Strange XML occurance.

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by michaelv, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. michaelv

    michaelv Noisemaker

    Dec 30, 2013
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    Recently, out of nowhere, Logic started to randomly crash. On further investigation I found that the Service Center and Kontakt standalone were constantly crashing on launch. I half-solved the problem. I removed all the XML files and put them back in , one by one, to discover which was the culprit. I found that two libraries were the offenders , and once their XML was removed everything worked again . I don't know why this happened, because until this, those two libraries were fine and I had no such crashing.

    I decided to reinstall them. I removed the XMLs and two plist files for them then re-added them to the library. Same problem. They both caused the same crashing. I took a look in the the Service Center folder and noticed that these XML files were not the same as all the others. For some reason they were being saved as the attached , and before that they were being saved as Final Cut Pro documents ! What the Hell is that ?? Never come across this before.

    My question is: why? And how do I fix it. And is it the cause of the crashing issue ? Any suggestion will be appreciated. It's really weird, no ? In the attached I only installed one of the libraries, but the other is doing exactly the same thing.

    Thanks for any advice.

  3. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I don't know how it works in Mac, but in PC you must remove not only the files but the registry entries of the Kontakt Libs. Anyway, the different type of document assigned by the MacOS is really weird

    The cause of crash could be the famous kontakt lib id duplication, but I'm not en expert. You can ask our great Kontakt guru, first read the kontakt mac problems thread.
  4. michaelv

    michaelv Noisemaker

    Dec 30, 2013
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    Hi there, and many thanks for you input. I'm not really a Windows expert, so I don't know anything about registry entries in this case.I don't know what the Mac equivalent would be. I removed not only the XML files, but both plists for the two libraries. Now everything is working again. I will certainly check the ncint id duplication when I get a moment. Usually, when a clashing id number occurs, one of the libraries simply disappears from the library pane, but leaves an empty grey bar, with a "cannot be found" alert. This way, I know there's been a clash.

    What is puzzling me, though, this odd file conversion to Text Wrangler. This is a first. There are about 220 or so XMLs in that folder and these are the only two like that. I' m speculating if any future library addition , might do the same thing, but right now I don't have time to experiment….

    I'm a little surprised that no-one else has had any thoughts…..
  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I didn't even know, but Textwrangler seems to be a very popular text/code/xml/html and so on MacOs editor.
    This should mean that, even being standard xml files, MacOS recognizes which ones have been created/edited using Textwrangler.

    What beats me is that an XML generated by NI Service Center shouldn't have anything to do with Textwrangler, since these Service Center XML files are generated automatically.

    Perhaps (and this is a crazy thought) if you're using non official nicnt files (like the ones in the AZ brother site) and this nicnt have been made using TextWrangler editor (pretty plausible) somehow the resulting NI Service Center XML files still "inherits" the TextWrangler nicnt origin.

    Hope it helps. The plist fdata perhaps is the MacOS equivalent of the Windows Registry. Again, long and risky hypothesys. But If I'm right.. hell yeah, wouldn't be cool? lol


    PS: have you looked in the Mac Kontakt forum section?
  6. michaelv

    michaelv Noisemaker

    Dec 30, 2013
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    Thanks for that. You make a very good speculative point about "non official" . However, one of the two libraries has an nicnt and wallpaper created by me, and when I first installed it, it worked. To be absolutely honest, I've been so busy recently I don't actually remember if the XML was rendered as a tex Wrangler file at the time. It's entirely possible that you're correct, and I think it's a good thought.

    I will take a look at the Mac Kontakt forum section, too, thanks….
  7. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    How about creating a new nicnt file for one of the troublesome libraries? You know how to do them.. nothing to lose.
  8. michaelv

    michaelv Noisemaker

    Dec 30, 2013
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    A good idea. However, the one in the example I posted is "official". It's an nicnt created by the company, to be added in the "official" way. Of course, I've bought many libraries that only appear in the file panel, and not the main library banner one. With many of those I've created my own nicnt's to make them available in the library window.

    But the one I posted should really work, out of the box, so to speak. Should I really be creating my own nicnt to something like that ?

    Thanks ….
  9. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    probably the extension is wrong mapped
  10. michaelv

    michaelv Noisemaker

    Dec 30, 2013
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    Meaning? And how is it fixed?

    Thanks for the post.
  11. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I wouldn't get too hung up on the default document type - if you want to change this, do a Finder get info on the file and reassign the "Opens With" field to Xcode (at least that's what all my Kontakt XMLs want to open with). The odd assignment may be a product of some kind of corruption, but in itself it's merely a curiosity. I suspect that when you initially reinstalled without trashing the .plist prefs files first, the problem was reintroduced by the prefs files next time you booted Kontakt - this happens a lot with licensing issues, you have to clear out the XML and both prefs files before reinstalling. If I understand your later post, when you trashed the prefs as well and then reinstalled, the crashing stopped. If so, the prefs were almost certainly retaining whatever voodoo was messing up your rig (90% of problems get solved but never explained).

    It's def not a nicnt conflict - if that was a factor the lib wouldn't crash, it just wouldn't show up and it would mess up the other lib in the libs tab.
  12. michaelv

    michaelv Noisemaker

    Dec 30, 2013
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    Thanks, Frubbs, I'd already changed it to plistedit Pro. I went back and looked and couldn't even find Xcode in the drop-down list. To be honest, I've never heard of it.

    Regarding trashing the preferences and it working, I don't recall that. I took a look at my earlier posts and can't find where I'd written that. Certainly, if that had been the case I'd have probably solved that problem and wouldn't be posting.

    Yes, you're correct, whenever I've had nicnt conflicts the library will show up as a grey slab instead of the proper banner.It's then was to go and fix. Right now, I still have no solution to the crashing of those two. when I get time I take another look.
  13. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I'm wondering if the corruption might be retained in your content file. When you trashed the XMLs before reinstalling, did you trash the prefs file "com.native-instruments.Content"? Sometimes it retains bad mojo even when you trash the lib-specific prefs files.
  14. michaelv

    michaelv Noisemaker

    Dec 30, 2013
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    No, I didn't. That's a very good suggestion, Sir. I'll do so and report back. I'm not the brightest pixel in the computer.

    Thanks for your kind interest….

    Happy holidays to all.
  15. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Wrong extension!
    Silly Mac Finder is hiding the extensions from you.
    In Finder, go to Menu:
    Finder => Preferences => Advanced
    and make sure "Show all filename extensions" is checked.

    Then rename the files so that they end in .xml and nothing else.
  16. michaelv

    michaelv Noisemaker

    Dec 30, 2013
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    Thanks. I understand it's the wrong extension, hence my post. My question is why is it the wrong extension,when all the others ( some 200 + ) are all .XML right out of the box ? The reason for wanting to know is if there's an underlying problem that might cause issues in the future. Surely simply renaming does not address the issue. In fact I already renamed them ,but it didn't solve the crashing problem.
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