"
    Pro Tools: "You're disgusting but that's ok because now I am the top digital aud-"
    Studio One: *Shoots Pro Tools square in forehead*
    Studio One: "Now you're the top corpse in that pile"
    Everyone else: *claps & praises*
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2016
  15. @Impressive .. What the hell kind of reality scenario did you just create, dude? You fucking shot FL Studio and now I have nothing to use! You know that I can't make tracks with anything else. That was so very unthoughtful, but not just to me but thousands and thousands of others depending on that DAW for their everyday auditory survival. You're still a little pussy with that Justin Bieber (Bieber means beaver in Deutch, and you know what beaver is slang for, right!) as your avatar. What, should I do now, use Studio One or something? I'll need a full time tutor to understand even the basics to get at least a small handle on even how to record a new track. And what about time signatures and where is the damn metronome, WHERE IS EVERYTHING!!! Thanks for ruining my life...really.
  16. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Actually Bieber is seen here mid-execution. I'm the guy behind him. Lol.
    Relax, I killed Logic, too. That is my #1 DAW. I find all the other DAWs confusing too. It was a joke.

    "FL secretly survives & spends the next year or so hiding & rebuilding his fighting skills... then when the time is right, goes & seeks out & kills S1"
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2016
  17. Thank goodness, I thought it was all over for me.
  18. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    @Impressive, I'm sure you are starting out a saga, with multiverses, crossover episodes, archs, sequels and prequels included.
  19. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Sonar: Stands quietly in the shadows, watching... waiting...
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  20. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    for resurrection. Because it's already about as useful as a dead horse. Lol
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