Acustica Audio Presents....Nebula 4

Discussion in 'Software News' started by sideshowtmc, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    Guys, first let me say I'm a huge long time N3 fan, I beta test for AA and Tim P, but the N4 beta has not been released, so today we have no idea about N4, I'll report my opinions when there is something to report.

    Second, N4 is necessary to move the tech forward, especially with the new compressors, as N3 is almost a decade old now. As a tool, N3 will work for the next decade in our work, nobody has to upgrade, remember that it is your choice to do so. As AA develop N4 we'll all have the information necessary to determine if it is a tool we need in each of our work. I plan on running both until N4 replaces N3 in every way.

    Third, many 3rd party dev's are waiting to see what N4 brings to the table before committing, which is ok, let's not get negative before we know anything about a product that has yet to be released. There will also be a new group of dev's that will push N4 forward and most N3 libraries will work with N4.

    Remember, to each their own in their decisions about the tools they choose to use for their art...... and stay positive.
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  2. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    G wrote:

    Price is EXTREMELY simple.
    N4 will cost 239.
    Nebula2 support will be dropped
    Nebula3 support will be maintained
    Nebula3 server will be still on our shop, at 139
    There will not be any upgrade plan from nebula2 or nebula3 or nebula3 pro to nebula3 server.
    There will not be an upgrade plan from Nebula3 server to N4.

    Anyway for a temporary and limited amount of time:
    N4 will will be in presale with a 20% off (till 1-2-2017)
    N4 will be at the same time discounted 10% off cause Christmas (till 9-1-2017)

    There are also coupons:
    Nebula3 server customers will receive a coupon with 40% off.
    Nebula3 pro customers will receive a coupon with 20% off
    All Acustica customers will receive coupons depending an the amount of money they paid recently on our products

    You will not be able to sum coupons received by email: you should choose the best one. Coupons will have a deadline, it will be explicitly written in the email you'll receive.

    After this period there will not be an upgrade policy any more, apart the coupons you'll receive via email, Christmas, middle of august or black Friday.

    Future plans:
    Nebula4 will be upgraded constantly, possibly on monthly basis or even more often. We'll release new libraries and even free libraries
    We'll introduce Nebula free (basically a nebula4 free player, featuring free libraries like it is happening today in nebula3 land)

    At a point we'll drop Nebula3 server and we'll reach the final balance: Nebula3 server will be substituted by Nebula4 lite, a new version still not existing today. Upgrade policy or features planned are unknown. The name "LITE" tells you everything, it will be less powerful than nebula4.
    So if you trust the company and you use nebula a lot I HIGHLY suggest nebula4, TODAY, at this discounted price, which is less than the usual acqua plugin and it is leading POSSIBLY to an high number of updates and features. If you are NOT happy about nebula4 you can STILL take an engine from the nebula4 folder and USE it as a standard nebula3. Please note: the authorization process changed.
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  3. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    Nebula4_Pro_Tools_12_AAX_64bits.JPG Nebula4_NEPEQ_and_browser.JPG
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  4. Marsupilami

    Marsupilami Guest

    I cannot see any kind of negativity except if judged as such,
    Calibre and TinTin evaluating valid aspects.

    Like IvanGunkel I corresponded with known 3rd party developers
    but attributed to stay discreet.
    It is not that hard to make a guess on the issue yet.

    Will, repeating a flustered, bumfuzzled salami technique
    does not make necessarily things better, maybe polished a tad.
  5. Calmond

    Calmond Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2016
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    Oh, I'm a big fan of the tech too, the EQs have been one of my most exciting discoveries!
    I just ask for a bit more transparency from any company I do business with - especially smaller entities like AA.

    Creating a time-limited upgrade path but being evasive about which 3rd party devs are on board is not furnishing us with all the facts to be able to make informed decisions about whether this worth investing in, right now.
    I mean, lets face it, the stellar libraries by 3rd party devs have have been a real selling point and really helped take N3 to the next level.
    If those devs aren't on board, highlight the new school of N4 devs, don't be evasive.

    I imagined all the old 3rd party devs would have been privy to the new tech framework and invited into partnership via the new AA business model that was spoken about - long before the launch of the new platform. Not for them to be waiting on the sidelines until it's released, just like us consumers...but I guess not.

    It just feels like as loyal customers, we're being corralled further into blind loyalty and asked to make a leap of faith if we want to save some money from the outset. Limited N4 functionality, no improved sound running N3 libraries, a new skin, new browser, free Aqua Rose compressor and the vague promise of more upcoming features aren't really selling me, at this point.
  6. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    exactly same happenened last year as they forced user to upgrade to nebula 3 server from nebula 3 , you needs to take it yet it wont be cheaper never again . they also promised that they update server , but it gots no update anymore since near one year . the excuses are busy with Aqua , busy with Aqua etc etc .

    looks like exactly same will comes for Nebula 4 .

    i feel the same now with this annomcement from acustica .

    i didnt said the statement previous without reason .

    congratulation Acustica Audio
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  7. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Yeah thay must have learned from apple how to fool their customers
  8. oidua

    oidua Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    Early on I bought some version of Neb; couldn't log on their server and jadajada- never used it
  9. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    As we see this from our own perspectives, remember....... nobody has to buy N4, keep using N3 if you want. You are free to continue as you are, using the tool that works for you. If AA are not moving in the direction you are, go that other path.

