fls 12.4 weird problems

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by roku, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. roku

    roku Noisemaker

    Jan 9, 2015
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    so ever since updating to fls 12.4 ive been experiencing these 2 really odd problems.

    1. fls randomly opens a new project. i can be working on something and then all of a sudden...everything im doing is gone and its a new project. it doesnt ask me if i want to save or anything just "poof" new project.

    2. templates dont work. well...they work, but i can not start fls with a template. you know...normally fls opens using whatever template you were using when you closed it...but i cant get it to do that at all. no matter what i do fls will not open with any template that i close it with.

    obviously the first issue is a real problem as it can potentially cause the loss of work. ive never had any issues before...and ive been using fls since it was fruity loops. im using the r2r reg fix...if thats important.

    maybe ill try reinstalling fls and see if that fixes anything.

  2. roku

    roku Noisemaker

    Jan 9, 2015
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    reinstalling didnt help. the problems persist.

    i tried to roll back to 12.3 but that doesnt work either...by that i mean fls is still at version 12.4 after i run the 12.3 install file.
  3. Same here and it is really, really frustrating. I have no idea what has caused it and thought that it was just me and my machine. I think it has been happening for about a week or two. Anyone else?
  4. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Uninstall and then use the 12.3 installer...
  5. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    isn't this a feature? I hate it when fl opens up a template I used before, because my templates take ages to load.

    but to answer your question, does fl close correctly? or does it not respond after closing?
    if that is the case, that is why it won't save your preference on the next time you open it.
  6. I never went up to 12.4. I am still doing 12.1. Now what? It saves nicely.
  7. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    I'm using FL 12.4 daily and all works fine. It never happened to me even using previous versions.
  8. roku

    roku Noisemaker

    Jan 9, 2015
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    i dont want to do that since ill loose my several hundred plugin list and have to redo it. unless theres a way to keep my settings and file paths and plugin list?
  9. roku

    roku Noisemaker

    Jan 9, 2015
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    lol...no thats not a feature. its supposed to open with your last used template, because most people use the same template for every project.

    like mine...is just a simple template...with the mod wheel and after touch enabled...and a limiter on the master.....thats it. opens instantly.

    but to answer your question...yes fls closes normally. other than those 2 things...fls is behaving as it should.
  10. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    @roku Did you save your template in the templates folder ?
    make a new folder in the templates folder give it a name like mod wheel.
    Then open the template how you did before and resave it in the new folder.
    It will not work yet so close fl and restart it,
    then open the new template in the drop-down list file new from template
    or files open and search in the browser window for the template in the templates folder.
    Close fl and when it starts up it should be working.

    Not sure about fl randomly opening a new project can
    give you a few names of some folders and files to back up
    so you wont lose any setting like plugin list ect so you can try install fl again
    will be back in a few.
  11. roku

    roku Noisemaker

    Jan 9, 2015
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    thnks for the suggestions. yes the template is in the templates folder. i have been using this same template for years with no issues. its only since 12.4 that no templates work at all. not even the ones fls installs itself.

    and sure if you know which folders i need to back up so i can roll back to 12.3 that would be great thnx. and all i need to do is copy them back in and i wont have to re-do all my plugins and stuff? i never had to reinstall fls before.
  12. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Hi sorry i took so long getting back as something came up.

    On your pc go to Image-Line\FL Studio 12\System
    where you installed fl into
    and save the System folder in a rar as a back-up
    its realy only the browser folder in it you want as a backup
    but is just as easy to backup the full System folder thats there.

    In the browser folder there are the Snap1 to 10
    these hold the snap windows that you set at the top
    of the browser window in fl and search paths in the browser.

    Next go to Image-Line\FL Studio 12\Data\Patches

    And backup the Plugin database folder
    the Plugin database holds all your plugin info
    so if anything goes wrong when you reinstall fl you can just copy them folders back.

    Some more info here.
    Copying or migrating an existing FL Studio installation

    Not sure if you want to try backup your fl reg but better safe than sorry,
    Right click on the Image-Line reg stored here.


    and here


    And chouse ( export ) and save it to your desktop giving them names like fl reg backup 1 and 2.
    you should be safe now if anything goes wrong,

    Best of luck.
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  13. roku

    roku Noisemaker

    Jan 9, 2015
    Likes Received:
    thank you for that!

    i did what you said...i backed up those folders and files, i uninstalled fl studio, i reinstalled using the 12.3 installer and i STILL have 12.4.

    and those bugs still persist.

    i have no idea whats going on.
  14. roku

    roku Noisemaker

    Jan 9, 2015
    Likes Received:
    ok...seems i had to completely get rid of the entire folder fls installs to. now im back to 12.3 and things seem ok now.

    thnx for the help.
  15. PJS

    PJS Newbie

    Oct 17, 2016
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    hi everyone here is the solution just open blank fl studio project and that project open your fl studio project flp file which you save before.

  16. roku

    roku Noisemaker

    Jan 9, 2015
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    that doesnt at all do what i wanted. i wanted fls to open with the template i use. having to open a new file with the template every time defeats the purpose.

    its a bug with 12.4 i have reverted back to 12.3 and everything is fine again.
  17. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Is it too much to press "load" instead? lol

    Or you could make a shortcut to a project flp [the template] and use that to run FL instead of the usual shortcut. There's your template loaded into FL......with one click.

    Is it really better to instead backup the registry, rar some folders, uninstall 12.4, reinstall 12.3 and extract the rars and maybe add the registry? All to get 12.3?
  18. roku

    roku Noisemaker

    Jan 9, 2015
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    you miss the point. this was a bug. fls was not functioning as it should. the fact that there was a workaround didnt change the reality of it being broken. why continue to use the software if it has problems? also...this was the lesser of 2 bugs i was experiencing. the real problem was the bug that opened a new project out of the blue without saving the project i was working on, resulting in the loss of work. it was doing that every 5-15 minutes, i couldnt get any work done.

    so....in a word...yes. it was very much worth it to do all that to go back to 12.3.
  19. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    No, I did get that bit. ;)
    The workaround fixes the problem - the workaround is doing exactly what the software would be doing were it not for the bug. And then, 12.3 has bugs, no? How far are you going to go back? :D

    I wasn't criticising, rather I find it funny that having to press "load" is less hassle than backing up and reinstalling. Plus, if that's the only thing that makes 12.3 "better" then why install 12.4 anyway? If there isn't a reason to "upgrade", then don't, is the usual advice.

    Making flps as templates, and making shortcuts to them on the taskbar isn't just a workaround - it's a good way to approach any and every application one might use.

    Plus, it beats re-installing and it means you get 12.4. ;) I'm on 12.1 I think. Reinstalling is hassle. momo's guide ^^^^ looks perfect. Cheers momo.

    Yeah. I wasn't on about that. I was replying to your post about the template issue.
  20. roku

    roku Noisemaker

    Jan 9, 2015
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    the template bug was just annoying and not the reason i reverted back. if that was the only issue then i wouldnt have bothered...i would have just lived with it until the next update which would probably fix it.

    as far as 12.3 having bugs....i havent had any. its rock solid. in fact this latest 12.4 is the only version ive ever had any problems with. the reason to upgrade was for the new features/vsts ...which arent worth it to me for the bugs i experienced. since ive never had any issue with updating in the past...it seemed like a good idea to just go ahead and do it. it wasnt.

    no worries...everything is back to normal now.