SOLVED●<>●The Babyface Blues...Maybe The Baby Is Broken

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by superliquidsunshine, Dec 16, 2016.

  1. I have begun to have major issues with my Babyface that have just popped up out of the blue. I have installed the latest driver and am up to date on the Flash update so I do not think it is driver related and I never have had issues like this before.

    The unit is passing signal and I can route out to headphones, monitors and software, but for no reason that I can discern the signal just plain cuts out to internal effects inside Totalmix (reverb and/or delay) and my DAW is no longer is receiving a signal although routing has not changed. Sometimes powering down the Babyface works, others not. Sometimes restarting the computer works and sometimes not. Is the Babyface on its last legs or can there be an answer that I just cannot see.

    I am on an i7 3770 Asus computer.
  3. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    ouch.. that's a pricey little piece to be giving up the ghost my man..even if you got it used?
    Will you go ahead and try one of the Focusrites? Sadly may be time to switch from Blue.. to Scarlett
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  4. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    Remove the driver, reainstall it
    Ask RME what to do?
    Perhaps there is a way to reset it
  5. I did all the usual routines, the computer on/off, the Babyface on/off, uninstall/reinstall the drivers as well as firmware update, changed USB ports around. Sometimes when plugging the Baby back in there would be a monstrous growl which was horrible sounding. I contacted RME but they haven't gotten back to me.

    I moved the USB ports around again and fired up the DAW made a loop and so far it has not switched itself off in 50 minutes. So far so good. I found a guy selling a UCX that is basically new for 800 francs, maybe I can get him down a little. It would solve my previous issue for a pretty dang good price as well as perhaps my new one as well. Let's just see if it stays stable after I mess with it. I just installed FLS 12.4 and I will check out the new things as well as push the Baby a little. I hope it is OK as I would sell it and help fund the UCX.

    Anybody in the Basel area that needs a cheap guitar? I am giving a few away.
  6. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Man that sucks. I can feel your pain. I start to feel anxiety get panicky and get when music making stuff starts acting up.
  7. @subGENRE .. It felt like impending doom, a swirling grey mass of cold and lonely emptiness that would grab at me with barbed ripping tentacles, pulling me in to its jagged, saliva dripping jaws to rent me asunder. I almost drowned and disappeared into that sea of lonely emptiness only to be dragged back to the world of the living by a kindly old sailor in a green pointy hat. Thank goodness for small favors.

    I have felt better in my life.
  8. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    Call RME Tech Support ASAP !!!
  9. I have posted in the forum and am awaiting a reply. I had it up and running last night cycling round and round a simple loop with the seemingly new and improved 12.4 version of FLS. I hope after turning on the computer and firing it up and throwing a bit more at it that it will once again be the stable rock that it has been for the last bunch of years. I never had a problem at all before. Maybe it was user error and I am to blame. I took everything apart, the whole studio so I could begin using a new desk instead of the makeshift excuse I had going before. Nothing fancy but rack space and a draw for my midi control keyboard and a shelf for the screen and swivel base for the monitors. A Glorious DJ Workbench is what it is called. I might have scrambled the brains of the computer and Babyface by unplugging everything without powering down correctly. My brain has been rather scrambled and this is probably what it hopefully was/is. If last night's success continues today than maybe communication between the computer and the interface is back to a peaceful coexistence. If it still doesn't work today I guess I can test to see if it is the interface buy reinstalling my old Saffire6 USB and see if that runs without a hitch. If it does than the Babyface is toast. I promised to give away the Saffire the other day so I better use it for the test before I send it off.
  10. Lucvg

    Lucvg Newbie

    Apr 10, 2013
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    hi , I have had installed the newest driver last week, and suddenly it did not send any signal to the speakers, I installed an older driver and things worked fine again,
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  11. suckajim

    suckajim Member

    Sep 7, 2015
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    I have installed the latest driver a few days ago and noticed that no sound was coming from the speakers but in my case I have seen that in totalmix fx some routings were corrupt after the driver update so I had to configure routings again and it actually worked fine after that
  12. TW

    TW Guest

    Had problems too, with the routing after installing the latest driver. I went back to an older revision. Everything is fine now. My advise try an older driver rev.
  13. angie

    angie Producer

    Nov 26, 2012
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    This can be the lyric for my next song!

    Years ago I bought a FF800 , it arrived dead! One month of trouble for another one.. Now the graphic chip of my mbp has gone..
    It can happen even to the best of them...:wow:
  14. AwDee.0

    AwDee.0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 5, 2015
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    my friend joel had that problem one time, he took apart his pc and found a dead mouse...
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  15. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Dont foget to feed Broadwell. He gets tired and hungry. LoL
    @superliquidsunshine Just checking back to see if you got it sorted :fingers crossed:
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2016
  16. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    Deadmau5 must have been homeless at the time. You know, before all the fame and fortune.
    Now he lives in a bigger box.
  17. It's your's to do with what you like. If you need more let me know know. My music barrel is plum dry empty but my words keep a'flowing like a mountain river in the warm spring thaw.
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  18. Thanks for checking in subGENRE...I messed around today with it. When I first plugged it in and fired it up it growled at me again just like it was doing yesterday, but I re-removed it, plugged it back in and pushed the envelope and worked it out. The only thing that messed up the experience were some wonky old poorly coded plug-ins that froze up FLS, but the driver kept driving and never once veered. Since it seems to be in good working order after all I might just sell it and get the 250-300 bucks I should be able to get for it around here and pick up either a new Babyface Pro or a UCX that I have found from someone nearby-is that is asking 800. It supposedly is fairly new and either would solve my want of a third input. The UCX would be cooler as it has more of everything as well as compression to monitor with (I most probably wouldn't print them though). Have a good Sunday.
  19. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Glad to hear you got it sorted out. Sounds like electronic confusion after the move. The electrons had to get used to their new home!
  20. Exactly. They scattered in fear from rumour of a ghost in the machine.

    Baby, Baby, don't you know that I love you....

  21. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Hey! My computer is a step higher! I be on an i7 3780 Bsus.
    Music theory joke. :yawn:
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