    I personally am excited about the possibilities N4 will bring, we've needed N4 for some years IMHO.

    As always, to each their own.
  10. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    sorry WillTheWeirdo , dont get offended , but this are exactly what i describe as blind fanboy and lost the ability to see the reality behind .
  11. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    Nebula dont need to be ''see the reality behind''.... it's heard.
    Thats the factual reality that ''fanboy'' hear.

    But like stated before in other threads....some people like it loud or digitaly destroyed.

    I personaly prefer Music tone and harmonics over noise.
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  12. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    i dont speak about the plugins and quality , dont get me wrong , there are nothing to be discussed from me , i´m speaking about acustica as company with their new behaviour to their customer .
  13. SoundForSoul

    SoundForSoul Ultrasonic

    Dec 18, 2011
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    AA is top notch stuff. I am a die hard fan of Nebula, among with their other amazing plugins (Lime, Pink, Sand, Coral, etc.) since they have really helped me to step my game up and earn some quality clients! Can't wait to get my mouse over N4! :)
  14. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Noone is question the sound quality it is the
    Future plans:
    Nebula4 will be upgraded constantly, possibly on monthly basis or even more often. We'll release new libraries and even free libraries
    We'll introduce Nebula free (basically a nebula4 free player, featuring free libraries like it is happening today in nebula3 land)"

    They said the same a year ago they will continue to upgrade Nebula 3 server and release new stuff and nothing ever happend in that area so why believe it now?

    I might buy Nebula 4 anyway but i am not gonna expect anything else than what i got after i bought it
    It is better to do so than be dissapointed and have hopes for improvement of the plugin and get new librarys (not that we need new librarys i much rather see they can get it less cpu hungry)..
  15. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    It is what it is :)
    I'm not having any issues so far so I cant complain about their C.S.....I never needed them (him).
  16. Calmond

    Calmond Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2016
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    So the founder says new devs have agreed on the new AA developer program...but he also says he doesn't care about sales of Nebula because they are already low and they are making money from Aquas... I guess this is why a new Aqua seems to come out each month lol
  17. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    I'm not annoyed at all by N4, I'm thankful it's here as I've been requesting it for 3 years. N4 is all about the potential that N3 lacks IMHO, N3 is the past, N4 is the future.

    My opinion of N4 is that N3 came out in 2007-2008, it took us over 5 years to get a truly usable workflow, and that a N4 workflow change has some worried, lol.
    I'm thankful N4 will bring our Nebula workflow up to date more. Yes there will be some workflow changes, but those changes will move Nebula more in line with all our other modern plugins, and I for one am very thankful for this. I'm personally excited to move my Nebula workflow back to my everything else workflow, while enjoying all the new features N4 will be adding.

    FWIW, some in the N4 beta have commented that N4 sounds better than N3, and loads libraries much faster.
    One 3rd party dev is in the beta, so please don't be pessimistic, I'm betting most of the 3rd party dev's will go N4 in time, as the advantages are understood.
    We are just at the very very beginning of N4, and it's looking fantastic.

    After core 8 and 9, the new comp tech with separated Acqua's with the sound nailed, AA has my full faith and trust on N4.[​IMG]

    To always, to each their own.
  18. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    You do not offend me at all, but you don't know anything about me or my opinions and AA critiques, so your blanket statement just comes off as ignorant rambling that you directed in the wrong direction, as it would NEVER apply to me as I'm well known as one of G's biggest public critics, lol.

    If you have doubts, swing on over to GS and read my posts to G directly. I can't send you the 96 emails G and I went back and forth on, as they are private, but to sum those up, I don't pull punches in my opinions. G asked my to join the beta team because of my experience and very critical perspective. Yes, he asked me to stay critical as a beta tester, to help push the tech that I love.

    The beta group is a full on argument group, lol, it gets brutal in there at times, we are all some passionate people that freely express how we feel, but we all are after the best audio tools.

    So I am a huge fan of Nebula technology, but no I'm not your blind AA fanboy, I'm a professional, with professional opinions based on experience and personal testing.
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  19. LORE

    LORE Noisemaker

    Feb 16, 2016
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    This is a question specifically for WillTheWeirdo-if any one else wants to chime in feel free. Hi Will, have read a few of your informative posts over on Gearslutz and here regarding all things nebula and acqua so thanks for that.

    Am demoing Pink-do you find it adds a top end boost/sheen that sounds kind of exaggerated? I grew up with digital recording but I can't imagine hardware adding this kind of top end? I'm not a professional engineer by any means but have been a working musician for a while now so I think my ears are pretty good...

    Apart from that I must say these new plugins do sound amazingly good-just trying to figure out how to fit them into my workflow.

  20. SoundForSoul

    SoundForSoul Ultrasonic

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Acustica Audio's Nebula4 is finally out, with a special Xmas 30% off discounted price (available until 9th of January), 10 Gb of preset emulation libraries (eq’s, comps, filters. Preamps, etc.) and a special bonus in the form of Rose, a double personality comp (Fet and Opto). Current owners of Nebula 3, Nebula 3 Pro and Nebula 3 Server, please check your email and/or open a ticket for requesting your update discount codes. As a local dealer of AA, I could try to arrange for an additional 10% discount on top of that, so please send me a private message or email me at [email protected] Happy tweaking ya’ll ! Free trial available:
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